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03-02-2015, 01:11 PM
A quick round up of the common questions and problems for ArtRage for Android owners (or would-be owners).

Can’t validate ArtRage for Android or asked to pay again from Google Play Store (http://www.artrage.com/faqs/cant-validate-artrage-android-asked-pay-google-play-store/)
If you get an error telling you that the application is not licenced, this is probably because you need an active wifi connection the first time you use the app (to verify the purchase), or the Play Store app isn't storing your purchase data correctly.

Can I transfer or get a refund for an app store purchase? (http://www.artrage.com/faqs/can-transfer-get-refund-app-store-purchase/)
Covers refunds, purchases from different app stores and multiple devices with the same app store.

ArtRage not showing up in the Samsung Apps store (http://www.artrage.com/faqs/artrage-not-showing-up-in-the-samsung-apps-store/)
ArtRage won't appear in versions of the app store that came out before ArtRage did. Update to the latest version (GALAXY Apps) and ArtRage should show up.

ArtRage for Android Supported Stylus Features (http://www.artrage.com/artrage-android-supported-stylus-features/)
What stylus features does ArtRage for Android support? Quite a lot!

Canvas rotation in the ArtRage Mobile apps (http://www.artrage.com/faqs/canvas-rotation-in-the-artrage-mobile-apps/)
The ArtRage Mobile apps don't support touch based canvas rotation, as there are other ways to rotate the canvas.

Why is there a gap between my stylus point and the stroke appearing? (http://www.artrage.com/faqs/why-is-artrage-lagging-about-the-stroke-gap-in-artrage/)
This gap is the projected area of your next stroke. ArtRage uses live calculations for your strokes, so needs to wait until you've moved on before it can finish.

03-09-2015, 02:05 AM
First: Thank you for that great app!!
Second: In your 'ArRage Android Information' it is stated: 'ArtRage offers selection tools, flood fills, cloning and text to make the workflow easier'. Both Selection and Text tools would be very usefull and appreciated in the Artrage Android app. But how can I find or activate them?? Until now I couldn't....

thank you!


03-09-2015, 02:27 PM
First: Thank you for that great app!!
Second: In your 'ArRage Android Information' it is stated: 'ArtRage offers selection tools, flood fills, cloning and text to make the workflow easier'. Both Selection and Text tools would be very usefull and appreciated in the Artrage Android app. But how can I find or activate them?? Until now I couldn't....

thank you!


Uh oh - this page? http://www.artrage.com/artrage-android/info/

That's more of a general 'overview about all versions of ArtRage' page, but you're right, it's misleading. Thank you for pointing it out. The Android app doesn't have selections, cloning or text (we know they'd be useful, but they're also high on the list of 'tricky to add, drain battery fast and require a lot of memory to run').

05-17-2015, 05:42 PM
What file formats are supported by the Import Image function? I have tried .psd and .tif, but neither worked.

05-18-2015, 04:34 PM
What file formats are supported by the Import Image function? I have tried .psd and .tif, but neither worked.

The app can import JPG and PNG images, but not PSD and TIF files.

Victor Osaka
05-19-2015, 05:27 PM
The app can import JPG and PNG images, but not PSD and TIF files.

Will that ever change? Will Android be able to import PSD someday?

05-07-2023, 10:34 PM
I think it takes time as Android technology continues to evolve, there may be new solutions or alternatives that make it easier to import and work with PSD files on Android devices. Alternatively, Adobe may also choose to develop an Android-specific version of Photoshop or other editing software, which is capable of supporting the import and editing of PSD files.