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View Full Version : Lechuga / Lettuce.-

11-30-2016, 11:02 AM
Una hoja de lechuga "Marbel", como se la conoce acá en Chile.
Calcado de imagen + Tiza + paciencia+paciencia+paciencia+ .........etc.-
Y un detalle ampliado a 400%.-

A leaf of lettuce "Marbel", as it is known here in Chile.
Image + chalk + patience + patience + patience + ......... etc.-
And a detail extended to 400% .-

11-30-2016, 03:05 PM
Great detail work Damasocl! That had to take a lot time to paint out. It looks like a photograph! Job well done.

11-30-2016, 10:35 PM
That is just Fantastico Damasocl Ok I will save it, so if when I'm in one of my Mad

moments I may try to copy if I can find my store of Patience plus :confused:


11-30-2016, 10:40 PM
Well, it's astonishing that the lettuce leaf remained fresh up to the end of Your excercise ... LOL:p:o
Incredible outcome!

12-01-2016, 03:22 AM
HwyStar, eighty+, Caesar:

Gracias por los comentarios, muchas gracias!

En verdad, me llevó bastante tiempo y paciencia terminar este trabajo. A medida que avanzaba en este trabajo, pensaba: "Qué maravillas hubiesen logrado los pintores impresionistas si hubiesen utilizado Art Rage...".-
Obviamente, que la hoja de lechuga y el resto de ella, fueron "devoradas" mucho antes de pintarla.
Noté que la "Tiza" logra efectos extraordinarios al elegir diferentes efectos/tamaños, ...
Nunca antes yo había utilizado la "Tiza".

Thanks for the comments, thank you very much!

In truth, it took me enough time and patience to finish this work. As I advanced in this work, I thought: "What wonders would the impressionist painters have achieved if they had used Art Rage ..."
Obviously, lettuce leaf and the rest of it, were "devoured" long before painting it.
I noticed that the "chalk" achieves extraordinary effects when choosing different effects / sizes, ...
Never before had I used the "Chalk".