View Full Version : Select visible

Edward Ingram
02-25-2017, 09:59 PM
Would it be hard to provide a "select visible from selected layer"?
I think Gimp has this if anyone is interested in the source code.

02-26-2017, 02:22 AM
Sorry Edward, but I had to google what "select visible from layer" in Gimp meant. Is this what you are asking:

"In photoshop, if one wants to make a selection based on what is visible, they hold down control and click on the layer. For example, if you were to write some text and then you wanted to make a selection based on that, you'd hold down control and click on the layer's preview icon in the layers panel. Then you'd get some 'marching ants' in the shape of the text you just typed in."

Doesn't the Transform Layer function under the Edit Menu do this without the ants?

02-26-2017, 04:05 AM
I'm not sure if you asking how to select a layers contents or how to select a layer by clicking on a colored area of the canvas, so I'll explain how to do both.

To help find what layer has a particular area of paint (Useful if you use a lot of layers, like I do at times):

Select the Transform Tool (Note: This has now been removed from the Tool panel and placed on the Main menu along the top of the ArtRage Canvas area).
Open the Settings Panel, if it's not already open, locate the option that reads "Select Layer" and make sure it is checked on.
Click on the area of your canas that you are hoping to find the proper layer for among your layer stack.
At this point in ArtRage 5, you will have entered the Transformation Mode, with the layer holding the paint you clicked on put within the transformation rig. If you intended to transform that area, you can proceed to do so now. If you just wanted to locate that layer, just click on the "X" icon of the Transformation panel or Hit your Escape key on your keyboard, to exit the transformation mode.
The layer with the paint you clicked upon should now be the layer highlighted on the layer panel.

To select a single layers paint contents:

Locate the layer that holds the color you wish to select (if you can find the right layer, try using the technique listed out above).
Right Click the layer tab on the Layer panel or select the menu button for that layer and then select the option to "Select Layer Contents".
The paint of that layer should now be selected, allowing you to copy and paste it or used as a color mask.

Edward Ingram
02-26-2017, 07:20 PM
[QUOTE=Someonesane;515428]I'm not sure if you asking how to select a layers contents or how to select a layer by clicking on a colored area of the canvas, so I'll explain how to do both.
To select a single layers paint contents:

Locate the layer that holds the color you wish to select (if you can find the right layer, try using the technique listed out above).
Right Click the layer tab on the Layer panel or select the menu button for that layer and then select the option to "Select Layer Contents".
The paint of that layer should now be selected, allowing you to copy and paste it or used as a color mask.

I see that this only selects where there is paint. I thought it would select the entire layer (since it says "select layer")
This does exactly what I need. Thank you.
And thank you for all your many contributions and help!

02-27-2017, 02:47 AM
I see that this only selects where there is paint. I thought it would select the entire layer (since it says "select layer")
This does exactly what I need. Thank you.
And thank you for all your many contributions and help!

Happy to have helped! :cool:

I see your point about the wording. I wonder if they should rename it to something like "Select Paint Perimeters"? Hmm... Some people might then assume it'd select the paint from every layer :confused:. Tough one.