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11-10-2020, 01:01 PM
Hi. yeah l didn't feel to good today. As got up late. Had some cerel. And coffee

then. sat back. Into the armchair. And went back to sleep

Hi Cap MAC was he on the 1st boat From Scotland who put his roots down in the

americas and fought against the red indeins

11-11-2020, 03:22 AM
Hi ok a great. British. Artist. Who moved his workshop

D Akey
11-11-2020, 07:02 AM
'Tis a rousin' tale, 'is adventurin'.

They needed a good Glasgow Scot ta keep the ship together on the way, so he signed on.

Later, seeking better prospects, 'e jumped ship in the New World for a life of adventure and stardom.

Played baseball, third base, for a time against the Cleveland Indians a few seasons, an' finally got commissioned onto the Starship Enterprise as the Ships Carpenter -- I mean Ship's Engineering Officer -- also for a couple seasons. Thereafter he showed up at Trekkie conventions selling autographs.

I see you have one of his pics, boot it's no signed. You need ta don yer sporran an' beam over to tha nearest convention, oh aye. Get ye an autograph while 'e's Earthbound.

Paint me oop, Scotty, Oh aye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-11-2020, 12:18 PM
yeah. I'm lost. Confued and bewillderd with micosoft as buttons don't all

ways. Work sometimes. I spend. Hours. Trying to send a. Painting. and in

The end l Give up and go back to my armchair and go to sleep CIAO. Ploos


11-12-2020, 04:55 AM
Yeah. just keep trying. as you might win in the end whilst their asleep :D

ok had to start another as they wouldn't let me show the first one ok CIAO

Ploos Hasta la vista ivaya con dios SLAINTE

11-12-2020, 07:05 AM
Yeah. just keep trying. as you might win in the end whilst their asleep :D

ok had to start .another. Painting. Of the same. Artist as they wouldn’t let me. Show. The other one. OkCIAO. PLOOS

11-12-2020, 08:47 AM
Yeah Confused i'm I never can be sure whats coming out of the Box

ok lets take a quick look

D Akey
11-12-2020, 09:12 AM
MacPloos, yer doon extra great with these last ones. Lots o' panache with the lay-in drawings.

Sorry tha' yer 'avin' trouble with the ooploads.

For when yer ready ta oopload a pic to the forum, make sure ye EXPORT yer art as a .jpeg or .png

boot NO to tha .ptg file which is the AR workin' file.

.jpg and .png = Forums OH AYE

.ptg = Forums NAY LADDIE

Ye cannay oopload .ptg format to tha forums.

Tha' *may* be tha kicker.

By the way, I LOVE the one of the bowling Roman legionnaire. I think 'e was spared.

GO MAN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-12-2020, 10:20 AM
Hi. Yeah. Cap Mac. I'm sill fighting. And Moanling just to keep me happy

l think l should. Get a cat or. Dog. so l have on bad days. some boddy to

kick :D but l have noticed that they watch me like hawk. :eek::eek:

CIAO. Ploos

D Akey
11-12-2020, 04:08 PM
Just looked up Caesar and his being on the forums -- hasn't logged on since March. A little distressing although he was getting ready to retire and who knows where he's got off to. Again, hope it's somewhere where the ladies can admire him.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay well.


11-13-2020, 12:07 AM
yeah. Cap Mac. Up early. As was too restive. So pulled the duva. Over the

top of my. Head. And gained another hour. :D:D:D. CIAO. Ploos

11-13-2020, 05:23 AM
Hi. yeah l had forgot. The first one. Wasn't finn. So. Finnished it today. Ok


D Akey
11-13-2020, 06:09 AM
It's like Dancing with the Stars, or Strictly Come Dancing or a new show inspired by yerself: From Douvet to Plie
. . . or one of them shows on tele. I love it. The earlier pic is like a shot of one of the judges as he regards their form.

The dance painting's looking good n' rug cuttin' dynamic.

Go man go!


11-13-2020, 11:56 AM
Hi. Ok. Another one. by. Robert lenkiewicz. a starter. Ok CIAO. Ploos


11-13-2020, 04:27 PM
hi yeah. Was nearly in bed when thought l'd. Just have a quick look yeah

that was hours ago. :confused::mad::mad: CIAO. ploos. SLAINTE

D Akey
11-14-2020, 06:37 AM
Intriguing setup, MacPloos. Makes me wonder whether this is an Art class in a girl's school where they wear uniforms, or if she's doing a self-portrait in front of a huge mirror. Anyway, I see the old master in the back passing the skills along to the younger generation. Good stoof.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-14-2020, 07:43 AM
Yeah. Didn't. get up till the afterno when on the tv. All l called hear was them

Shouting about the rule of law with everybody laughing ok. CIAO. Ploos

ivaya. Con dios. slainte

D Akey
11-14-2020, 11:05 AM
It's clearer yet. . .

1) So she's sat in front of a mirror with her back to the painter (which from the point of view is us viewers),

and 2) he's painting the reflection in the mirror of the lassie's reflection,

and 3) himself somewhat obscured by the canvas upon which he looks to be capturing this little hide and seek picture.

Ah, MacPloos, yer a crafty rascal, you are. . . all the while with you waking oop to the dulcet tones of Parliamentary stand up comedy. You should then use the dull thuds of the US Congress to put ye to sleep.

Like perscribed sleep aids, these lawmakers. . . for the most part.

Paint I tell you PAINT WHILE THE LAWS GET CHURNED OOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-14-2020, 11:31 AM
Hi. Yeah. Tiss. l ok you may not belive this. But the room was getting.

Smoke. and i relized that l had put in the cooker a small frozen toad in the

Hole. which would take about 25mins to cook. Ok that was about 2hours ago

now l'm. Looking. At a dish of. Burnt offering ow the joys. Of painting

Where you forget. Where you are: mad: Ciao. Ploos.

D Akey
11-14-2020, 11:37 AM
So now ye got charcoal in the hole and can do lots of drawings.

In future, I'd say eat half the toad first and then ye kin use the other for makin' art supplies.

That way it be win-win.

And I'm right chuffed ye get into paintin' to that level.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIGHTEOUS, BROTHER. . . . Righteous!!!!!!!!!


11-14-2020, 02:35 PM
yeah again. I'v got confused as l had. Almost got into. Bed then l relized it
was to early so took a lock. At the burnt sausages hoping. That the insides
might be ok but no . Just. A small fraction. So sklpping a lot of back years
l could. Remember. Going winkling must have been in early thirties then coming home when mum would boiled them. And me and my 2older brothers
Wound. Get our pins. And hook the winkles out of thier shells which were tasty with bread and. Buttter :D:D:D CIAO Ploos

D Akey
11-15-2020, 04:47 AM
Sounds very interesting about a time and place remote to me. So I have to ask:

What's winkling and what's a winkle? Is it a periwinkle flower? So would you go out with a pail and pick some and bring them home to mum to prepare as a meal (like picking wild berries)? And what's their taste like beyond the bread and butter?

Well, just be healthy and make sure you get enough to eat and go easy on the charcoal. . . and stay warm.

