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View Full Version : Shortcut to adjust pencil tilt

06-29-2016, 11:29 AM
Hi All,

I'm using a Wacom Intuos Art tablet and the pen it comes with. It doesn't have the capability to auto-register tilt/barrel/etc., which would have been nice but I'm new to this and, y'know, budgets.

I'd like to set up the right click on the pen to switch the pencil tool tilt to 100% (and possibly bump the size up as well) to approximate using the side of the pencil. Currently I have to stop what I'm doing and manually adjust the setting. Does anyone have any thoughts on how to do this? The Wacom utility will let me assign a set of keys to the button, and I found a way to set shortcuts for tool size/pressure ...

I suppose another option would be a shortcut to switch between two different pencil presets.

Thanks in advance for your help.

06-30-2016, 09:16 AM
Unfortunately there are a great number of functions that do not have keyboard shortcut assigning capabilities, and this is true for tilt. Even tool presets may let you tap to switch between them in workbench mode, but there is no way to assign a hotkey to cycle between the tools on the workbench either, or even cycle between tool presets. These are a few of the requests I have made in the suggestions subforum. An alternative, and far less useful work around, is setting the tilt to an angle and then just adjust the size and pressure to get those thick and thins.

Also, if you hold Shift and drag while having a drawing or painting tool selected it will increase the size by dragging to the right, and decrease it by dragging to the left. This little shortcut is nice for bypassing the incremental size adjusting through keyboard shortcuts, it gives a heads up display of the size adjustment for some tools too. :)

Good luck and if you figure out a work around for tilt adjusting via keyboard shortcut please do let us know.