View Full Version : Angels Inside Me

01-25-2016, 06:55 AM
Not really my style, just exploring.

D Akey
01-25-2016, 08:05 AM
Very expressive. I like the concept. I also like the idea of the thin, blurry dreamlike quality of the paint. It's as if it's a vague notion that has slipped into the back of your mind. Very internal, the conditions from which would create many very clear forms in the physical world, the look of which we're more accustomed to painting. This essence you paint here would often remain unknown unless it produced behavior that would cause a stir and thus engage scrutiny. . . or if it's a pet subject for a series the artist is intrigued by.


:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::):):):):):cool::coo l::cool::cool::cool:

01-26-2016, 04:28 AM
color combination is really hopeful its authentic.

Raselbste, I did not quite get your comment. Are you asking if the colours I used were copied from some other painting?