Oh, and I must say this lassie yer paintin' looks great as a starter. Your drawing's good.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-15-2020, 07:02 AM
Hi Cap Mac. Yeah. Winkling. was popular. As was about 1//2a sq mile. Of.
rocks. More or less smooth with lots off little pools which would be home
for all small sea life. and winkles as we called them or small. Sea Snails why they were called. Winkles l don't now. Unless it was. You. had to winkle
them out of there shells with a needle that was good times. For kids as you can
imagine untill the Marina was built. On top of it ok know you now. :D:D:D


11-15-2020, 03:30 PM
Yeah. I'm. Back. Ok. just. A touch up ok. CIAO. ploos. SLAINTE

11-17-2020, 12:56 AM
Yeah. Just trying to. Come too. Ok

D Akey
11-17-2020, 05:39 AM
You got me as well, MacPloos, in me infamous "Power Stance" before me coffee. Too much tar, Mac before I launch into me day, oh aye.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-17-2020, 08:39 AM
Yeah Cap Mac that makes us both up the pole with no Paddle to get out


11-17-2020, 08:52 AM
YEAH thats the origenal ok will try to show you my rough copy ok


11-19-2020, 09:40 AM
Hi. Yeah. Robert. Poped in. Took one look. Then said lf your trying to copy my

paintings you must do better then that. And made me do it again then said ok

Thats bettter. I will let clean my brushes now with that i tried to kick the cat

But she was gone like a flash. ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

11-19-2020, 10:03 AM
Hi. ok. I'm having trouble trying to send a picture. As the buttton. Dosen't
work. Ok so i'm trying again. Ok. CIAO. Ploos

11-19-2020, 02:37 PM
hi yeah i'm lost ok buttons not working.

D Akey
11-20-2020, 05:16 AM
Lost yer buttons, is it then, eh? Must be a condition what's goin' aroond, an' there be the truth of it.

Try askin' tha there lassie in yer previous pics. She seems ta be fishin' aroond for buttons as well.

Well, stay yer course, shipmate. Them buttons ha'e ta be aroond somewheres. I personally blame "tha Borrowers".

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

11-20-2020, 06:09 AM
Hi cap Mac yes time. Waits for nobody ok. So I’m just hanging on. At 92. Will try to send a picture if Microsoft lets me ok

Ciao. PLOOS. HASTA la vista. IVAYA con DIOs. SLAINTE

11-20-2020, 07:13 AM
Blmey. Who's that old Geeser then.:D:D:D

Well. What can. I say all l know is he kepts trying. To kick the cat. eek eek

11-20-2020, 02:17 PM
Hi ok this one is hard for this old dodger ok CIAO Ploos SLAINTE

D Akey
11-21-2020, 09:58 AM
Ach! Tha there be noon other than tha distinguished artist Mr. MacPloos o' tha esteemed lowland Brighton Beach clan MacPloos.

Hoot an' well met!

Yer paintin's are lookin' grand, and yer beard proper long and lavish, MacTavish.

Dennay let them Dutch lassies push yer aroond, oh nay. Tart 'er oop as befits yer considerable talents.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

11-21-2020, 11:14 AM
Hi. yeah. I tried. To paint this morning. But Van Gogh. kept laughing. At
My attemps. so l said. Sod off. With that l went back to bed till midday when
came to. Took a quick look. :(and then sat in my armchair watching TV. till
To l dozed off after watching some. Tennis. When l eventully. Come to. In the
Evening. Took another. look at the Peasant women and almost threw the Towel
In but in the end thought l'd better have another bash cuseing Van GOGH

11-22-2020, 01:33 PM
hi. Russien artist. Chagell ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

starter no 1 ok

D Akey
11-23-2020, 06:49 AM
"If I were a rich man,
yabba dabba dabba dabba dabba dabba dabba do. . ." - Tevya

"Yabba dabba do!!!" - Fred Flintstone

Very Chagall of ye, laddie. Love the old world domestic scene. We have Thanksgiving coming up over here in a week, which basically celebrates things to be thankful for. Gratitude is worth a day, or maybe 365 in a year.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-23-2020, 08:42 AM
Hi Cap Mac this last one I nearly finished last night and in the Last minute l. lost it You can imagine the swearing :D:D

Ok. So I’m back having another bash. Ok. I didn’t get up this morning. But with lots of luck and swearing l might get. It

Done By midnight ;):D:D: :D. Ok. CIAO. PLOOS

11-23-2020, 11:51 AM
Yeah l'm back. Lost and confused ok.

11-24-2020, 03:22 AM
Hi. yeah. Just. Up. Ok. CIAO. ploos. SLAINTE

D Akey
11-24-2020, 04:50 AM
Ach and hoot, laddie! That be a rather interestin' spot ta be wakin' oop. How mooch did ye ha'e ta drink last night, eh?

Last thing I remember is ye were paintin' a Dootch lassie, an' suddenlay, yer a-wakin' oop in an empty, yet colorful post-impressionist garret.

Ye've been 'angin' oot with tha' Van Gogh chap again, I see. Well, could be far worse comp'nay.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Van Gogh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-24-2020, 08:24 AM
Hi cap Mac yeah l,ve been asleep nearly all day. Yes I was looking for something to paint ok and looked at van gogh. Worrk. But nuffickso look at his room that when I fell asleep as didn’t fancy. Painting the room. Ok.think. I’ll go back to sleep ciao. Ploos

11-24-2020, 10:52 AM
Yeah. If it comes. Threw. a touch more on. Brazell ok. CIAO. Ploos

blimey E naff grown in 2 minutes

11-24-2020, 11:20 AM
Well. i've tried to Prune him. Ok. So keep yuh fingers crossed. as anything

can happen. In the next. Minute :eek::D:D:D. CIAO PLOOS

11-25-2020, 12:40 AM
Well. All l can say. its. My age. As i easly get confused. Ok. :D:D:D:D:D:D

CIAO. PLOOS. ivaya con dios. SLAINTE

11-25-2020, 03:52 AM
Yeah. Trouble. As l can't find my paddle so l'm confused D D D

11-25-2020, 04:08 AM
Yeah no. Message. Ok.

11-25-2020, 05:08 AM
Ok ok. I give in. :confused::confused::confused:

11-25-2020, 05:26 AM
yeah what can l say arh oui diffecill nes Pa :D :confused:

11-25-2020, 10:38 AM
Hi. Ok. a touch more ok. I can't put the family name. as. Micro won't

Show it l did try. But no joy ok CIAO. PLoos

11-25-2020, 10:56 AM
Hi. no2 ok

jesus christ. It takes me. Longer. To post. the picture. Then it takes to draw it. ok has

anyone. got any ideas. Coss l'm to old. And its driving me up the. Pole ??????

CIAO PLoos. ivaya. Con. Dios. SLAINT

D Akey
11-25-2020, 11:29 AM
Oy, laddie. Best go grab ye some o' tha crumpets an' sandwiches without crusts a-fore they're all noshed oot an' gone. Paintin' this lot ye'll need yer strength as it's quite the labour party.

And no. . . I have no idea what a 'crumpet' is, but I think Little Miss Muffet sat on one while eating her curds and cornflakes. . . or somethin'. . .

I moost say yer a paintin' machine!!!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-25-2020, 11:28 PM
Hi Cap Mac. Yeah. I did wonder if it was the son. Taking. The photo on his last visit to his mum and dad before going to fight at the frontline. We’re history tells us he got killed unfortunately the loss for his family and for us as he had the makings of
A great artist cut short in his prime ok. CIAO PLOOS. IVAYA CON DIOS SLAINTE

D Akey
11-26-2020, 03:11 AM
"Jean Frédéric Bazille (December 6, 1841 – November 28, 1870) was a French Impressionist painter."

There were talented artists who made a name for themselves but died young, some in war, some from poverty or disease. Who knows what they might have created in their time.

I'm glad you put in a print of the original so I could do a look up of who he was. His name rang a bell but I wasn't really familiar with his work.

Reading a bit of his bio, he sounds like he was a complex individual who was looking for himself and died a warrior's death. It was touching that his father traveled to the battle site to recover his body. That father's act suggests to me a whole lot about their relationship.

