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09-06-2017, 11:49 PM

I have some suggestions for future versions of Artrage.

- please update the way the visibility of layers is displayed in the Layers window (the little eye icons). Right now, it is very hard to see at first glance which layers are visible and which are not. The eye icons are actually visible when a layer is hidden, and not visible when the layer is visible. This is inverse to what you would expect.

Instead, please make the icons more distinguishable. Hide the eye icon when the layer is hidden, make the icon visible when the layer is visible. There is no need for a closed eye icon at all, it just makes it hard to distinguish it from the 'open eye' icon.

Also, please make the height of each layer in the Layer list lower. Right now, a lot of screen space is wasted, you need to scroll a lot when there are a lot of layers.

- In the Warp filter, please make the maximum radius of the brush larger. I'm sure this is due to performance reasons, but the max radius needs to be much, much larger. In Photoshop, you can actually set a brush radius of 15.000 pixels in the Liquify filter. In Artrage, only a very small fraction of that is possible. You might want to do it the way Paintstorm Studio handles this: deformations are done to a preview/ down-sized version of the layer, the deformations are applied to the high-res layer afterwards.


09-07-2017, 07:20 PM
Some notes on these things that may or may not help you right now:

- the eye icon is hidden by default because most users are more likely to leave layers visible and occasionally hide one than vice versa, so need to easily spot the hidden layer. It also reduces the visual clutter around the layer preview, and helps keep the size down. If there was no icon at all, we would need to put something else there so that people knew where to click when it was hidden. Tip: If you hold ALT and click an 'eye', it will toggle the visibility of every other layer instead, which may help if you are working across a lot of layers. You can also hide/show groups in batches.

- layer height was actually reduced by a third in ArtRage 5. If you're seeing a large size/the same as in AR4, you may have 'Large Layer Previews' switched on (turn it off from the layers menu options). We might be able to make them smaller, but there's a point where they will become unusable, so we would have to approach it carefully. You might find Groups are a better option for layer management if you have that many layers, as you can collapse anything you aren't using.

- Warp: yes, this is a performance issue. Tool size in general is something people always want larger sizes for, and that is largely limited by performance. It's the sort of thing we'll revisit whenever there's a major update in speed and see if it can be sensibly adjusted or not. ArtRage warp is also doing a lot more than in Photoshop, as it is moving the paint depth at the same time, so it will never be able to match Photoshop for size/speed.

The maximum diameter currently is about 650 pixels at 500%.

09-07-2017, 09:07 PM
- In the Warp filter, please make the maximum radius of the brush larger. I'm sure this is due to performance reasons, but the max radius needs to be much, much larger. In Photoshop, you can actually set a brush radius of 15.000 pixels in the Liquify filter.

keep in mind that photoshop liquify has gotten a relatively recent very major upgrade, and it's currently very heavily GPU-accelerated, leading to a drastic tool size range increase;

artrage does not have GPU support at all, and while they might (hypothetically and very unlikely, but who knows) implement it for a single tool only, it's very improbable given that photoshop delivered that feature upgrade for a huge userbase of photo retouchers who depend on it in their pipeline, and neither artrage has that many users (and programmers supporting it), nor it can otherwise really utilize GPU optimizations (you can look this up on these boards if you're interested.)

there really are occasions where combining two packages in your workflow will be more efficient than asking for one package's feature to replicate the other completely; this would be one of those.

also, what HannahRage said regarding the complexity of artrage vs. photoshop document contents that are affected by this tool.