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01-23-2021, 11:28 PM
Yeah. l Was cold today up the front. And l lost a few of my mates and l

wondered what we were fighting for ??? as nobody. Tells you. !

CIAO. Ploos. ivaya co dios. slainte

D Akey
01-24-2021, 06:33 PM
Strong story with this one, matey. Good on ya.

I've been dealing with some health stuff here with me mum and step-dad, so I'll be in and out, but checkin' in as I sort all this stoof 'ere. Not AWOL. More like on assignment.

Temperatures dropped here and we finally getting some rain.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!


01-25-2021, 03:26 AM
Hi. Cap mac. Yeah. I'm afraid. l'm not feeling to. Good in the last few days so been mainly. Sleeping. but today. I've Tried so done a touch up of a old one ok this morning then went back to sleep. Ok. I think l've. Posted but not? Sure. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE. :confused. D

D Akey
01-25-2021, 05:28 AM
Nope. I don't recall this one being posted before.

Looks nice!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-25-2021, 07:52 AM
Hi. just woke. up ok. I have looked at. Damasoci's horse. Wich l like and
Fancy having a bash at it if l can stay awake. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SlAINTE

01-26-2021, 06:18 AM
Hi. Sorry venkateshcs. your beyond me as l'm. 92 and just hanging on. Ok

hi yeah. Up late. Still feel'ng. Dodgy. So had. Some seral and coffee and

switched on the computer ok yeah must be my lucky day. As in the files l

Found a painting. which was half done. Ok. So l've. Finnished. What l had

started. Some time ago and forgot. Ok. CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE

D Akey
01-26-2021, 09:53 AM
Yeahr, that crazy post in yer thread were spam and I made that blighter walk the plankton forthwithe. Yar!

As ye were, lad.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-26-2021, 12:59 PM
Yeah tis l again. Ok woke. Up. Was restless the Brain. Kept on. And on. With

Questions. so l had to get.up for Few hours. Ok. CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE101041

01-26-2021, 01:28 PM
Yes Mr. Ploos I know what you mean - I get up and paint at some crazy hours. That lacy collar on the lady is very impressive - it really looks sheer! The whole painting is impressive. You are improving with age - can't wait to see what you produce when you reach 100! Hope I'm still here to see it. HOO! ROO

01-27-2021, 01:19 PM
Hi. June. Yeah. Eight years. To go. If l'm lucky ok. Will give you. Call when

l reach. The. Ton. Ok. CIAO. Ploos Hoo. Roo

01-27-2021, 06:26 PM
Yeah. Never. Satisfired ? Yuh just keep looking. and moving it around. Then

putting it back as it was. Yuh just can't win. Ok. CIAO. ploos. SLAINTE

01-27-2021, 06:54 PM
lost again. Bloody hells bells. nearly time to think of getting up CIAO. Ploos SLAINTE

01-29-2021, 05:08 AM
Hi. To see yuh. Nice. As l've been asleep. Nearly all day. So didn't start drawing

Till 9oc. And then. Got into. A hell of a State. As l cut the origenel. To size. That

I wanted. He is. A. Yankee geetar man ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101052

01-29-2021, 05:19 AM
Great job! Congratulations.

01-29-2021, 05:19 AM

01-29-2021, 05:21 AM
oh my God!

01-29-2021, 05:25 AM
an amazing drawing

01-30-2021, 02:08 AM
Thanks. protruzman now l'm. Old. Applause. is. always welcome. :D:D:D

Ok. CIAO Ploos. confused

Ok. sorry. To Denmark but due to.the Bug and short of wood i had to burn

The sheds. To keep warm l hope you understand. CIAO. Ploos. 101063 SLAINTE101060

01-30-2021, 05:57 AM
Thanks. protruzman now l'm. Old. Applause. is. always welcome. :D:D:D

Ok. CIAO Ploos. confused

Ok. sorry. To Denmark but due to.the Bug and short of wood i had to burn

The sheds. To keep warm l hope you understand. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101060

D Akey
01-30-2021, 08:40 AM
Those ones above with the contemporary trio of folks look like you're moving in David Hockney circles.

All good though through the various pics ye done.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-30-2021, 10:39 AM

sorry. but l've. Forgot. I hope. l'll remember. Later ok. CIAO. Ploos

SLAINTE. ;) 101066D D D

D Akey
01-30-2021, 12:29 PM

Tha' there bathrobed vissage ain't even a-figured oot ta be fully dressed a-fore ZOOMing en pooblic?

I soospect that be tha 'azard o' livin' in a cave an' stayin' oot o' touch wif 'is worldly oopgrades.

Clearly 'e needs ta be paintin' if no boot ta keep 'is stylus warmed oop. Otherwise it could go on the fritz an' Bill Gates take all the heat.

Go man GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-30-2021, 02:00 PM

sorry. but l've. Forgot. I hope. l'll remember. Later ok. CIAO. Ploos

SLAINTE. ;) 101066D D D

Sorry. Cap Mac. Artist. 1649. Ok

01-31-2021, 02:35 AM
yeah. Up late. A rough night. Legs. Ok. CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE

Painting. from. 1649

D Akey
01-31-2021, 03:36 AM
Dialing: Brighton 1649. Can you hear me? Are we connected?

Yes? Oh I say, Mr. Ploos. . . We've been in contact with Mr. Shakespeare. . . There's something going on in his Hamlet, and he says he needs Poor Yorick's skull back. . . He say's it's featured in his play. . . It's a small part, but rather essential.

Yes. . . that's right. . . very good. And he says Thank you in advance. And he'll return it after the play closes. Oh, and he sends a big Bravo! on your painting. . . Right. . . and he shouting for MORE! Well done and all that.

Jolly good! Signing out.