It's interesting to me, Mr. Ploos, that your painting expeditions include learning about the artists as you look at their world through their eyes. It's awesome.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-26-2020, 01:08 PM
Thanks. Cap Mac. For your comments as it took me. A longtime to draw and

paint. so as you can imagine. I'm. realy. Nackkerd now. CIAO. PLOOS

Hast la vista. Iyaya. Con dios. SLAINTE

11-27-2020, 04:00 AM
Yeah. Cap Mac. She wasn't to happy. With couler of. Her dress. And made

me change it to a better. Blue ok had no choise as i wanted. Some. Cash.

11-27-2020, 01:24 PM
Hi Tis. l ok. l remember that. Song. There will be trouble. Ahead. Yeah

the bloke who wrote it. Was looking over my. Shoulder. Ok CIAO PLoos mad

11-27-2020, 06:39 PM
Hi 8+,

Your thread is great! All the portraits are great. I'll spend more time here.


11-28-2020, 01:14 AM
Hi sue gee thanks your alwas be welcome. ok but your work knocks me

sidewards. I get the blue. Shakes D D D CIAO. PLoos. SLAINTEo

11-28-2020, 01:26 AM
Hi. Yeah i'm confused. Again. As not sure wether l've. Posted or not. ok. i think

its. Down to my age as l easely get confused. CIAO. PLoos. SLAINTE

yeah not mine ok

11-28-2020, 01:57 AM
ok I will try again :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:


yeah the Mum of Van Gogh with the long Nose OK CIAO PLoos SLAINTE

11-28-2020, 09:43 AM
Yeah l'm Back again with no Paddle as Micro says your to old for

us to let you have one as you will only fall over it and we can't

keep on picking you up ok :o :eek::eek::eek: CIAO PLoos

11-28-2020, 10:00 AM
hi ok will keep trying

11-28-2020, 04:05 PM
Hi yeah. Been. Sleeping. So only done a bit. Ok. CIAO. PLoos. SLAINTE

11-28-2020, 07:25 PM
Blimey Cap. Mac. Bonnie Prince Charles l thought he was in France

so how the hell. Did he get into my. Picture ?? confused cool cool

CIAO. PLoos. ivaya. Con dios SLAINTE. Yeah. I better tell Boris. Coss the Clan’s. Will be on the move. So he better sharpen

His sword no he will be ok as the BBC are on his side

11-28-2020, 10:47 PM
hi yeah time for brekki ok CIAO PLoos IVAYA CON DIOS SLAINTE

D Akey
11-29-2020, 10:24 AM
Lookin' good MacPloos!

I can see the hair really makes the man. . . or the mum.

Grand painting. Van Gogh is always a champ in my book. You did his mum, Mrs Van Gogh proud yerself, matey. Looks like you're going to get a nice bowl of porridge from her for yer tribute to her son and herself. Ye knows which side of the bread is buttered.

Enjoying the whole thing. Keep oop yer paintin' ways. The more consistent, the better things seem to operate.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-29-2020, 01:56 PM
Yeah some. Body said. Put some back ground in. :( so like a idiut i tried

So do not forsake me D D :p. CIAO PLoos. ivaya con dios SLAINTE

D Akey
11-29-2020, 04:36 PM
You're not the first researcher ta do a background on the wartime PM.

Ol' Winston. Excellent drawing. I actually like the background quite a lot.

I'm still scratching me head as to why he was tossed out after leading the winning war effort.

You were there. What changed the attitude of the people so much? Did they look at him like a plumber clearing a clogged drain, that when once cleared, pay him off and send him on his way?


11-29-2020, 07:13 PM
yeah. Cap Mac. I find. Its best. To say i now nuffink. Overwise. You can. End

up. With your head on the plate. like the bloke in the next picture eek eek

CIAO. PLoos. ivaya con. Dios SLAINTE

11-29-2020, 09:42 PM
Yeah confused what more can l say ?? CIAO PLoos SLAINTE

11-30-2020, 01:52 AM
This is great Mr. Ploos - you are getting better and better! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:HOO! ROO! (I was actually referring to the one of Churchill but this next one looks interesting.)

11-30-2020, 05:24 PM
Yep. trouble. Can't get. My last picture. As they. Only give the one previous

ok. CIAO. pLoos. SLAINTE

11-30-2020, 08:15 PM
hi a painting by. Drac=20 ok. a starter no1 my cpy. ByPLoos SLAINTE

11-30-2020, 08:34 PM
Hi. Ok ite not my copy. Arfter coping. The painting. For some unknown reason. I can't post as the file. dosen't show. And this keeps happening. And at 92 l cant wait. As l could run out of
time. Waiting. Ok. thanks. If you. Can help with the answer. Ok. CIAO. PLoos. (8+)

D Akey
11-30-2020, 09:51 PM
Ach laddie. . . did ye no export yer pic as a jpeg or a png as ye done so oft times with great success.

I dennay know why yer revisitin' old technical snaggles cause yer 'ead got the chop and was served oop with parsnips as in yer previous post.

Nay lad. We want ta see it. I'm guessin' that be all what's in yer way -- tha parsnips an' young Salome -- tha silver platter girl.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good laugh, that last one with The Van Man warmin' tha room.


11-30-2020, 11:24 PM
Yeah Cap. Mac. Thanks. That one you can see is the one I can’t post. I have done most of it. But as l was tired. Thought I
Would Post as a stater. While l had 40winks but no file showed. Oak. CIAO. PLOOS. SLAINTE

12-01-2020, 01:12 AM
hi. ok l will have another try. If micro. Relents. As you know. Anything can

happen. But. Don't think Robets could. Careless. eitherway CIAO PLoos

12-01-2020, 10:32 AM
Hi. Yeah. Lost track. Don't. Now where l'm. Ok. Ow to be twenty. When l

could. Remember. where l was ?? confused. ;) D D D CIAO. PLoos

yeah getting colder now got to keep warm ok CIAO PLoos SLAINTE

D Akey
12-01-2020, 08:56 PM
I wonder if this is why Van Gogh never sold his paintings -- he kept tossing 'em onto the fire ta keep warm.

You know I could understand drawing with a charcoal briquette, toasting some weenies, and then tossing the charcoal drawing into the fire. I mean that's really gettin' the most out of your materials. Not so lost, these Dutchmen.

Toss another onto tha embers, MacPloos. . . 'is, no yers.


12-02-2020, 01:09 AM
Hi. Cap Mac. yeah you 've taken the wind out of my sail's :D beat me

to my punch line. burning. of my art book's ok. now l'm lost at sea. But. I'm

Not to worried. Knowing. Jacktar will soon be along to save me. From the

Sirens of the sea. confused D D D. CIAO PLoos SLAINTE

12-02-2020, 04:50 AM
Hi ok called away ok CIAO PLoos

D Akey
12-02-2020, 08:34 AM
Yeah, Jacktar is at sea, at least in his creative mind, probably happy as a lark riding the ocean waves and painting castles, treasure and n'er-do-wells.

He'd likely fish ye oot and take ye aboard through the straight with the sirens. Be sure to have him lash ye to tha mast tho. Them sirens have a song that will top the charts I'm told.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-02-2020, 11:45 AM
yeah. well. After getting called away. I could'nt get back. With. It ? so as

feeling tired sat in the armchair to watch some tv. But was soon asleep. D


12-02-2020, 09:27 PM
Blimey look at the time l'm confused. as l thought it was PM eek. eek eek

12-03-2020, 03:34 PM
Yeah. I'm. Not sure. If. Micro. Will have let me post. ok. Finger's crossed ok

CIAO. Ploos. ivaya con dios. slainte

12-03-2020, 06:13 PM
yeah. A quick bash of. Peter. The. Great. ???????? Yeah nobody tells me

Nuffink these Days. do you think its Coss l'm. Old confused eek. eek

12-03-2020, 09:01 PM
hi. l think. She's the. Daughter of Berth who. Married the brother. Of

Manet ok. just keeping you. Up. With the. news yeah my name is not

Borris. eek. eek. so relax. CIAO. Ploos. ivaya con Dios. SLAINTE

12-04-2020, 05:29 AM
yeah. miday. better. Get my head down. For some shut eye. Or l will. Not

make the. rest. Of the. Day ok. CIAO. PLoos. ivaya con dios. SLAINTE

12-04-2020, 05:33 AM
Hi. Yeah l was. asleeep. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. slainte

12-04-2020, 08:32 PM
Hi. ok went. back to finnish. Victor. Ok. when l can find his name???


