View Full Version : 3 Dementional

12-28-2015, 11:09 AM
A practice of 3d, ref from internet

D Akey
12-28-2015, 11:21 AM
Interesting and a good stretch.

You might want to look a little longer. It's not a bad painting in that you look like you were trying something different. And because it's out of your comfort zone and don't have reference from another artist to give you hints, you yourself may want to look closer and do some inventing on your own to make it interesting. Don't be afraid to push some things, like planes in a chest of drawers to separate on side from another for volume and clarity, or using different paint marks that might be more descriptive of textures, if those things interest you.

Anyway, Go Pat! Push that envelope!

12-28-2015, 11:26 AM
Great suggestions, thanks so much Mr. DA