01-31-2021, 10:47 AM
Hi. Cap Mac. Tell Shakespiere Yorick. said he to busy at the moment

Earning. Money tell him l'll see him. At the Stags. Head tomorrow for. A few

shants. Ok. and bring. Money. As its. Your turn to pay T.F.S. ok CIAO


01-31-2021, 02:58 PM
yeah l'm tired ok so decided. l'll call. It FINN ok. CIAO. Ploos SLAINTE101078

02-01-2021, 01:53 AM
Yeah. and. At the moment l can't. Swim ok. CIAO. ploos. SLAINTE

Hasta la. Vista confused D. D. D

D Akey
02-01-2021, 06:28 AM
And a right hearty seaman ye are, MacPloos!

I know this one. It's aboot as dramatic as e're touched by a brush.

Awesome start.

Hang on, shipmate. Ye'll weather this like all ye done before -- in grand style.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


02-01-2021, 06:39 AM
Bloody hells bells. Its. Harder then a jigsaw puzzel as i've climed up the wall

three times. And thats only the starters. l wonder if its been made into. A

jigsaw puzzel. ??? ;) :D :D. :D. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

02-01-2021, 11:44 PM
yeah. I. Placed my knight. were. I thought. And. The crowd shouted

Checkmate. So tomorrow. Its back to the drawing. Ok. CIAO. Ploos Slainte

D Akey
02-02-2021, 04:05 AM
Grand Master MacPloos -- playin' Chess on the High Seas. . .

Good stoof though I'm not so all-fired sure them folks on that floatin' chess board are feelin' entirely in charge o' their destiny.

Like Sherlock Holmes probably never said, "Watson, the game's afloat."

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


02-02-2021, 04:35 AM
yeah. I got. A. bit slap happy. This. Morning. As had a rough night. A as Shakespiere

And Yorick said. Lets go down to the Stags. Head for a few. Shants ok. Well they chucked us out

at closeing time pissed as newts and they carried me home. As my legs. Had completly. gone. ok. CIAO. PLoos. Hasta la vista. SLAINTE

02-02-2021, 05:37 AM
Great imagination, I like it

02-03-2021, 07:28 AM
Hi. Ok l get my jab. Tomorrow. eek eek cool. D D. D CIAO Ploos SLAINTE

D Akey
02-03-2021, 09:42 AM
Hi. Ok l get my jab. Tomorrow. eek eek cool. D D. D CIAO Ploos SLAINTE

Enter the JabberWalker tomorrow. Rather shall make you the JabberWalkee.

When yer asked what ye've been doin', just recite:

Oh, choost tha usual, nurse:
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

She'll 'ave 'em comin' ta get ye with butterfly nets, she will.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


02-03-2021, 12:17 PM
Yeah. Cap Mac. arfter reading you rivmic ferse the nurse will bash me over

The head with her Brolly. And hopefully. Will remember. She'd come with her

Needle's. To give me a injection to keep me going. For another 10 years so

l can drive. You mad. And the crowd's. Cheered. ;) D D D. Ok :p


02-04-2021, 01:55 AM
Hi yeah. Tis l. Lost again as my. keeper has walked off so l'm. Confused. :(

Ok. i'll have a quick look. Yeah. I can see something lurking in the cabbage

I'm not sure it could. A big orange Slug well l'll click. and we be able to see ok101099

02-04-2021, 12:10 PM
Hi yeah l've been bitten by a dog very painful. eek eek. ok.


D Akey
02-04-2021, 03:53 PM

Talk aboot "Hair o' tha Dog what Bit Ye"

Garcon! I ordered BLACK AND TAN!!!!!!!!!

What's a mutt gotta do ta get a proper pint, eh?


02-05-2021, 10:27 AM
Hi. Cap Mac. yeah. Dog said. I'm not a blood Hound so get those ears off


and l'm not a west highland white. l said. Ok. But you wll have to put up

with the colour. ok the dog said. Fair enough. Even. Thou. Its not.my

Exact colour. Thanks l said. ok but its just one of those things we
have to put up.

With. In our life

02-06-2021, 10:58 AM
wow eighty your dog drink beer? Ah Ah Ah
smart dog : very well done your painting.

02-07-2021, 10:50 AM
wow eighty your dog drink beer? Ah Ah Ah
smart dog : very well done your painting.

Hi Sabena. Sorry late reply. But I had a jab and l’ve been out for 2days sleeping
Ok. Ciao. Ploos

02-11-2021, 03:11 AM
Hi. Tis. I. Back after. Nearly 4days mainly. asleep think the jab must have

Got the better of me. Ok. But been fighting it. And luckly. For me and the Dog

we both. Survived. Fighting. ;) D D D ok. CIAO. Ploos. SlAINTE

D Akey
02-11-2021, 04:51 AM
'At's the stoof, MacPloos.

Yeah, them Jabberwalks come in with a few quick jabs. . . Boot their uppercut. . . wooah. . . that can lay ye oot for days, oh aye.

Good job yer a cut above, laddie buck an' back in tha saddle!

Now enoogh malingerin' an' back ta paintin'!


02-11-2021, 05:10 AM
Hi Cap. Mac yeah. Thanks. ? I think. I'm still alive. And kicking. JUST

:p. ;) D D D

D Akey
02-11-2021, 03:42 PM
Well, then just keep checking in and toss in a painting or two as ya do.

Hoping you're keeping good and warm.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!


02-14-2021, 10:52 PM
Hi yeah. Sorry. had to go back.to Sleep for still feeling dodgy ok. But

whenl woke today. felt a touch better. so just tried a touch up of a old one

Just to get the feeling. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

02-14-2021, 11:06 PM
Hi. yeah. Thought to try this morning. but. Find. I'm completly lost after

Being away. For a week. Ok. Will try later. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINT

02-15-2021, 07:45 AM
Hi Eighty glad you got over your shot, Im still waiting to get mine as yet.
Mind you Im a youngster compared to you as I'm a bit of 80 years young .
I like the painting of the dog with its pint of beer, could only be a Scottie.
Take care Limey-g

D Akey
02-15-2021, 10:39 AM
Me mum got her second shot on Thursday. The second one is known to pack a whallop. She slept quite a bit too but she's back in form, like yer artistic self.

Glad to hear it, shipmate.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


02-17-2021, 01:04 AM
Hi Cap. Mac. Yeah. Feeling. A touch better. Today. So tried a touch up.

