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View Full Version : Tablet pen extreme lag?

03-07-2016, 04:47 PM

I have the Intuos drawing tablet, and I got ArtRage lite to use with it. But when I draw with my tablet pen, the cursor lag is so extreme the application is unusable. It works fine when I use my mouse, but for some reason my pen won't work on it. The tablet pen works on every other application I've tried, just not ArtRage. My mac is currently version 10.11.2 if that helps. I think ArtRage is a really cool program, so I'd like to get this problem fixed as soon as I can. Thank you!


03-07-2016, 05:45 PM
Can you check the version you have installed? Go to Help >About ArtRage.

If it's NOT version 4.5.9, then that's the problem, as you have a version that doesn't include fixes for OS 10.11. You can download the latest version from the member area: http://members.artrage.com/