12-04-2020, 11:40 PM
Hi. Having. Couler Trouble on my Wacom. Ok. So called it. Finn. Ok. CIO

12-05-2020, 06:32 AM
hi got there in the end ok

D Akey
12-05-2020, 06:11 PM
Yeah. I'm. Not sure. If. Micro. Will have let me post. ok. Finger's crossed ok

CIAO. Ploos. ivaya con dios. slainte

Ach! I've done seen Whistler's Mother.

But this here be the lesser known Mr. Bean's Mother.

Very rare. Excellent likeness, MacPloos!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

D Akey
12-05-2020, 06:16 PM
Lovin' all the pictures you've been attachin'. Great work all.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-06-2020, 03:46 AM
Hi. Cap. Mac. yeah l don't now why. But for some. unknown reason. After

years of Bus sketches l suddenly find.my painting. Look like what. I can see

yeah do you think. Its. my age as l'm. Getting. Closer to the Bucket age. :p

;) :D:D:D:D:D:D. CIAO Ploos. ivaya con dios. SLAINTE

12-06-2020, 10:38 AM
Yeah. I blamed. Grant. for her fingers. Ok. so l've had a bash at them so

ll hope they look a little better. under. Your Critic eyes. Ok. CIAO. PLoos

lvaya. Con. Dios. SLAINTE

12-06-2020, 03:02 PM
Ok tom. Move. As still about a mile to go for the best spot. so move. Or.

We will lose out. To the others CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE

D Akey
12-07-2020, 03:54 AM
So great getting to ride along through your time travels. Yer a right Time Lord, you are.

It's a pretty cool use of paint re-enactments or repaints, finding paintings out there that let the memories come out for an day visit.

I'm finding I have memories and flights of fancy of my own popping to mind but they're most often gone as soon as I see 'em.

But your way, grabbing them in a painting seems to be way better, where you can go for a ride on a hay wain or go fishing with 'em.

When daily demands slow, it's a great gift to me to see that if I choose I can hang onto the good ones a bit longer as you've been doin'. A great trick, that.

MacPloos -- Time Lord Extraordinaire.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-07-2020, 05:16 AM
Yeah. Thanks. Cap Mac. For your. Comments as l always look forward to read

them. As it helps me and l can enjoy them with a Chuckle ;) :D:D:D ok

this next l've tried a differet. Ball game.as the Ref. Was'nt. Looking Ok.

CIAO. PLoos. Hasta la vista. lvaya con dios. slainte

12-07-2020, 11:00 AM
yeah l done a touch more between 40 winks. ;) D D D. before

l. eek eek eek Collaped confused. ok CIAO. Ploos. SLainte

12-08-2020, 01:52 AM
Yeah. I've never. Forgot. Her. Playing. At the Proms. CIAO. Ploos


12-08-2020, 04:54 AM
Hi a quick. starter. Ok. As. Going. To have a snoose. Ok. CIAO. Ploos

D Akey
12-08-2020, 08:54 AM
I like the one by the riverside. Looks like an interesting place to drop a line with Tom. Alas it looks like somebody beat you guys to it. Might be fished out, but who knows. Still looks like a great place to sketch.

The faces look good. I'm not sure the violinist's performance at PROMS, but I suppose to make it that far she was smokin' hot with the bow. Some of these "young" ladies are incredible musicians anymore.

Just give 'em a jug o' moonshine and grab you a partner dos-eye-doe and the evening's a smash hit.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::o:o:o:cool::cool::cool:

12-09-2020, 12:36 AM
Hi yeah up pretty early so done a touch more to Spencer ok so l'm off to

have cofffee. And some. Choc. Bisquits. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

12-09-2020, 08:25 AM
Yeah. Tis. l pain in legs. Otherwise. Fighting fit. And raring to go. ok

CIAO. Ploos. SLAlNTE. ivaya con Dios

D Akey
12-09-2020, 08:43 PM
Hope the legs relax a bit, MacDoogle.

Hearing you had some chocolate for breakfast sounds very Dutch. Van Gogh would be over the moon about it himself then go out and paint something exciting. Now it's your turn to paint some more excitement!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-10-2020, 04:06 AM
Hi. Cap Mac. Yeah. I'm introuble. as when l finnish a painting. It can take

Me. A good few hours to post. because the file doesn't. Show up. ok. so

As you can imagine it leaves me in limbo apart. From kicking the cat. Who

Watches me like a hawk the clever. Bastard D. D. D. CIAO. Ploos SLAINTE

12-10-2020, 04:23 AM
Ok. looks like. I'm. Back. Trying to explain. Why the files dont show. But.

Microsoft. Don't tell me nufflnk so as you can imagine at 92 i've. given up

Trying. So it looks like. Back to the armchair for. me ok. CIAO. Ploos

D Akey
12-10-2020, 05:03 AM
Ok. looks like. I'm. Back. Trying to explain. Why the files dont show. But.

Microsoft. Don't tell me nufflnk so as you can imagine at 92 i've. given up

Trying. So it looks like. Back to the armchair for. me ok. CIAO. Ploos

Take care, shipmate. . . there be queer doin's these days, oh aye. This 'ere world seems ta ha'e gone Micro Soft in tha 'ead.

So did ye export yer paintin' as a jpeg or as a png? Did ye do it up all ship shape an' bristol fashon? T'would be a-fore ye tried ta oopload it as is the custom o' tha folk in that there part o' tha world -- New Zealand style.

Go man go. . . an' beware the Soft. . .


12-10-2020, 12:00 PM
Hi. Cap. Mac. yeah. Almost tied myself in knots trying. But in the end. the

armchair looked. The. Better Option. l thought. As l collaped into it :D:D


D Akey
12-10-2020, 07:35 PM
Wow. Nice start, MacPloos. She looks smokin' hot, this one almost like she's an XMEN or superhero character of some sort.

Your lassie there 'ardly needs a tart up ta look groovy. Now all ye need ta do is chat 'er oop to find 'er superpower, oh aye. Maybe it'll turn oot she's a super model.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-11-2020, 01:38 AM
Yeah. It looks. Out of date. As she’s wearing. A ruff do you think. Some body. Has been plaYING areound with different images as she looks too. Modern . ???,,

12-11-2020, 01:51 AM
Yeah. Cap. Mac. questions. ????? ok. Go man. Go100674

12-11-2020, 09:29 AM
Well l didn't. To good this morning. so sat in the armchair. And l think
must have drifted off. As when l woke we. were in the afternoon so bunged
a frozen food package in the micro cooker for 7 mlns then Noshed like a nutter
Ok Had 2 Cups of coffee. Then back to the armchair to watch the telly about the vaccine. Look like l will be getting. A jab. Soon.then remembered the girl
With tears on her face. So done a touch more. Ok. CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE

12-11-2020, 03:03 PM
yeah. Onward they cried. Do that bloody. Ruff. ok so you've give me no

option. So its do or die. Is it ok is any good me shouting. Faynights is it

;) :D:D:D CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

12-11-2020, 05:27 PM
hello dear eighty, so nice to see that you are still painting and seeing them is a pleasure. hope your keeping safe from that dam covid it has been so long since I have painted, glad to be back

12-11-2020, 10:53 PM
Hi. Pat. Yes I’m still hanging on just:D. Ok. I can’t. Wait. To see your late’es. Painting hoping your fit and well ok and enjoy Christmas CIAO. PLOOS. [8*]

12-12-2020, 01:28 AM
Yeah l had to. Get up out of the armchair eek to finnish the painting ok

i'm afraid l got a bit. Slaphappy.at the end I think it was that bloody ruff what

drove me up the wall. ok. CIAO. Ploos ivaya con dios. slainte

D Akey
12-12-2020, 03:34 AM
That weepy lass with the old style collar is a doozie. Nice one MacPloos. Getting in some nice subtleties and she looks attractive and also a little bit haughty like a jilted lover who's proud through it all.