As had forgot. How. To start a new one. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

:confused::confused: that l am :o

02-17-2021, 01:42 AM

ok l Ant. Saying. Nuffing. Till l'm. Properly. Awake. ok. :p :p

02-18-2021, 03:14 AM
Hi. Ok. Yeah. Tried another touch up. To help. Me get into the gruve??? Ok

CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE, confused confused101162101163101164

D Akey
02-18-2021, 07:17 AM
Pretty groovy, MacPloos! You're playin' in the pocket, Jimmay.

Got good expressions through the body language as well as the look on the faces. They tell a compellin' story.

Well done, shipmate.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


02-19-2021, 10:33 AM
Hi. Yeah. Tis l. Back from the land of. Nod. Ok. still a bit. dodgy. So still

Doing. Touch ups. Untill l feel better. ok. CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE

02-20-2021, 05:36 AM
Some nice work there Eighty.

D Akey
02-20-2021, 09:58 AM
While they were touching down on Mars, you were touchin' up in Brighton. There's a sort of balance in that.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


02-21-2021, 04:16 AM
Hi yeah still sleeping. A lot up late today. Was gone 11oc befor l started up

The computer but looked and still. Didn't fancy trying. A new one. So back

To a touch. Up. Being an old lazy bastard ;) :D :D CIAO Ploos SLAINTE101180101183

D Akey
02-21-2021, 06:28 AM
Nice one. I see that lassies have been carrying around their wee pets in purses and boxes and whatever for time out of mind.

Good job on the drawing and all the attention to the strokes.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


02-21-2021, 02:25 PM
Hi. ok 1 from. Degar. in the days. When Absince. Was the real stuff. and

drinking it. drove you. Silly. Think it was Banned in the early twenties

the. mad good old days. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101185

02-21-2021, 02:55 PM
hi. yeah. I'm lost. As norm?? ok wil take a quick look. As might find. It

ok. Nah. all they keep showing. Is the origenal which is no. Help.


02-21-2021, 07:45 PM
Hi. hoping. I've. Got the right. One. This time. confused CIAO ploos


D Akey
02-22-2021, 07:03 AM
Yeah, absinthe will do that to ya, MacPloos. Was the cause of many painters uploading the wrong image back at the turn of last century.

Indeed, though, it looks good. In fact it's de Gas.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


02-22-2021, 12:33 PM
Hi woke up this morning. Then turned over and went back to sleep. Later gone

12oc felt like painting. Yeah. Mad fool so clicked artist. And thought. for a



02-23-2021, 04:06 AM
Yeah. Up late. As is my norm. D. So just done a slight touch up ok. Now l

Can drink my cold. Coffee. eek ;) CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101194

Hi Dad. Can l go now. As the boys. Are all playing. Football101197

02-25-2021, 01:40 AM
Yeah up late. And confused. ok went back to Degar. as had forgot which

Painting. I was doing. ok so done a touch more hopefully better. ;):D


02-25-2021, 10:48 AM
Ok l think l've got the right one this. But l will shut my eye's. This time ok

as you can never. Be sure. What the boys in the. Back are going to. Do ??

Ok. Ready steady GO. CIAO. PLoos. SLAINTE101207

02-25-2021, 02:39 PM
Ok. I'm lost. So lets see what turns. this time. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101209

D Akey
02-26-2021, 08:44 AM
So fun, MacPloos! The lad does in face look like he can't wait to go kick the ball around.

Hope you're feeling better.


02-27-2021, 08:06 AM
Hi. ok anoher try. From artist. Uk. Ok. just a starter. As felt like 40winks

Ok. As the time goes. To fast. As you get older. :confused ;) :D. ok as you

will find. Out eek. eek. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

02-28-2021, 07:34 AM
Hi. Slowly slowly trying to catch. Bridget but she's running to fast. For this

Old bodger. Ok. yeah lv'e. Looking at running. shoes. but couldn't. Get

them on. As my feet are so swollen. so l'm. confused ok. CIAO. Ploos


Yeah. I'm still. Laughing. 101218101221101223101225

02-28-2021, 08:45 AM
Very nice, I really like how you have brought her hair out, really good


D Akey
03-01-2021, 02:16 PM
Still comin' in with winners, MacPloos! Even though you're sleepy and all, 'you're knockin' 'em out of the park' as we say in baseball.

Hank Aaron and Babe Ruth got nothin' on yer fine self.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-01-2021, 11:51 PM
Yeah. Been a. sleep all day. Ok. so will. Try. A sketch now. Ok. S.C.W. Ok '

A quick. rough Starter. Befor l fall asleep again101230 CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101231101232

03-03-2021, 03:09 AM
Hi yeah couldn't sleeep ok. Had a bad night. Legs were painfull l was tossing

And turning so got up. early this. Morning. Ok l done a quick touch up on

S.C.W. As the eye's. Were fresh. Ok. CIAO. PLoos SLAINTE101233101235

03-03-2021, 03:12 AM
Hi yeah couldn't sleeep ok. Had a bad night. Legs were painfull l was tossing

And turning so got up. early this. Morning. Ok l done a quick touch up on

S.C.W. As the eye's. Were fresh. Ok. CIAO. PLoos SLAINTE101233101236

D Akey
03-03-2021, 01:02 PM
What or who is S.C.W.? Looks a bit like an illustrator's theme of action from the old pulps.

Anyway, looking good bringing some adventure our way.

Hang in there with the legs, my dear chap.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!


03-03-2021, 03:31 PM
Yeah didn't. Feel to good ok but. Tried. But not happy. Will try to sort out

Tomorrow. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE.

Cap mac. Ask. Franco. S.C.W101237

03-04-2021, 06:49 AM
Ok. Had another bash. at the. Singing Song. Bird. taken me. All day.

O K as legs. Are painful and sitting all its not doing my gohonys much good.

Ether. As you. Can relize ?? just wish l could. Float. ;) :D :D :D: eek:

:eek::eek: CIAO. PLoos. SLAINTE101238

D Akey
03-04-2021, 08:44 AM
Hang in there, MacPloos.

