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View Full Version : Low window resolution on Retina display

09-02-2016, 01:49 AM
Hey there,

I'm using ArtRage 3 Studio Pro (3.5.12) on a MacBook (OS X 10.11.6). Sadly there seems to be a bug concerning the window resolution. I tried to screenshot the problem, but in the image the ArtRage window looks much smoother now. In front of the screen I can see every pixel of the ArtRage window, while the desktop background is perfectly sharp. When I worked with ArtRage on Windows, everything was fine.

Do you know this issue? Thanks in advance (:



09-02-2016, 12:44 PM
ArtRage doesn't support Retina display on Mac OSX yet - it's something we're looking at for future editions (it requires rebuilding the interface completely, so it's not something we can easily add in an update).

09-11-2016, 06:23 AM
Ok, thanks for your answer. I'm looking forward to a future edition which will support it.