All is working really well.


12-12-2020, 05:09 AM
Hi Cap Mac. Yeah l like. Your. Reading. Of it. Makes sense. ;) :D yeah l got up

Late today. so didn't. Look for. a. starter but in the end found. George More

and when l knocked. On his door he said piss off l'm. Busy. so l went back. To

My armchair for a snooze. untill. He rang me. Saying. Ok.

12-12-2020, 08:41 AM
Amazing work on the girl with the ruff Mr.Ploos. She's very attractive - reminds me a bit of Helena Bonham Carter.

12-12-2020, 09:36 AM
Thanks. June. I'm pleased. You like. yes. Helena Bonham Carter a rare beauty

in her prime yes l always. Look at your. Animos which l like. But.

Cauld'nt copy. As beyond. Me. June. CIAO. Ploos. ho. Ro. slainte

12-12-2020, 09:51 AM
Hi. l think. I'm. Showing. George More. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

12-12-2020, 11:47 AM
Hi. Yeah l'm knackerd. But tried.another. One. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

12-13-2020, 04:11 AM
Hi. yeah trouble. As can't. Show. as just tried to post. But the. Files. Don't

Show so. It won't be seen. On computers. ok. CIAO. Plooos slainte

Well. It’s. Come Through I’m amazed. Ok I’ll try to find who it is. Ok

12-13-2020, 06:11 AM
yeah weve seen a lot of them Lately Working thier Socks off to help

save us from the Bug our thanks to the Docters cool cool D D D



12-13-2020, 08:47 AM
Eighty I dont see caesar hope he is ok

12-13-2020, 09:09 AM
Hi pat. Yes he popped back with his 2 sons for a quick visit but went back to Rome due to the pandemic ok. PAT


12-14-2020, 01:13 AM
Yeah confused. As norm D. D100704

D Akey
12-14-2020, 11:31 AM
Looking swell, MacPloos!

Keep them sideburns burnin' and yer mutton choppin', owin' ta yer bein' 'alf 'aggis basher!

Yeah would be nice to know if Caesar is doing okay. Boot he don't often respond to male voices. Hope they're all well. Maybe you could get one of your female models to scream out to the Italian Boot to bring him round for an 'ello.

Go man go!!!!!!


12-14-2020, 07:50 PM
Thanks for infor on Caesar eighty was hoping he is still around

12-14-2020, 07:51 PM
Also love your last paintings so nice to see

12-15-2020, 02:24 AM
hi not feeling to good ok CIAO pLOOS

D Akey
12-15-2020, 04:37 AM
'ang in there MacPloos.

Hope ya feel better right quick or after a quick nap. Trusting you found a way ta keep warm being as the days are nearly as short as they'll get all year.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


D Akey
12-16-2020, 09:39 AM
Hope you're feeling better, laddie. Can't wait to see your next offerings. Stay warm and eat best ye can. AND PAINT!!!!!!!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-16-2020, 01:40 PM
Hey Dave, It's Elizabeth who used to live next door. How can I contact you? xx

12-17-2020, 01:18 AM
Hi. Beth. Yes. It looks like you have found. Were i hang out. ok. Hoping all

the family. Are. All fit and well. How. Tall is Roscoe. Now ?? Send a photo

of him. So i can. Try. And. Copy. ok Beth nice to hear from you love Dave

12-17-2020, 03:29 AM
. Cap Mac still not fealing to good ok. Tried. To finn. The last starter. Was

Bloody hard. as l can't sit. Longer then. A few mlnutes as my gohones are

tender. (inflamed) yeah its. Not a laughing. matter. as lts. Painful. Ok

CIAO. Ploos. slainte

12-17-2020, 05:32 AM
Hi. Im confused pain ok. Ciao. Ploos. SL

12-17-2020, 11:38 AM
yeah. As i'm not feeling to l thought a trip to Spain. Would help ok. CIAO. Ploos. Slainte

D Akey
12-17-2020, 02:39 PM
That's the way to weather the storm, shipmate!

Would it be worth a call to the doctor (or whatever healthcare people help you). This pain you mention does not sound like something you just want to leave go. It could be a symptom like a smoke alarm going off.

Please pull in to port and find a doctor to have a look. I've never heard of such a thing being nothing. Maybe it is, but honor your body, lad. An' while yer a-waitin', denna forget ta PAINT!!!!!!!!!!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!


12-18-2020, 04:49 AM
Yeah. Had a long. Sleep in. felt a bit better. now. j'espere ??

CIAO. Ploos. Slainte

D Akey
12-18-2020, 09:14 AM
That's the stoof, lad. Jolly good.

Stay fit. The paintin's are lookin' super. Love and Swag.

Cannay come oop with more appetizin' fare. It be like 'aggis fer the heelanders.

And monitor yer body ta maintain yer 'ealth, oh aye.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-18-2020, 10:09 AM
Yeah. Cap Mack i. managed but. Don’t ask me as I’m always

In trouble as when Finn a picture. It takes. More time. To post then

To paint the bloody picture I don’t know. Wether it’s my fault OR




12-18-2020, 11:07 AM
HI DONT ASK ME WHY AS I'M UP THE Crete with no paddle ok CIAO Ploos

12-18-2020, 12:43 PM
What's your door number eighty? No 34?

12-18-2020, 01:13 PM
Yes. Beth. Maybe for a few more years if I’m lucky. Still hoping to make the ton

12-18-2020, 04:03 PM
Hi yeah i know should be in bed asleep ok but started farting

around on the picture and as you know time just goes 1-30

ivaya con dios slainte ciao ploos

12-18-2020, 05:40 PM
Hi yeah i should be asleep ok ciao ploos slainte

12-19-2020, 04:22 AM
:rolleyes: Yeah. Slept in. Had a look. And thought. If. I don't stop. Messing

Around. With it there will be nothing left but his NOSE. ;) :D :D :D

CIAO. Ploos. Slainte

12-19-2020, 09:08 AM
hi. Ok. a try. At a. 1920. Bird. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

12-20-2020, 08:10 AM
Hi. yeah. Been trying to post. Allday and at last. I think its come.

12-20-2020, 02:48 PM
Hi. Tis l. Ok. golng to try to post thats why. l'm confused. D o

Clao. Ploos. SLAINTE

12-21-2020, 08:17 AM
Hi. tis l. Ok. I think that l've lost my finnished painting as l tried to post ok

l can't explain. As its too complcated ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE100763

D Akey
12-21-2020, 12:02 PM
Looking grand, MacPloos. I particularly appreciate the last one -- White Sheep in a Heeland Snowstorm.

The other ones are looking good as well. Yer always a champ with the portraits.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-21-2020, 11:56 PM
Looking grand, MacPloos. I particularly appreciate the last one -- White Sheep in a Heeland Snowstorm.