Look up on youtube.com some very light exercises you can do sitting in a chair so you can get some circulation and maybe loosen some of the tightness from sitting.

Or ask the nurse to get you a physical therapist next time she comes round.

I know you're not in a wheel chair, but this is relatively safe stuff to get some movement in. He also has several related videos there on the same topic you could also check out.

There are lots of others where you work with a chair you can do a search for as well.

But be safe with it, shipmate.


Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-04-2021, 01:37 PM
Hi. Where l'm l. As can't see. :confused: ok CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101240

03-06-2021, 01:37 AM
yeah. Could ! she play the crowed went. Silent in Awe as she played

ok. CIAO. Ploos SLAINTE 10124310124410124710124910125010125110125210125310 1254101255

D Akey
03-06-2021, 03:14 AM
There are some amazing female violinists, many of whom are on YouTube, where I've tripped over them.

I've no idea who you have depicted here, but I bet the music she made was extraordinary.

Glad you're enjoying the arts, laddie. It's like a feast to the senses.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-06-2021, 04:10 AM
Hi. Tis l. Okwill have a quick look. As l'm not sure ok. CIAO Ploos SLAINT101256

03-06-2021, 07:27 AM
Yeah. Feeling tired think l'll have a nap. Ok. CIAO Ploos SLAINTE101257

03-07-2021, 05:59 AM
Yeah. As my normal l've forgot where l am. Ok think. i've found it. Ok.

Yeah. Its ok. CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE ;) D D 101260 D101261101262101262

03-07-2021, 12:52 PM
Hi. Tis l. lost my glasses and finding it hard to see so i'm painting like. a

blind Bat yeah. And nobody. Saying. Nuffink. CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE101265

03-07-2021, 01:02 PM
Hi. yeah half asleep listlen to the music on tv. Ok l'll look to see if. I,ve done

Anything as l'm not sure. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE. 101266

03-07-2021, 11:51 PM
Hi. Was up early this morning. But don't. know Why ??? ok had some nosh. And

started the computor. And found one l'm trying now but just a starter. ok

CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE 101267

03-08-2021, 01:54 AM
Hi. Yeah Tis.l ok. Yeah Boots were made for kicking. But not for drawing ;) :D

ok. CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE. 101268

03-08-2021, 03:36 AM
Hi Eighty I really like the facial expressions on your violinist , as someone that used to dabble with one years ago I can relate to it.

D Akey
03-08-2021, 06:37 AM
You know, MacPloos, I think you may have stumbled onto something really perfect for you when your eyes are challenged -- that is strong large shapes with details included thereafter as you manage to see them.

It's a very legitimate way to go that even artists with perfect vision have done because the large shapes make a good, solid visual statement.

I like where you're going with this one.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-08-2021, 01:03 PM
Thanks. Limey / Cap Mac

Yeah up late. As is my. Normal. Now. Think its my age. ???

ok done a touch more. To the Painting But finding it. Hard going. Ok

CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE. HASTA LA. VISTA101269101270101271

03-09-2021, 05:52 AM
Hi. Tis I yeah. Up but not late. Ok. Tried a touch up just a bit. The shadow

Was the broblem ok. Still not happy. Ok. See what you think would help ok

CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE101272

D Akey
03-09-2021, 10:59 AM
Love the colors and values, MacPloos. Background is really nice with those few details on the dock and ships across the water. I'm fine with the shadow mostly. The bit that I think would help is that because the bundle is sitting in such a deep shadow, that the bundle could do with some heavier shadow on itself. It feels a bit light in value.

The rest is great. I love the lady. Excellent face and form. The boy's body is great. His face is a bit pale and pink and a wee bit off in the drawing. But overall this painting rocks!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-10-2021, 12:45 AM
1944 foggy day yeah i remember it well as had to walk. From Purley stn.
1st V2 bomb site ringwood rd.?? To. East croydon Stn. To get the train home to Brighton yeah the good old days when l was young and carefree ok
CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE HASTA. LA VISTA101275101276101279

D Akey
03-10-2021, 07:22 AM
It's amazing that a detail like fog in a painting can trigger an old memory, make it feel front and center. . . and yourself young and carefree like you say. It's a bit like a time machine, that.

It sounds like a dramatic time that it would be hard to not remember something that held so much life and death stuff happening combined with the optimism and freedom of youth.

Thanks for sharing your recollection. Hat's off to ya, shipmate.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-11-2021, 04:10 AM
Yeah. Cap Mac had a change a with the. Pavement ok see what you think

ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE. HASTA. LA ViSTA101283101285101287

03-11-2021, 10:07 AM
Yeah l think l'm with. The old fellow. Having his Bow tie. tied by his

daughter ok. CiAO. Ploos. SLAINTE. HASTA. LA. VISTA101288101289101291

D Akey
03-11-2021, 12:45 PM
Hoot, Jimmay, that looks a fine piece now.

Ye done tied yer own tie right good and proper. Boy's face looks great. Shadow as well, and all the rest was good to begin with.


Go man GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-11-2021, 06:59 PM
Good one Mr.Ploos! HOO! ROO! :cool::cool::cool:

03-12-2021, 09:50 AM
Hi. tis l eek D. Ok. Had to finnish as was starting to go asleep ok

CIAO. Ploss SLAINTE101292101296101297

03-12-2021, 12:17 PM
Hi. Yeah. The. Old. Blind. Bat. Is. back ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

D Akey
03-12-2021, 12:41 PM
Ach! Yer doon greit, MacPloos. An' I dare say, he's sportin' one hell of a MacDaddy sporran, oh aye.

Boot it's aboot taime tha' ye painted a proper kinsman on yer mum's side o' the family tree.

Good on ye, laddie buck!!!!!!! Looks a grand portrait of a fine Scot.

