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View Full Version : First sketch,and first block in with ref picture

03-14-2017, 08:38 AM
924539249192459 50 birthday present on canvas.. some work left to do. finishing up. The sketch I begin with,doesn't look like the final piece. It's quite easy to fix mistakes by draw digitally. I really like this way to do "artwork" And I have tried different types of paint programs. But I enjoy Artrage the most. I think it's a fantastic program.

03-16-2017, 07:06 PM
I have no idea what to do with the background🙈.. A sauna,or a beach.. or something else.. I don't know yet.

03-17-2017, 02:16 AM
I have no idea what to do with the background🙈.. A sauna,or a beach.. or something else.. I don't know yet.

Clients need to provide better bios!

Nice start.

03-17-2017, 03:44 AM
Clients need to provide better bios!

Nice start. Thank you! . I don't no what you mean with "bios"?

03-17-2017, 03:52 AM
Thank you! . I don't no what you mean with "bios"?

Bio, short for "biography" so that you really get to know your subject when you start.

Like his wife should provide: "he loves hot-tubs in winter", or "margaritas by the pool", or "walking in his library/study drinking brandy wrapped only in a towel".... stuff like that!

03-17-2017, 05:18 AM
Bio, short for "biography" so that you really get to know your subject when you start.

Like his wife should provide: "he loves hot-tubs in winter", or "margaritas by the pool", or "walking in his library/study drinking brandy wrapped only in a towel".... stuff like that! Yes of course.. I know stuff about him .Because of his wife... He loves to travel. So I put him on a beach. :-)

03-17-2017, 07:01 AM
Yes of course.. I know stuff about him .Because of his wife... He loves to travel. So I put him on a beach. :-)

Nice! Sounds perfect!

03-17-2017, 11:50 AM
Nice! Sounds perfect!
And a beach it will be.😊 A lot of detail left to do. But it's getting how I wanted. I'm not use to paint nature. It's a challenge.

03-18-2017, 06:28 AM
great start ;) with AR

03-18-2017, 06:40 AM
great start ;) with AR
Thanks! :-)It's not my first drawing with AR .. I mean first sketch I did of this person 😊

D Akey
03-18-2017, 07:18 AM
When you're doing caricatures, bear in mind that there are other elements to an image than a big head and details in the body. If, for example you are doing a guy who prides himself in the fitness and strength of his body's muscle bulk and definition, whether or not it shows to the casual eye, you may want to consider exaggerating the size of his brawn. Right now, with the scale of the head, his body looks a little physically weaker than you want to, which I doubt you're after as a look.

The other thing I can tell about this fellow from his photo is that he is somewhat flashy. That means you can also exaggerate those things like his jewelry, his chains, his sun glasses, and if he had a car, you would want to make that look as hot as possible.

I don't know if the girl is safe to remain in his life or not, but I kind of get that her beauty and sexiness is something he also "wears".

So I could see you doing a great caricature of his head, as you do so well, but make his body really huge in the shoulders, chest and biceps. You could have the girl clinging to him like in a Frazetta painting or one by Boris.

Looking at him, the contemporary celebrities who I immediately think of are Vladimir Putin and actor Vin Diesel. Very masculine. Fast, hot shots, and with all the alpha male trimmings.

So sometimes you may want to push things further. However, if you're afraid you might offend (which is always a risk), you can play it safe and merely exaggerate the things you are doing and avoid the psychological portrait.

Anyway, those are some of the things that you could push if you ever wanted to take it to the next level.

The recognition quality of the head is fantastic as ever. You are very good at that stuff.

:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::):):):):):cool::coo l::cool::cool::cool:

03-18-2017, 08:47 AM
When you're doing caricatures, bear in mind that there are other elements to an image than a big head and details in the body. If, for example you are doing a guy who prides himself in the fitness and strength of his body's muscle bulk and definition, whether or not it shows to the casual eye, you may want to consider exaggerating the size of his brawn. Right now, with the scale of the head, his body looks a little physically weaker than you want to, which I doubt you're after as a look.

The other thing I can tell about this fellow from his photo is that he is somewhat flashy. That means you can also exaggerate those things like his jewelry, his chains, his sun glasses, and if he had a car, you would want to make that look as hot as possible.

I don't know if the girl is safe to remain in his life or not, but I kind of get that her beauty and sexiness is something he also "wears".

So I could see you doing a great caricature of his head, as you do so well, but make his body really huge in the shoulders, chest and biceps. You could have the girl clinging to him like in a Frazetta painting or one by Boris.

Looking at him, the contemporary celebrities who I immediately think of are Vladimir Putin and actor Vin Diesel. Very masculine. Fast, hot shots, and with all the alpha male trimmings.

So sometimes you may want to push things further. However, if you're afraid you might offend (which is always a risk), you can play it safe and merely exaggerate the things you are doing and avoid the psychological portrait.

Anyway, those are some of the things that you could push if you ever wanted to take it to the next level.

The recognition quality of the head is fantastic as ever. You are very good at that stuff.

:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::):):):):):cool::coo l::cool::cool::cool:
I all ready notice that about the big head. I never just draw a big head. I received some more pictures of this guy,and I find out that we life in the same neighbourhood. So I can make a better caricature now.. I update along the way the piece is coming together. I'm far from done with this one. But I don't have much time. So I have to draw/paint this weekend. Thanks for the nice words.

03-19-2017, 07:25 AM
I change a lot efter the first drawing. First block in...That's the beauty of digital painting. Making mistakes,and fixed it easily. Still some stuff to fix. I know. . I hope to be done efter this weekend. About 20 hours on this piece

03-23-2017, 12:30 AM
Likeness and pose already look exceptionally good. Not unespectedly from You, but always stunning.

03-23-2017, 12:35 AM
Likeness and pose already look exceptionally good. Not unespectedly from You, but always stunning.
Thank you,Caesar! 😊 Soon I'm travelling to Rome. I hope the weather will be OK.. Looking so forward to this trip. We leaving the cold weather behind oss on Monday 😊

03-23-2017, 12:39 AM
So far weather is very often fine, spring started also officially now, and we're further working to improve it for Your most pleasant stay! :o;)

03-23-2017, 01:49 AM
So far weather is very often fine, spring started also officially now, and we're further working to improve it for Your most pleasant stay! :o;) Thank you! 😊

Trex 550 Pilot
05-15-2017, 06:15 AM
Fantastic job, love the pencil sketch! Great color and detail. Keep it up!