View Full Version : There is a lot to improve

02-10-2016, 10:51 AM
Some time ago i purchased artrage 4 (full) for my new surface pro 4, but i came across a lot of issues:

Unresponsive touch, often 2 fingers does not register correctly and one finger stroke the paint

Better scaling, scaling is so bad, if i disable caling the app is unreadable, if i enable it i get pixels everywhere

Performance is a big issue, a better optimization is a must

03-01-2016, 08:02 PM
Some time ago i purchased artrage 4 (full) for my new surface pro 4, but i came across a lot of issues:

Unresponsive touch, often 2 fingers does not register correctly and one finger stroke the paint

Better scaling, scaling is so bad, if i disable caling the app is unreadable, if i enable it i get pixels everywhere

Performance is a big issue, a better optimization is a must

Hi Lugiank. I have the Surface Book and was having some similar issues using Artrage. Searching YouTube showed that if you do the following, you should have full use of Artrage again.

In Artrage, DISABLE "Use Wintab" in the Input Device section of Preferences
In Windows 10, in the Pen and Touch settings in Control Panel, ENABLE "Use Flicks etc" in the Flicks tab (make sure it's taken by hitting Apply first, sometimes it doesn't work first time), and in the Pen Options tab, ENABLE Press & Hold Settings.

Everything works perfectly for me and I'm loving the mobility.

Please let me know if that has worked for you.