Go man go! To tha HEELANDS and BEYOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


By the bye. . . did ye no take notice tha' ye passed the TWO MILLION frickin' VIEWS mark on yer long lived thread 'ere. Moost be some kind of a record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CONGRATS, MacPLOOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-13-2021, 06:05 AM
Hi. Yeah. Was up. Early but don't ask me Why Coss l haven't. a Clue ok

Had me wheatees. with. Sugar lumps to make a Change :D ok l better

Look on the Computer. to see whats happening cool CIAO. PLoos confused 101303

03-13-2021, 06:09 AM
[:eek:ok l'm trying as l'm. confused ok =CONFIG]101304[/ATTACH]

D Akey
03-13-2021, 10:02 AM
We're still admirin' yer facility with the digital art world, MacDoogle!

So splash some cold water on yer face, dry off and get ta paintin', there's a good lad.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-13-2021, 01:03 PM
Yeah. Cap. Mac. I did try. But l think a. Large Brandy. Would help me to sing

Better. so wouldn't. upset the Neigbours ok. CiAO. Ploos. ;) :D

03-14-2021, 07:03 AM
Hi up faily early most unusal and tried. To finnish the farmyard ok think

Its not too bad. If you. Squint. ok CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101311

03-14-2021, 12:55 PM
I have a soft spot for goats as I bred them years ago. You have given me an idea for my next painting. HOO! ROO!

D Akey
03-16-2021, 04:42 AM
Who-o-o-o-o let the goats out? <bleat. . .bleat. . .belat-bleat>

Best hide your tin cans and all from this lad. He's apt ta chew em all up.

Very cool, MacPloos!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-17-2021, 11:13 PM
Hi. tis. l. In trouble as is normal for me :confused: ;) :D ok l will. Try

Again. :( prehaps l will be lucky. This time. CIAO. Ploos 101325 SLAINTE

Thanks. June. and. Cap. Mac. yeah been feeling rough this last week ok

So mainly sleeping. the legs. Don' t rest ???101326101327101338101339

03-18-2021, 06:25 AM
Very good eighty i like this :)

03-18-2021, 07:42 AM
Yeah. I'm. Back at the Farm at Lower Bevendean were we played football in

The Cowfield and had to dodge. The fresh Cow crapts :D yeah the good old

days when we were young and carefree ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101343

03-18-2021, 07:48 AM
Thanks. Sabina. Ok. CIAO. Ploos SLAINTE 101345

D Akey
03-19-2021, 05:46 AM
How, Chief!

I love how you dance among all the art movements of humanity with ease. You can fit right in with any of them, whether for subjects catching your attention or the mood.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-19-2021, 08:33 AM
Yeah. l think l'll. join. The. Indean. Army as l don't fancy. Working in. The

Coal mines. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE. Hasta la. vista101346

Ok. Had to come out. Coss the Coal. Dust l was chocking :D:D101348101349101350

D Akey
03-19-2021, 07:14 PM
Thought ye may like to attend the picnic in the garden. Cheers, Lad! A toast ta yer keen eye an' massive forum presence.

Paint 'em if ye got 'em. . .

Paintin' from 1888 by Danish painter Peder Severin Krøyer.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-20-2021, 12:20 AM
Hi. Cap Maci is it a photo .coloured if not. What size the origenel ????

As the mlnd is. Confused ok. CIAO. Ploos. HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

03-20-2021, 01:32 AM
Hi. thanks. N.H.S101354

D Akey
03-20-2021, 03:40 AM
Hi. Cap Mac is it a photo .coloured if not. What size the origenel ????

As the mlnd is. Confused ok. CIAO. Ploos. HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

'Tis a painting, MacPloos.

Artist: Peder Severin Krøyer
Year: 1888
Medium: Oil-on-canvas
Dimensions: 134.5 cm × 165.5 cm (53 in × ​65 1⁄8 in)
Location: Gothenburg Museum of Art

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-20-2021, 08:41 AM
Yeah. But l was. Confused and. Lost and found l was in the. Middle of a War

Ok yuh can. Win some and lost some but l seem to lose them. All. cool :p101357101358

D Akey
03-21-2021, 01:55 AM
Well, with all yon spears, the Shakespeare clan must certainly feel right at home. . . hoot an' forsooth.


03-21-2021, 05:57 AM
Yeah l slept like a log. and tried to find were l was when l woke up ok. So

Don't blame me what ever turns. Up ok. CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE

03-21-2021, 11:10 AM
Yeah. were's the Couler gone ! ! I think l'd better. Go back to sleep ??


03-21-2021, 11:14 AM
Yeah say no more. confused. confused. CIAO. Ploos SLAINTE

D Akey
03-21-2021, 03:48 PM
Hang in there MacDoogal! In the heat of battle there's all kinds of mayhem and confusion.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-23-2021, 12:03 PM
Yeah. were's the Couler gone ! ! I think l'd better. Go back to sleep ??

CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101362

D Akey
03-24-2021, 08:46 AM
Yeah. were's the Couler gone101362

When you have your painting back in ArtRage, check the layers to see if you didn't accidentally poke the eye out on your layer with the color you painted on it. Poking the eye toggles on and off the visibility of that particular layer.

I bet it's still there. Just hidden momentarily until you poke it again and see if it shows up. Check it out.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


03-25-2021, 10:48 PM
Ok. i'm awake. ok after the long sleep ok l'will try again to find where the

Colour has. Gone maybe l will be lucky. This time. Ok CIAO. ploos. SLAINTE101378101382

03-26-2021, 01:30 AM
They did appear very well your colors, is good to be awake !:)

03-28-2021, 09:45 AM
Hi. yes. Tis. l. Still lost and wondering like a mad BanShee where the Hell l'

am ok as been. Stuck. On the T.V. TO see whats on in the. World. Today ok

Yeah as l slowly went back to sleep. I relized that nothing had changed so fell

Off my. stool half asleep. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101388101389101392101393101394101396101397

03-28-2021, 02:05 PM
Hi. Tis l. After a long long. Sleep cool. CIAO Ploos SLAINTE101398

03-30-2021, 06:04 AM
Mien Gott. My eye's are Dim. And l. Havn't got my Spec's with me ok

CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101400101401101403101405

D Akey
03-31-2021, 05:42 AM
Looking like you're doing well with your Art, despite the worldly challenges. Good to see, MacPloos!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-02-2021, 05:28 AM
Yeah Cap Mac just up. As i keep falling asleep. ok so. Days are shout. And

