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View Full Version : Holy Pin-Up, Batman. . .

D Akey
04-25-2012, 03:44 PM

Seeing as you all have been painting lovely ladies of stage and screen. . . not to mention pulp magazines and workshop callendars, here's a website for those of you who are interested. Challenge is to take one or all pics to paint. Could be quite fun to see the results. :D:):):):cool::cool:

Follow the links. They're generally strait pics, not with the story telling of an Elvgren. But do what you will. . . straight or creative. They're just a great starting point.


Here's a photo I had sitting on my hard drive for years of Mary Tyler Moore.

No idea who the photographer was, but look at how he made the legs look like they go on for miles. . . That's a great model and a great photographer. Gives an idea of how to stage things to your advantage. Also love the patterns.

Have fun!

04-26-2012, 07:57 PM
Thank You, dear D Akey for showing us where we may possibly dig out vintage pin-up models .... :)

04-27-2012, 09:25 PM
Ugliest site i ever seen? Made in HTML hardcoding with no graphical skills at all IMHO. It hurts my sensible artistic eyes. The pinups looks a lot better :)

05-14-2012, 02:29 AM
I am working on a Numar portrait for you DA. I hope you like it.

05-14-2012, 03:44 AM
Fabulous shot of MTM! :cool::o:D

roma Golich
06-19-2020, 06:46 PM
I like that!
and the end. (No more free disk space for the undos... Compressed at 30% (700mb — real size, and 200mb is the compressed undos), but it turned out, that the 200mb is`n enough for the A4, so I stop the drawing.)
It's interesting, can I use the win32 api to truncate files from the front, in the place, — without copying?
draft — no free disk space to undo (all but 200mb was used for the gitRepos...)

MP4 https://yadi.sk/i/FRePwPFu2SgbNg
the following was based on a goggled-painting, without any tracing etc.


Stephen Lo Piano
06-24-2020, 12:13 PM
Photo can make you jealous of Dick VanDyke.

roma Golich
06-24-2020, 03:57 PM
Yes! It's good old BnW cinema style.

D Akey
06-25-2020, 06:13 AM
Surprised to see this old thread pop up again. Nice to see.

Enjoy! Lots of beautiful women in the world clearly willing to pose -- all to our benefit as artists. The photos are taking us quite a ways to making beautiful paintings. And I still love that shot of Mary Tyler Moore. One of my favorites.


roma Golich
07-04-2020, 02:03 AM
She looked a real smasher in the series "Dick van Dyke show", but the video, I have discovered, was in very bad quality and without .srt. And, the photo-shot's composition... is super.

D Akey
07-05-2020, 02:43 AM
Nice stuff Roma Golich. Glad you're inspired.

roma Golich
07-05-2020, 06:17 PM
I like the image (composition's rhythm and coloration) from the "Thread: The color picker tool picks incorrect colors from a reference image?"

(the link works!) (c)rg

based on googled ref-image "mary-stevenson-cassatt-american-woman-with-a-pearl-necklace-in-a-loge" (no tracing), but I have no idea about the ref author and the years.

D Akey
07-05-2020, 07:02 PM
I like the image (composition's rhythm and coloration) from the "Thread: The color picker tool picks incorrect colors from a reference image?"

The problem is that if you zoom in a picture you can see it is made up individual pixels (like dots in a pointillist painting) of any number of colors that optically mix to the eye when one zooms out. So what is likely happening to you with the picker is that you may be getting one of the pixels which is not what it actually looks like to the eye.

So you may need to pick several times and test it out to see if it's the color you are seeing. If not you have to adjust it. Sometimes posterizing the painting slightly helps because it compresses the colors into broader flat colors like in a real world palette.

But you're right. It can go very wrong if you're not careful.

roma Golich
07-07-2020, 04:17 PM
The problem is that if you zoom in a picture you can see it is made up individual pixels ...

It was not my thread and the problem, of course. I just drop my paint to show how my AR's color picker works.

The thread's author place a link to a video with a demo, but also place rather mysterious «NOTE: Video is not public, so only people with the link on this forum can see it. ...», so I daren't to open the link.

In my artRage setup I have no big problem with use of color picker. And, of course, You are right: in the gaps "painted image -> exported image -> imported image" the image's pixels should not be raw in each of the formats_of_the_files, e.g, we can clipboard the "color samples panel" and export (jpg,png,...etc.)/import (as a ref.)/past in the artRage and try to done his experiments more clear.

