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View Full Version : Between Worlds

06-26-2016, 06:03 PM
two dissimilar artistic worlds merge into a single new form, further explorations into digital expressionism... please enjoy..

D Akey
06-27-2016, 07:17 AM
This looks to me like a luminous spirit rider mounted on board a mystical llama high in the Andes, with the upper half above our ability to see. I'd call this one:

Incan Mountain Peeking - Alpaca Lunch

Really beautiful colors and composition.

:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::):):):):):cool::coo l::cool::cool::cool:

06-28-2016, 01:33 AM
Right and one of them seems to leak into the other one from an angle with its alien streams taking the orderly shape of the second one though ....
A really hard challenge perfectly solved! :eek::cool::D
I see something which looks like the star wars machines on the icy planet .... ;):o

Marilyn Anne
06-28-2016, 01:54 AM
It is so interesting to look at! The bright colors are so eye catching and the movement is like the Teutonic Plates!

06-29-2016, 07:35 AM
Gary, so many amazing colors and shapes, very interesting, I see a big dog, (love dogs) so colorful, very nice, I always come back and look twice because there is so much to see, don't want to miss any

06-30-2016, 05:55 AM
This looks to me like a luminous spirit rider mounted on board a mystical llama high in the Andes, with the upper half above our ability to see. I'd call this one:

Incan Mountain Peeking - Alpaca Lunch

Really beautiful colors and composition.

:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::):):):):):cool::coo l::cool::cool::cool: thanks my friend, I like your title for this, it really fits the image well.:cool::cool::cool:

Right and one of them seems to leak into the other one from an angle with its alien streams taking the orderly shape of the second one though ....
A really hard challenge perfectly solved! :eek::cool::D
I see something which looks like the star wars machines on the icy planet .... ;):o LOL you know that popped into my mind as well while looking at this the infamous "Walkers" another potential name for this one.:rolleyes::rolleyes::cool::cool:

It is so interesting to look at! The bright colors are so eye catching and the movement is like the Teutonic Plates! thanks Marilyn Anne this was actually giving me fits as I was
developing it and I just about gave up then I added the layer of bright colors and worked with some PS masking and pulled out this work... so happy you like the results.:):):)

Gary, so many amazing colors and shapes, very interesting, I see a big dog, (love dogs) so colorful, very nice, I always come back and look twice because there is so much to see, don't want to miss any What more could an artist wish that to have his work draw the view back and back to see more and other details revealed... thanks so much dear friend :):):cool::cool::cool:

07-06-2016, 11:09 PM
Very interesting structures. Not easy to paint. Grats.