Nights are long CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101413101415101415101421

04-02-2021, 11:12 AM
ok. Ive. Woke up. As seem to. Fall asleep even when. I'm Drawing cool cool

ok l think l've finnished. the last one.at. Last rolleyes Between. Sleeping

ok :D. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101422

04-02-2021, 11:16 AM
hi. lost. As my norm. Ok. CIAO. Ploos SLAINTE101423

04-02-2021, 12:01 PM
hi. lost. As my norm. Ok. CIAO. Ploos SLAINTE101423101424

04-02-2021, 01:54 PM
Hi. a quick. Starter. Befor l go to. Bed. l hope Ok. CIAO. Ploos

The. Two. Fridas. 101425101425

D Akey
04-02-2021, 04:21 PM
Still cookin'. I'm enjoying your style and how you build up the tones.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-03-2021, 08:05 AM
Hi. Yeah. Up late as normal so just a little .touch up as got to have some food

Befor l collape. Ok CIAO. Ploos. 101429SLAINTE. D D D101430

04-04-2021, 06:22 AM
Hi. Cap. Mac. Question ? should. I let the girls. Have their. Handbags

ok just a thought. ?????? Befor l go to. Have forty winks. CIAO. Ploos


D Akey
04-06-2021, 04:47 PM
Looking good mate. You're going to be up to your keister in empanadas in no time with the Frida Kahlo twins, I'll be bound.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-09-2021, 03:41 AM
Yeah. I've been. Sleeping like a log. This last 2 days And even today up to about

7oc. When l slowly. Started to come too ok. Yeah i decided not to show

Their handbags. As they would spoil the beauty of the. Sisters. Ok

CIAO. Ploos HASTA LA. VISTA. SLAINTE101443101449

04-09-2021, 09:47 AM
yep. Up late again and. Then. back to sleep. Till. About 5oc. ok

so touched up. An oldie befor l fell asleep. Again. CIAO Ploos SLAINTE

D Akey
04-10-2021, 03:24 AM
Sleep is good for ye, laddie. If it be yer beauty sleep, you must look a fine sight by now.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-11-2021, 04:06 AM


04-11-2021, 04:12 AM
Yeah. l'm lost again. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

D Akey
04-11-2021, 05:42 AM
Hoot mon! Ye got the perspective workin' fer ye most emphatic. A dazzlin' display o' virtuosity. Good on ye, laddie.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-11-2021, 11:25 AM
ok. Found it were it was hiding. Ok. D D D CIAO. PLoos. SLAINTE101462

D Akey
04-11-2021, 05:50 PM
Actually, I very much like this painting of this lassie, MacDoogle! Oh aye. Very crisp and painterly all at once. Not overworked whatsoever. Fine work, my dear sir.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-12-2021, 04:08 AM
Help. Cap Mac. As they. Have. Locked. Me in and thrown away the. Keys


04-12-2021, 04:33 AM
Hi yeah been watching a tv film. About a family in Afrika (not whites ) whose..

Daugter becomes a chess Champion it was good and Enjoyable. W/D

CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101467

04-13-2021, 09:47 AM
yep. Lost again101468

D Akey
04-14-2021, 06:54 AM
Doon greeit, laddie -- although from yer complaint ye be needin' ta be released from yer prison forthwithe, I can only surmise they got ye in an iron mask, they 'ave!

Use yer spoon ta dig through ta daylight. I believe there are some o' yer paintin's stored in a nook behind the large rock, or so I reckon.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-14-2021, 12:09 PM
Hi. found in. Facebook friends so tried a quick. smash ok CIAO. Ploos


Corr Thanks. Cap. Mac. thought l was in for life. Yeah all meals just

Porridge so at that rate. l will soon able too slid under the door. D eek

04-14-2021, 10:45 PM
Yeah l tried a quickie ok. But nearly. Fell. Asleep confused confused eek eek


04-15-2021, 02:44 AM
Hi. Up late then the girl came to cut my toenails. then the doorbell rang and

The toenail girl. Had to answer it was the nurse. Who couldnt get in. As the

Toenail. Girl had the keys so she had to let the nurse in.to rerappe my legs

After all that and when they had both gone nackerd l got back to the painting

Ok. ClAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

04-15-2021, 10:34 AM
yeah. after all the fun and games this lunch time. l've. Done a touch more

since but feeling. Nackerd. Now ok. might do a bit later. See how feel after

some food thats if l don't fall asleep ok. CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE101496

04-15-2021, 12:31 PM
Hi. Yeah. Just gone. 12oc. Did think l would fast asleep by now as l thought.just do few bits then off to bed. Instead l kept. On to it was FINN

04-15-2021, 12:42 PM
Yeah l'm lost. confused. confused. confused

04-15-2021, 03:41 PM
The luncheon looks good !

D Akey
04-16-2021, 06:26 AM
So the nurses are still coming, equipped with wrappings and nail cutters. Excellent. You're getting looked after and that means better paintings. Grand stoof, MacPloos!

I like this latest scene. Looks like a fine time to walk in on them. They do look cordial and inviting. And I bet they'll have some cornflakes ready and some good stories.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-17-2021, 01:39 PM
Thanks. Dany. Ok D D D l've just. Finn. The. Tablecloth which l had missed

Yeah. Up late. as was watching. telly into the small hours ok so had quick

Look and done a few. Touch ups. CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE

D Akey
04-17-2021, 03:20 PM
There ya go, mate! The table cloth made all the difference. Details like that add so much. You done great. Dany's got a good eye, okay.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-18-2021, 09:24 PM
Yeah. Had to. Call. FINN as l was starting. to.fall of my stoll half asleep ok


04-19-2021, 10:20 AM
Yeah. Sorry. I was confused. Its my age. Ok. ;) D D D

04-19-2021, 10:25 AM
Ok ok sorry. I just fell asleep will try to keep wake. Ok. CIAO. Ploos

04-20-2021, 12:31 AM
Yeah. Been. Sleeping all day. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

D Akey
04-20-2021, 05:14 AM
Herr Van Winkle! Ye've fallen asleep in the forest whilst watching the Golden Hind's crew's bowling tournament.