The other ones are looking good as well. Yer always a champ with the portraits.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi. Cap Mac Thanks for iooking. But you have confused me as I’m just up. And baffled. As to {white. Sheep in a heeland
Snowstorm Confused that l am ok. CIAO. PLOOS. SLAINTE

12-22-2020, 04:48 AM
yeah i've lost mine :mad::mad::mad: not my day. :confused:

D Akey
12-22-2020, 06:23 AM
Hi. Cap Mac Thanks for iooking. But you have confused me as I’m just up. And baffled. As to {white. Sheep in a heeland
Snowstorm Confused that l am ok. CIAO. PLOOS. SLAINTE

Back a couple posts you have a picture that's nothing but a blank white rectangle.

So I thought ta meself, what could it be. And suddenly, when I heard the bleatin' through the sounds of whippin' winds, I thought that white on white could well be a white sheep hidden in white snow for a White Christmas theme, Scottish style.

In other words, ye posted a blank image. Boot as sooch, it's quite good.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-22-2020, 12:23 PM
Hi Cap Mac yeah took me some time to relize you were pulling my leg

ok this next one l thought l had lost but it has turned up so at least

l will be able to nearly finish it :p CIAO Ploos SLAINTE. :rolleyes:

12-22-2020, 10:26 PM
WELL. now l know. Why Van Gogh. Went Bonkus. And choped his earole

off. the soppy. Bugger. ;) :D :D :D. CIAO. PLoos. SLAINTE

D Akey
12-23-2020, 04:30 AM
Poot doon that nasty razor away from yer earhole an' order us oop a pint, shipmate. I'll be along shortly.

Actually, that paintin' ye done looks pretty awesome.

Go van go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-23-2020, 06:59 AM
hi Cap Mac as your in chair l'll have a large french Brandy Cheers

ok i'm going to try to post ??? but it could be more WHITE SHEEP

Tim Benson N.H.S

12-23-2020, 11:25 PM
hi ok l will have another try maybe more white sheep:D:D:D:D:D:D100780

12-24-2020, 12:02 AM
Yeah. Trying. but it apears. Artists. Have no choise ok CIAO Ploos SLAINTE100781

12-24-2020, 01:32 AM
Yeah. How time flies. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE100782

12-24-2020, 07:36 AM
Yeah. I'm still. Fighting with micosoft as they only show. What suits them.

But not what l paint. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. 100783

12-24-2020, 01:56 PM
Yeah. I'm lost again. Ok so we will see what turns up. CIAO. Ploos SLAINTE

12-24-2020, 02:10 PM
arh well let see what up this time ok CIAO Ploos SLAINTE

D Akey
12-24-2020, 08:45 PM
Looking good. I rotated your painting of a girl doing a painting so she was right side up. Hope that was okay.

Anyway, loving yer industry, oh aye.

Can't wait to see what ye do with the wheat harvesters. I'm breaking out in a sweat just watching them. Well, as we just passed winter solstice the days will be getting longer again. Get ready with yer seed.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-25-2020, 02:45 AM
Yeah. I'm. Lost. In the Himalayer's Cap Mac. So send the dogs. With the

Brandy so l can. Survive. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE 100789

12-25-2020, 03:59 AM
Hi. Cap mac. yes. Lucille. Came back. To help me with the Harvest and

massage my back. After. Working. All day. With the Scith ??? Ok. :cool:

CIAO. Ploos. SlAINTE100793

D Akey
12-25-2020, 04:41 AM
Great one. Looks like a right healthy job, fer makin' bread an' all. . . cause ye ain't loafin' none. . . not yet anyway.

Clearly like them farmers, yer ootstandin' in yer field.

Mayhaps Lucille is bringin' ye a well deserved drink cause it looks like thirsty work.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Merry Christmas Eve, Lad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-25-2020, 11:39 AM
Hi Cap Mac yeah l slept like a log with the t.v on and had a vauge

impression of Boris shouting I've done it so l went back to sleep ok

l woke later feeling rough so made coffee and had 2 mince pies from a

parcel sent by my son ok feeling a bit better switched on the computer

so done a quick smash ok CIAO PLOOS SLAINTE

D Akey
12-25-2020, 01:08 PM
Hey there! That sounds like a great way to get started -- coffee and mince pies from your laddie. Fantastic!!!! Bet they tasted extra good.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-26-2020, 06:53 AM
yeah he's in the commons and they are worried and keep asking him

Name just in case :rolleyes: it might be Boris ;) :D :D :D


D Akey
12-26-2020, 07:45 AM
I bet you're havin' a Blue Christmas -- not like Elvis, more like a Druid from the heelands.

Hope you're enjoying things. Say 'hi' to Boris and tell 'im yer lovin' 'is rants as they make for a great alarm clock noise fer yer clock radio.

Paintings looking good, mate.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-26-2020, 02:58 PM
Hi Cap. Mac. l'm not sure. But l think. I've been asleep all day. Ok so

Looked for some body to. Paint. Ok. So what you see is what l found. Ok


12-27-2020, 01:46 AM
blimey where am l ??? yeah lost again in the Files confused confused

That l am. I thought. It was a windmill. But it was Boris waving his arms. D100802100803

12-27-2020, 02:19 AM
yeah still trying ok CIAO Ploos SLAINTE

12-27-2020, 04:01 AM
yep another go ok. yes success. At last. ok. D. confused.

12-28-2020, 01:57 AM
hi. Cap Mac. yeah. Trying. At a Japanese painting. Ok. think l missed. Cristmas day

But that life init. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE100816

12-28-2020, 02:07 AM
Ok. yeah. I,m up. And fighting mcrosoft as l'm finding it harder to Post

then. Draw and paint. Ok do you think. I'm. Just too bloody old

CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE Ivaya. Con. dios100817

12-28-2020, 08:09 AM
Yeah. I'm hanging on like a Leech. Ok. Nurse came this morning to do my '

Legs. ok still. Can't go out. maybe ?? In about 6 months time. If. I. Can

last that long. :D:D:D:D:D:D CIAO. Ploos. lvaya con dios SLAINTE100819

12-28-2020, 08:18 AM
Hi yeah l'm still. Hanging. On In the new year l think. :confused: CIAO Ploos

D Akey
12-28-2020, 09:11 AM
Ach, laddie. Christmas was a bit of a drive-by holiday this year for me also. Besides, with you spending your time in Japan, it doesn't surprise me overmuch since it's not that big over there compared with Europe.

So yer paintin's are looking particularly cool. The birds look good an' geisha ready, all dolled oop to receive lads such as yerself for some comfort an' joy.

Good tha' ye had the nurse come by. Did Santa stick 'er in yer fireplace stockin?

Well, hold that positive vision of being mobile again, lad. An' keep paintin' an' postin'. Looks like yer winnin'!!!!!!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-28-2020, 11:42 AM
Yeah. Cap Mac. At my age. Christmas. Is a thing of the past when your on

your own. So l watch the telly. If l'm not drawing or painting that keep me

happy ok. with some football. As well. :D:D:D. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

12-28-2020, 01:52 PM
bloody hell. here we go again.

