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View Full Version : Pencil Portraits of Dogs

03-12-2016, 01:35 PM
I was over the moon to be asked to do a pencil drawing of a lady's dogs. It was great practice for me. At first I thought it was just one or perhaps two...it ended up being six!

03-12-2016, 01:42 PM
..the other two...and thankfully she was very happy with them. Not that I'm making excuses (honest I'm not) but the photo I was given for Zara - the dog at the bottom) was really blurry. I didn't want to use my imagination either as then Zara would just have been a generic GSD and I really wanted to capture her as she really was. All the dogs have passed over the Rainbow Bridge and so I was not able to get an updated photo.

03-12-2016, 02:05 PM
Groan...I've just realised this forum is all to do with digital art, obviously...sigh. I have tried to delete this post and the other one of the portrait I done in pencil but don't seem to be able to.


Joe the Dragon
11-02-2016, 03:10 PM
Those dogs are excellent!:D