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View Full Version : Trying to get her ducks in a row --- Abby-Helen

10-24-2017, 05:08 PM

10-24-2017, 05:36 PM
I did something wrong, this was not supposed to be this big.
Please tell me how I can correct this.


D Akey
10-25-2017, 05:32 AM
I looked under the FAQ and it didn't speak specifically about the accepted file sizes and formats.

As to size, I don't know how big you tried to post but it usually compresses your image to within their posting parameters. If it was a size issue it must have been huge. If you can reduce the file size and try again that would be a place to start.

But usually the problem lies when someone tries to post the working file that's still in the Artrage format. If that's what the problem is, export it as a jpeg or something listed here.

Valid file extensions: arscript bmp col cpr doc gif jpe jpeg jpg pdf png prs psd stk txt

Hope that helps. Beyond that you might try contacting an admin.

10-25-2017, 09:09 AM
D. Akey, thank you for the advice. I will contact the admin.


10-25-2017, 09:29 AM
HannaRage, Would you please tell me how I can reduce the size of,
"Trying to get her ducks in a row."
Also, I read the 'how to submit artwork' but find it confusing.
Would you please clarify.
Thank you,

D Akey
10-26-2017, 04:39 AM

I guess the admin didn't see this. Here's one very brief hint. Hope this helps.

As to file size, you may want to try 250kb as a test. Below you will find the upload area. "+Post New Thread" (scroll down below where you enter your text to see the upload area).

Can't wait to see your work displayed!

10-26-2017, 08:21 AM
D. Akey, Thank you for your helpful guidance. I appreciate it.
I'll study your suggestions & eventually I'll get my little brain
to understand how it's done.