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04-15-2016, 03:12 AM
DAkey and Caesar, thanks for the advise, I really pondered on that one and thought I would post it to get your advise, thank you, hope this is a little better

D Akey
04-15-2016, 11:36 AM
It's certainly better. But it looks a hazard. Might want to lop it off near the trunk. Like they say about writing, you have to be willing to kill off your children. Which of course has nothing to do with your actual children. More about what you create, if a bit doesn't serve, got to let it go. . . sometimes down to the nub.

Anyway, Pat, the take-away on this is that you want to give all the key bits a meaning or purpose where it serves the painting and is artistically articulated. You would be amazed what people will latch on to when looking at a painting. Sometimes what the artist thinks of as minor and irrelevant, somebody will key in on it and make a federal case out of it. So it's best to anticipate what effect things in your painting will have and don't give those nay-sayers any ammunition to broadcast their self-aggrandizing superiority in a gallery setting or whatnot.

Anyway. It's all about that limb for me, which is a great opportunity to bring these things up for you to consider.

:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::):):):):):cool::coo l::cool::cool::cool:

04-15-2016, 09:17 PM
Ahahaha. :o Now it looks safer and I can concentrate on the pool from my chair and gently get asleep like an old bloke (I'm gonna become pretty soon) without worrying for a tree branch possibly falling on my stubborn head! LOL;)