And from a human perspective, there is a large number of the contributing factors: the paint coloration, exterior lighting, — all be able to produce an illusion of the wrong color. For example, painters make use of the obsidian mirrors to correct the color range. The real paintings also not so flat, for example, the natural vermilion (lazurite) is a crystalline material, but the imitations is flat and cannot make a diamond glare.

Sometimes posterizing the painting slightly helps because it compresses the colors into broader flat colors like in a real world palette.

Yes, this is rather good approach, and we can change the sampler area's size of the color picker, the one question that have risen: what was the algorithms used.
By the way, it would be a good thing if the color picker can show not only one color but a range of discrete colors, — for example min and max, — from its sampling rectangle, and the user can adjust the color surrounding the samples (for example, take the small square sample and place it — without any borders — on the target color environment (the ref image, e.g.) to correct it visually.)

„pointillist painting“, Have You seen the Врубель paintings, e.g., https://youtu.be/-bHARAkZw0Q?t=2374

His color picker problem looks as if on the ref.-images the sampled area always 1px, and it is independent from the sampler area size on the canvas. By the way, on the refs. images the pointer is always rendered as crosshair, not as the square. Definitely, You're right.


roma Golich
12-10-2020, 11:17 PM

D Akey
12-12-2020, 03:50 AM
You pulled this thread out from a long while back.

Interesting take on a pin-up. Has a little bit of a deKooning vibe meaning there's a whole lot of forceful gestural marks, even aggression to it.


roma Golich
12-12-2020, 08:37 PM
You pulled this thread out from a long while back.
Interesting take on a pin-up. Has a little bit of a deKooning vibe meaning there's a whole lot of forceful gestural marks, even aggression to it.

Is the word "deKooning" related to the Hindi's word "dekko" (Present Participle (Participle I) dekkoing ) ? Или это слово связано со стилем арт-деко?
Это — просто попытка скомпоновать контрасты цвета и формы, учитывая динамику: фиксация взгляда на детали — перевод взгляда на контрастирующую деталь, коррекция времени наблюдения (путём введения мелких интересных деталей в место локализации взгляда) с учётом восстановления характеристик зрительного аппарата и постэффектов концентрации взгляда. Детали не прорабатывались. Хотелось бы стилизовать в стиле арт-нуво, поэтому — это долго, более потраченных 15 минут на два варианта.

P.S., the 5MB file resampled to 200Kb, and there was a color correction as I see, in one word, — it is a bad draft for backup.

D Akey
12-15-2020, 04:48 AM
Ah, so you were just finding your composition and so forth. Good start!

Willem de Kooning was an Abstract Expressionist painter who did a series of women that were pretty wild gestural expressions that were more about the gesture of the paint and less about conforming to the conventions of the pin-up look. He was probably doing a strange echo of all the WWII era pin-ups.

What made me think of de Kooning was your strong emphasis on gesture and playing with the paint itself.

Keep going. I'm enjoying your work.


roma Golich
12-16-2020, 06:53 PM
Willem de Kooning... Ну, я просто ещё рисовать не научился, если этому можно научиться.
После просмотра доступных работ Willem de Kooning, возникает желание посмотреть его работы в стиле «академический рисунок».
Натюрморт — вполне приличный,

И лозунг забавный у Kooning — «Меняться, чтобы остаться прежним.» — это же сказали Алисе, но другими словами.

Альфонс Муха — вот на что приятно смотреть, даже на чей-то фотографии, особенно, если это жестянка для кондитерских изделий Абрикосова (фабрику у него отобрали и переименовали в Бабаевскую, в честь какого-то особенно отличившегося «коммуниста-революционера», тошнотворное имя для фабрики...) И хрен его знает этого Бабаева, а в роду абрикосовых и физики и художники, и киндер-сюрприз — тоже Абрикосовское изобретение.

Абстракционизм — интересная штука, как идея, но вот практическая реализация...
Чисто беспредметно: например, динамический контраст цвета, очень кратковременный эффект, требующий длительной засветки пикселов сетчатки глаза, как его практически реализовать? Можно, использовать технику экспрессионистов — контрастные цветные точки + нейтральный серый фон, и возникают проблемы, требующие экспериментальной проверки.

Импрессионизм — воздушность за счёт того, что точки разных цветов с 5 метрового расстояния сливаются и появляется динамичность, как бы марево вместо рисунка фломастером на пластиковой упаковке в стили однотонной заливки на область.