12-29-2020, 03:53 AM
Well fingers crossed. As hav'nt a clue it all comes down to micro soft. What

they. Decide. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. lvaya. con dios. SLAINTE100828

12-29-2020, 09:09 AM
Hi. Cap Mac. yeah. Was having a day of. Rest. When. Sudenly there

was a sound of clicking. Marakes ? and a girl dancing. so fast. I had to.

rest. As was too much. For my old. Eye's ok CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE100830100833

12-29-2020, 02:18 PM

yeah woke up about 9 and. Didn't feel that good so. Sat in the armchair had a quick look at the telly. Not much on. so dozed off l'm not sure wher
too. ;) l think l come to after about 30mln. And turned on my Computor
And looked at the Spainish. Dancing girl. Ok. I had thought to finn tomorrw
But like an old crazy fool. Started. Foooling around with it. Ok. After a while
I thought sod it so called it. FINN ok. CIAO. PLoos SLAINTE100835

12-30-2020, 01:27 AM
Hi. Yeah didn't get up till late as was Dreaming through the night must be my
Age ok had a quick. Look at the girl Dancer and dune a bit more ok. Yeah
she remines of. Natalie who lived and worked at 1st avenue Hove for a few
Years and joe her Husband. think they had a daughter before moving
Back to Barcerlona so the Dancer. Might be. Thier grandaughter
In Spain .Barcerlona CIAO. Ploos Ivaya con dios SLAINTE

D Akey
12-30-2020, 07:16 AM
I didn't rightly know what a Hove is. I Googled it and found it's an area in East Sussex and this near Brighton. So they were neighbors more or less? Yeah, it's easy to lose touch. But we still remember.

Fun idea to find the picture of a Flamenco dancer and wonder about what became of the young girl. Sure is an upbeat notion to hang a memory on.

Anyway, good stoof, MacPloos! I like the art ye done. Good eye. Steady hand. Expert editing of what to put in and leave out.

Yer cookin', an' so ye are!!!!!!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-30-2020, 12:36 PM
Hi. Cap Mac. Yeah now. called. Brighton and Hove ok. been trying to paint the copy as. I see. It. Which l'm finding hard. Ok. You will be able to see it. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

12-30-2020, 02:47 PM
Yeah. Should. Be in Bed. Ok. But still piss bowling with picture ok so will post

so. Then. As l can't see it. I'll get. Into bed. Maybe. Sleep. Cala. Nita


12-30-2020, 05:21 PM
Coudn't sleep. Ok. so back to look at the painting. Ok. Decided. To. Make it like a. Christmas card for. A bit of. Fun ok. CIAO. ploos SLAINTE

12-31-2020, 10:37 AM
hi yeah l tried go. And get. A painting. From 1850/1910 to copy from any
country but. Micro soft. wouldn't give me.anything Just saying Error with
No explaining. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE confused as normal :D

12-31-2020, 01:26 PM
hi. Cap Mac. Yeah. They do love to Dance in Spain. do you think

its. The Hot weather all that Sunshine. D D D. darling put a another

log on the fire. As l'm feeling a bit Cold. CIAO. ploos. SLAINT

01-01-2021, 03:08 AM
Hi yeah slept like a log. And didn't get up till late. ok. Had a quick look at

the painting. Done a touch more. not a lot. D. Ok. CIAO Ploos SLAINTE

D Akey
01-01-2021, 09:31 AM
It's New Years Eve, MacPloos!

Cheers shipmate, and may 2021 bring you the most inspiration and good cheer and great sport on tele!!!!!

GO MAN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep paintin' laddie buck! Oh aye. . . Yer on a roll. . .

Your tread here has been one of the bright lights on the internet. Stay keen. Be fit. And keep warm and nourished. And show us more paintin's.


01-01-2021, 02:22 PM
Hear! Hear! What DA said. Hoo! Roo!

01-01-2021, 02:28 PM
Hi tried a Japanese painting with luck it might show ok as I thought I'd lost it

confused CIAO Ploos SLAINT. yeah. Not mine. its t.he one l was copy. mine was
nearly. Done when l lost it. Ok. l have seen it. But didn't now how to get it back ???

01-01-2021, 03:59 PM
Hi a quick. Smash ok as should be in bed asleep CIAO. ploos SLAINTE

01-02-2021, 03:09 AM
yeah up late had a rough night. ok happy New Cap Mac. & June

And. Artrage. Team. plus all Artist CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE

01-02-2021, 08:27 AM
Year after. a few hours. sat in my armchair watched some telly. Think. I went

To sleep when l woke up. I was. confused wondering where the hell l was

yeah l think its. My age. As. I can drop asleep like a Bat eek eek ;) D D D

Ok. CIAO. Ploos. Ivaya con. Dios. SLAINTE100889

01-02-2021, 12:18 PM
l think l've tried another. japanese one. A. starter ok. well l'll be surprised

If it. Shows ok. confused. :( CIAO. Ploos. lvaya con dios. slainte100892.

D Akey
01-02-2021, 07:03 PM
You're a right globetrotter, MacPloos! Grand stoof.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-03-2021, 12:07 AM
yeah. He's. Flown in from Japan. To help me find his Brother who's got lost

in my File's. Ok CIAO. Ploos. lvaya con dios. SLAINTE

01-03-2021, 12:11 PM
Hi. a quick smash. To help me. Come too. From the land. Of Nod. Ok

CIAO. ploos. Slainte. Ivaya con. Dios mad. mad mad 😏100902100903100904100905100906??????????????????? ??????

01-03-2021, 01:18 PM
Yeah. mico soft. can show me the origenel. but not my. Starter. Painting confused l'm:mad:

It takes me. more time to post. A picture. Then. It dase to paint a bloody picture ok

CIAO. a leary old. Bastard

01-04-2021, 05:42 PM
Yeah. Tis l. Frozen. In Japan. Had to stop. Painting. As it was too cold. Up

On the side of the mountain l coud'nt feel. My Hands my Japanese friends

Carried me off the mountain. And gave me some. Think Vodka to warm me up.

yeah l'm too old. For climing. Mountains l must Be mad CIAO. Ploos

lvaya con. Dios. slainte

01-05-2021, 04:54 AM
Sorry. I'm Busy now. call back later. Ok. Ciao. ploos100913

D Akey
01-05-2021, 05:59 AM
Conichi-wa, MacPloos-san! Yeah, don't think the Saint Bernards and the Hospitalers are patrolling Mt. Fuji. I think they're back in the Alps somewhere. Boot, tha Japanese hospitality is most famous. So ye picked a good mountain ta climb, oh aye!

I think what may hold out the appeal for yer paintin' 'em is they wear all them 'eavy robes and can keep warm as sooch. It's an inspiration for winter wardrobes in cold climates everywhere.

Nice paintin's, MacPloos-san!!!!

Oh and the pair of sisters is amazing! Great portraits, those little darlings.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-05-2021, 07:40 AM
Hi. Cap Mac. Sorry. But l've been. Absent. Without. Leave ;) D D D


01-06-2021, 06:14 AM
Yeah. as normly. I've. Keep. Getting lost l think. I'm too old. So forget. Where

I'm painting or can't. Find it. ok. CIAO Ploos. 100922 SLAINTE100920100921100924

01-06-2021, 06:31 AM
Blimey. Cap. Mac. I see. Your still. Bashing. the. Geetar. then. ;) D D D


D Akey
01-06-2021, 01:51 PM
That was me back in the '80s with me spandex drawers. I seem to recall I was in a heavy metal glam band. . . boot I can't actually recall. Nay laddie. 'Twas in reality all a blur.

Should probably ask Ozzie ta return me fringe jacket an' all.

Play on, MacPloos!!!!!

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-06-2021, 02:56 PM
Well Cap Mac. I don't no what to say as l think l started a painting this.

morning but can't remember what. ?? WoW. Wait a minute the brain. Is

coming too. Yeah. Like a flash l remember. Twas. You. Tuneing. Your.

Geetar. getting ready. For. Your. Big. Night. Playing. On the T.V ok l'll keep.

Watch as it might be. On our T.V. ok. Will you sing as well. ? CIAO. Ploos

Ivaya con. Dios

01-07-2021, 04:02 AM
Yeah. I felt. A right. Lazy Bartard ? this. Morning ok so just done a touch of

colour. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE100931100933

D Akey
01-07-2021, 05:58 AM
Still lookin' good though. None would look at yer vast array of pictures ye done and call ye a lazy lob.