Well it be a lovely forest and there's the truth of it.

If this be the level of work ye kin do when snoozin'. . . by thunder, lad, ye've got the makin's of a proper legend.

And when yer in Paris, say hey to tha Louvre fer us, there's a good fellow.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-22-2021, 05:46 AM
CORR thanks. Cap. Mac i must admit. I'm feeling. very. Tired in the Forrest

yeah l've fallen asleep. A. Few. Times. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101534

04-22-2021, 05:50 AM
Hi. Yeah. Sleept in. ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE :cool::cool:

04-22-2021, 06:25 AM
Hi ok yeah confused so it will be. Pot luck. what comes. Up. CIAO Ploos ;) :D

D Akey
04-22-2021, 09:12 AM
Lucien Freud come to change yer wrappings? Excellent. You'll have a lot to talk about, both being artists and all.

Nice and inspiring, MacPloos!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


04-22-2021, 01:06 PM
Yeah. been. Sleeping like a log ok. I'm not sure but think l've. Done a

starter ok. CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE101539

04-22-2021, 11:06 PM
:confused::confused:That l am yeah need more. Sleep. Ok. CIAO Ploos101546

04-23-2021, 10:57 AM
Nice to see you're still hard at it... :o:o:o:o

04-23-2021, 02:09 PM
Hi. Kenmo. Thanks yeah had to call this last one FINN as the eye's found it.

Hard going ok CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE. regards. to Canada Ken D D D

04-23-2021, 09:42 PM
yeah. I'm. Lost. Again CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE

04-24-2021, 08:47 PM
Hi. Still lost ok l will try and post. to. See what comes up ok CIAO Ploos

04-28-2021, 03:43 PM
Hi. ??????? lost. ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

04-28-2021, 11:36 PM
Say. No. More. Say. No. More as i'm. Lost. In the. Highlands. Ok


04-28-2021, 11:40 PM
Help. I.m lost. ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101570

D Akey
04-29-2021, 05:12 AM
Ahoy Pilot! Where away lies the the Japans? Ha'e ye seen naught through this accursed fog? Best do a sounding afore ye run ashore an' beech yer craftiness like a whale what could nay keep 'is Bearing Straight.

Keep true to yer ArtRageous course. And watch plenty o' sport, that be the ticket, oh aye. . . leastwise till the fog lifts.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at yer leisure, an' that be aboot the size of it.


05-01-2021, 06:22 AM
Yeah. I'm still trying. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101571101575

D Akey
05-01-2021, 01:30 PM
Good man. Keep pluggin' away and looking at the universe of Art.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


05-03-2021, 06:25 PM
Yeah just. Up. Think l've been asleep. This last few days ok. CIAO Ploos

SLAINTE HASTA. LA. VISTA. eek. D D D. 101579101581101584

05-03-2021, 06:46 PM
Yeah. I. Ain't. Saying. Nuffink. Ok. CIAO. Ploos SLAINTE

D Akey
05-04-2021, 05:11 PM
Silence is golden, eh shipmate? Trust yer fit as a fiddle.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!


05-04-2021, 09:31 PM
Hi. Cap. Mac. yeah. like our. P. M eek eek CiAO. Ploos SLAINTE

05-05-2021, 11:48 AM
Hi. sleep. sleep. And. more sleep ok CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101597

05-06-2021, 11:01 AM
yeah up early but still. Wondering. Why ok. So done a touch up. As he

threaten me. To do better. Or he give me a Punch up ok so l had no option

Ok so hope he's happy this time. Ok. CIAO. ploos SLAINTE D. D D

05-06-2021, 11:05 AM
Great stuff.... Man you are one busy dude... Thanks for sharing and posting....

05-06-2021, 11:07 AM
Yeah up and ready to battle on the next ok. Will try to stay awake. Ok

CIAO , Ploos. SLAINTE101604

05-08-2021, 08:25 PM
Hi. awake. Just. D D D so tried. Another. touch. Up before l fall

Asleep again ok CIAO Ploos SLAINTE. eek eek eek101615

05-10-2021, 02:48 PM
Are You Irish ? ( in Roumanian 'Slaints' means 'Sanatate' and is used the same )
Do You work on a single layer , it seams so for me but I may be wrong .
Keep going like that , You do a good thing, a personal view .:cool:

D Akey
05-25-2021, 04:43 AM
Where are ye, Jimmay? Hope you're all good an' all.


05-25-2021, 08:53 PM
Where are ye, Jimmay? Hope you're all good an' all.


Hi son of eighty here dad is in hospital he is fine might be back home in a week or two

05-26-2021, 12:56 AM
Oh! Dear! That is serious enough but I was fearing something worse. Thank goodness he's 'fine' and here's hoping we will see him in the forum before long. Give him my best and wishing for a speedy recovery. June.

D Akey
05-26-2021, 05:22 AM
Hi son of eighty here dad is in hospital he is fine might be back home in a week or two

That would be great. Tell him we miss him and to get well soon!

Thanks for taking care of him and the update. Please keep us posted.


05-26-2021, 09:29 AM
That would be great. Tell him we miss him and to get well soon!

Thanks for taking care of him and the update. Please keep us posted.


He went in for treatment for he’s legs I live in New Zealand have been in contact with hospital he’s doing well will get to uk soon as I get my jab . I hope is soon thanks for your remarks I will passs them on

D Akey
05-26-2021, 02:18 PM
New Zealand, eh? I thought you were in Ireland. He would periodically post paintings of events that I assumed was family weddings and christenings and such. But that was a while back. Well, get that jab. And you keep well too. Safe travels!


05-30-2021, 01:51 AM
Eighty, I see you are still posting your wonderful and variant variants.
Old friend - hope you are well.

10-13-2021, 09:09 PM
Mr. Ploos where are you? Both you and DA seem to be missing in action or AWOL!