Nay, lad. Yer the poster child fer Industry itself.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-07-2021, 11:29 PM

few days. Ok. Tried this morning. to find. One. To copy ok. Found one. Looks like from indian. ok. Have done a bit. But keep. Going to sleep so

l've posted it. Maybe will. Feel A bit better tomorrow. To finnish it with luck

Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE100936

D Akey
01-08-2021, 01:24 AM
No real surprise there that it could be either Asian or Native American Indian. Their genetics are connected.

Some scientists proved the ancestors of the Native American were cut from the same Asian cloth.

They must have come across the land bridge from Asia up near Alaska back when the Ice Age linked the continents way north. May have been following the herds that they used for food.

So ye have a good eye, oh aye. They're closely linked.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-09-2021, 05:19 PM
Yeah l. woke. as l had forgot to turn off the. tV. And all the shouting crowd

At the white house. woke. Me up. Ok so done a bit on the picture ok when

I get. In bed. I won't wake up to about. 2pm. CIAO. ploos. SLAINTE100947100948100949

D Akey
01-10-2021, 10:06 AM
looking nice and toasty, MacPloos, using all those warm earthy tones.

Now that you put in that red spot for the third eye I can see what you meant by Indian -- you meant from India -- not Native American. Before you dropped in that red spot between the eyes and some of the pattern detail on the robes I could have easily seen her as Navajo or one of the Southwestern tribes.

But I stand correctedly.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-10-2021, 08:49 PM
Hi. Cap Mac. Ok. Not your fault. just. Now as l am older my spelling has

Gone up the Pot ok. So just ignore it ok CIAO. PLoos. SLAINTE100955

01-11-2021, 02:17 AM
hi. Trying one from. Poland ok still feeling dodgy but slept to late watched the

telly. For a. while to see. Whats. Happening not much. Looks like l might get

a jab. if they remember. I'm still here. ;):D:D. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE100956

01-11-2021, 05:15 AM
Hi. Ok did a little touch. But. Felt tired so sat in my armchair. And went to

sleep ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE100958100959

D Akey
01-11-2021, 05:23 AM
hi. Trying one from. Poland ok still feeling dodgy but slept to late watched the

telly. For a. while to see. Whats. Happening not much. Looks like l might get

a jab. if they remember. I'm still here. ;):D:D. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE100956

Over here in the States, the Poles' been very much at issue in the news with Trump and Biden an' all. Believe me, there's been so many jabs . . . Phew!

Frankly, I prefer the Pole you're doin'. . . She's shapin' oop right nice, she is.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-13-2021, 12:28 AM
Hi. Yeah woke up early. But then went back to sleep. Relizeing was much too

early ok. CIAO. ploos. SLAINTE100963

D Akey
01-13-2021, 06:54 AM
So did the nurse come round for yer jab? Would that mean another name for 'visiting nurses' would be 'jabberwalkers'?

Quick! Fetch hither your copy of Alice in Wonderland, to see if you can identify her from the illustration of the jabberwock.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-15-2021, 01:44 AM
Hi. Sleept. Like. A log okso didn't wake. till About. 3pm. So just a touch up

As still didn't feel.like Doing much. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE100964

Yeah. Cap Mac no. jabber walkers. For me yet. Prehaps. They've forgot.

Me. Or too old. To bother. :eek: ;) :D100974

D Akey
01-15-2021, 10:02 PM
Good to see your AWOL ways came to an end.

She's looking like a real character, that lassie. Hot stoof, oh aye.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-16-2021, 07:34 AM
Hi CAP. Mac. Yeah. Still feeling. Dodgy. Tried. To get a new picture to.copy...

ok l thought l. Had. But couldn't.. Find it. So. Pinched an old one out of. Files

And done a slight touch up ok CIAO Ploos SLAINTE100981

01-16-2021, 09:17 AM
Loving this one Mr.Ploos - I don't remember it but then you are so prolific it's impossible to keep up.

Stay well and I hope you get that jab soon. Our jabs are supposed to begin rolling out next month. It's not considered an emergency here so it is delayed for more testing.


01-16-2021, 11:46 AM
Thanks june yeah no jab yet l think they think i'm past it ;):D:D

Hoo Roo 100987

01-17-2021, 05:14 AM
Yeah. You. Have Just got to. Keep you hand in. Drawing and Painting. ok

CIAO. PLoos. SLAINTE100995

01-18-2021, 05:22 AM
Hi. Yeah. I'm up. Late. So just had my. Wheetbix. And a couple of cups of

coffee. Ok. and scan for something to draw ok found a girl in Mexico. Ok

But think its beyond. My. Scope. But tried a quick bash anyway. But while

There. I was frighten by the colour they use. On thier Paintings ok.

CIAO. Ploos. SlAINTE100998

D Akey
01-18-2021, 07:10 AM
Fear not, lad. Yer right on track. I've no idea of the color they had in the original, but you know you can use the original painting as a palette to pick your paint colors right off it.

But then the original artist may have done some fancy brushwork, so I don't know how much of a challenge it might present to ya. But yours is lookin' right sweet as can be. Good taste, oh aye.

Also that old pic of the gal's face that June liked, I also think it's fabulous. . . nor do I recall seeing it. So if you hadn't said nuffink, we would ha'e taken it as bran' spankin' new, and so we would.

Go man GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-18-2021, 10:27 AM
Yeah. I found. This drawing. Which took me back. A few. Years? :eek::eek:

more then l want to remember :confused::D:D ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101000

01-19-2021, 03:15 AM
Hi. l'm. Lost. And confused ok l think. Iwas painting a Mexican girl ok but

Since then l can't her. is it possible. That microsoft is hiding her from me ???

Ok l think. l'll. Have forty winks as maybe when l wake she will say Hi boy

Where. You been hiding. As you. Have. confused me. ?? CIAO Ploos. SLAINTE

D Akey
01-19-2021, 07:26 AM
Yup. To keep the young ladies, ye moost bring em gifts and sooch, like paint them flowers and candy an' maybe even a stocking or two. . .

. . . unless that might be interpreted as yer stocking 'er. Well choost make sure the lines are straight up the back, oh aye.

Go man GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PAINT MAN PAINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-20-2021, 04:37 AM
Tis l. Still lost and Confused. ok. I'll have a quick to see if. Anything is showing

As might be lucky. D D D. :( :p. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE.101004

01-20-2021, 04:56 AM
Yeah. I found. This drawing. Which took me back. A few. Years? :eek::eek:

more then l want to remember :confused::D:D ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE101000

Hi. Not sure but could. A statue. In. Poland. Ok. CIAO. PLOOS.

D Akey
01-20-2021, 08:05 AM
The one of the kids playing does indeed have a sculptural quality to it.

Grand start, MacPloos!


01-21-2021, 04:21 AM
Hi i woke late had coffee and seral ar h. The nurse has just come to sort out

My legs. Ok had another go at the Mexican. Girl. Ok. CIAO. Ploos SLAINTE101013101014

01-22-2021, 06:27 AM
Hi. yeah l think. I'm still in. CHILE. TRYING TO PAINT. ;) :eek::D:D:D

l must say. It looks. A fantasic place. CIAO. PLoos. slainte???

01-23-2021, 05:09 AM
Hi. Yeah being a lazy barstard. I'v slept most of the day. Legs still a broblem

Which. Now l'm old makes life difficult. as l'm. Hoping. To make the. TON:eek:

Ok. Had another. Try At painting direct. and got into a hellaofa state. But

Will battle on. Regardless. Ok. CIAO. Ploos. Slainte. eek ; D. D. D101024101028

01-23-2021, 07:40 AM
Yeah tis l. After they dragged. Me out of. The. Bozzzer. shouting. A large.

Brandy. To help me along the road. Please. ok. CIAO. Ploos. SLAINTE