10-13-2021, 11:38 PM
Yes, in deed June, I have been wondering that very same question too of late?
Mr Ploos and DA have been the very backbone of these forums for so long.
I PM’ed DA awhile back and as yet still no reply.
So I can’t help but feel a little concerned over such a long silence from them…

10-14-2021, 01:44 AM
Mark, I've noticed Mr.Ploos has popped in a few times but has not posted. He sometimes has trouble posting - I wonder if this is the case. I sent him a notification some weeks back but received no reply but he may not have known how to reply. I looked today and DA hasn't checked in for over a month. I'm also concerned about him. Visiting their profiles will tell you how active members are.

D Akey
10-14-2021, 06:18 PM
Hey guys, thanks for asking. I'm fine though up to my eyeballs in caregiving for my mom and all the other waves of stuff that piles in on ya.

I was wondering how to gracefully say I'm retiring from forum posting here at AR. I have never really used the software much since I wasn't doing much Art, but instead I had wanted to encourage folks in their passions and to have a good time and see if a community could get going. It did for a while and it was grand.

The other thing is that you guys have gotten so good there's not much to say other than Bravo!

It's been a long run and I will look in from time to time but I'm sounding more than a little bit redundant. I think when Mr Ploos had his latest hospital thing and didn't come back I thought it a fair time to also make an exit with the door open to come back if it strikes me to do so. Maybe.

Anyway, June you're amazing. I enjoyed watching you grow and boy have you. Keep going. Mark, thanks for saying those sweet things and your stuff is very skilled and you too I have enjoyed your work.

So don't be surprised to see me posting. Have fun you guys!!!!!!


10-14-2021, 08:38 PM
I quite understand dear DA - I'm relieved to know you are relatively OK - I feared you also might have been hit by the dreaded lurgy! You were the main reason I posted as I always looked forward to your critiques. The forum has changed even in the few years I have been a member. It's sad - most posts now are asking for tech help which is good and Mark is always quick with answers.

Mr Ploos is sadly missed also but I think hospitalisation and age have got the better of him. I hope he continues to 'lurk' even if we don't hear from him. You too - keep lurking.;)

Thanks for putting us in the picture so to speak.:cool:

I, unfortunately, suffered a stroke on Father's Day - full recovery but it is a wake-up call. No predisposing factors except maybe age. So.........if I seem to drop off the face of the earth, there might be a reason.:eek::eek:

Nice knowing you and God Bless!

10-14-2021, 11:59 PM
So good to see you are well DA!
Yes, time passes and things change for us all. Life happens…

I wholeheartedly second what June has just said.
Your regular encouraging and insightful critiques will be missed around here for sure.
So though it maybe with less frequency I will continue to look forward to seeing the occasional posts from you for a while yet.

And June, so glad to hear you have fully recovered.
Strokes can be very random as to who suffers one and give no warning. It was a severe one sadly that did for my Farther a few years ago now.

10-15-2021, 12:11 AM
Hi DÁkey I'm very sad not being able to see your reviews anymore,
over the years that I'm in this forum you have been an encouraging and true person.
I like you a lot. I hope this break isn't as long, hopefully.

10-15-2021, 12:12 AM
Hi Eighty I was apprehensive to hear about your stay at the Hospital.
I hope you're recovering well. I would like to talk to you more but my English is bad.
You're in my heart.

D Akey
10-15-2021, 11:50 AM
I quite understand dear DA - I'm relieved to know you are relatively OK - I feared you also might have been hit by the dreaded lurgy! You were the main reason I posted as I always looked forward to your critiques. The forum has changed even in the few years I have been a member. It's sad - most posts now are asking for tech help which is good and Mark is always quick with answers.

Mr Ploos is sadly missed also but I think hospitalisation and age have got the better of him. I hope he continues to 'lurk' even if we don't hear from him. You too - keep lurking.;)

Thanks for putting us in the picture so to speak.:cool:

I, unfortunately, suffered a stroke on Father's Day - full recovery but it is a wake-up call. No predisposing factors except maybe age. So.........if I seem to drop off the face of the earth, there might be a reason.:eek::eek:

Nice knowing you and God Bless!

Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry to hear about the stroke. You're in my good thoughts and prayers for a thorough and complete recovery and good health from now on are with you. Much more painting ahead as it should keep the mind active and the skills sharp. It may even be better for wellness than Archery!

Go for the bull's eye, June!

- DA :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

11-02-2021, 08:36 AM
Hey guys, thanks for asking. I'm fine though up to my eyeballs in caregiving for my mom and all the other waves of stuff that piles in on ya.

I was wondering how to gracefully say I'm retiring from forum posting here at AR. I have never really used the software much since I wasn't doing much Art, but instead I had wanted to encourage folks in their passions and to have a good time and see if a community could get going. It did for a while and it was grand.

The other thing is that you guys have gotten so good there's not much to say other than Bravo!

It's been a long run and I will look in from time to time but I'm sounding more than a little bit redundant. I think when Mr Ploos had his latest hospital thing and didn't come back I thought it a fair time to also make an exit with the door open to come back if it strikes me to do so. Maybe.

Anyway, June you're amazing. I enjoyed watching you grow and boy have you. Keep going. Mark, thanks for saying those sweet things and your stuff is very skilled and you too I have enjoyed your work.

So don't be surprised to see me posting. Have fun you guys!!!!!!


D Akey, I was just popping in after not for a long time, and stumbled on your note here. It WAS a long run buddy, and I'm wishing you all the best. Thanks for the many many many great exchanges. Always all best to you.

Likewise June, hoping you are recovering well, and it does seem that you are.

And Eighty, on my rare visits these days I still always come to your remarkable thread...certainly much hope you out of the hospital and better.

All best to all of you.

08-15-2022, 12:33 AM
102495Here is my drawing sketch of an middle aged man using Procreate App

10-13-2022, 03:14 AM
Resurrecting an old but very good thread...

and wondering if Eighty is still with us?

10-13-2022, 06:36 AM
This was the thread of threads. I gather Eighty is no longer with us...
He was certainly loved in his time in this forum.