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D Akey
07-24-2018, 06:34 AM
Oh aye? So you're going to take a run at the nymphs, is it laddie? Well, don't trip over yer cloven hooves is all I can offer by way of advice. Make sure you're good and rested oop ahead o' time. They look a perky lot.

Go man go!!!!!!!

07-24-2018, 01:41 PM
Tus últimos trabajos, .... sencillamente asombrosos!!!

07-24-2018, 02:30 PM
Thanks. Damasoci. HASTA la vista. SLAINTE

07-24-2018, 05:46 PM
Great work again, and I really love the pedicured red toenails.

07-25-2018, 03:22 AM
;) :D :D :D yeah I guessed you would Sandy and she did treat me to a large Cognac and that's not to B sniffed at :D yeah I

did get giddy bending down painting them its my age you know ;) :D :D :D took me a large swallow of Cognac to come too :)

ok this is the one Cap Mac sent me done a touch up today ok CIAO SANDY HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

07-25-2018, 10:37 PM
;) :D :D :D Hi Cap Mac a quick Bash as Promised OK CIAO SLAINTE

and they sang as they dragged him to the Water Now wash you dirty Bastard :D

07-25-2018, 11:27 PM
Beautiful palette and lakeside scenery there, 80. And the last one here, seems to be some evidence pointing to more partaking of the Cognac on the bus. Hopefully this is a beautiful warm spring day since these ladies have decided to frolic with Pan or this man with only his pants in nothing but their birthday suits.

07-26-2018, 04:17 AM
Hi Sandy yeah Bouguereau is not pleased But Modigliani wanted to Join In ;):D:D:D:D:D:D yeah the Cognac and

the Hot weather got us all going :cool: ok CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
07-26-2018, 04:50 AM
I remember when I was about 5yo I went to a camp where they had a tradition of tossin' the camp counselors into the pool fully clothed on their birthday. But as it was, at me summer camp nobody had taken their clothes off. . . Whereas, doon tha nudist colony it was an altogether different affair. Everyone into tha pool! Don't need no excuse in this heat.

And yeah, the other one of the docks in Denmark or wherever that village was, looks good. Nice sense of space. Good touch oop.

07-26-2018, 05:25 AM
Yeah Modigliani said to his Model come and join the dance She said not on you Nellie am I dancing in the nudie with that

Hairy Bastard :eek::eek::eek: You tell Cap Mac That OK :D:D CIAO SLAINTE

07-26-2018, 11:18 AM
Hi Eighty, nice work, you have been busy with the brush so that means I hope that you are feeling better

07-26-2018, 11:18 AM
Hi I suppose I'd better have a go Or Bouguereau will send his Heavies in :eek::eek::eek :ok CIAO SLAINTE

07-26-2018, 01:55 PM
To Chad hi think it was a rough copy of your's some time ago OK CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
07-26-2018, 04:49 PM
Hi I suppose I'd better have a go Or Bouguereau will send his Heavies in :eek::eek::eek :ok CIAO SLAINTE
Interesting process, MacDoogle! Ye done stripped the lassies of all their clothes and their painted colors. . . probably re-allocating some blush to your very own cheeks.:o:o:o:p

Them nubile young nymphettes look like they're going to be givin ye a taste o' yer own, unless I miss my guess. . .

07-26-2018, 07:25 PM
Hi Cap Mac. Just woke. I,m sitting on the side of the bed. About to take my pills. Ok. Yes looking at the lanes. One.
I,m annoyed that I didn't, straighten the window because I have noticed that Chad paintings are always correct as to
The verticals and horizontals. So will go back and change it ok. As to. The Bouguereau. Paintings. I never was a fan but now I have got a copy of the original at last. The hair on the back of my head feels as if it's standing up. Ok think I must get more paper first looks like lots of starters as I've never got on with layers. Ok. CIAO. HASTA LA VISTA. SLAINTE

Chad Weatherford
07-26-2018, 07:37 PM
To Chad hi think it was a rough copy of your's some time ago OK CIAO SLAINTE

Oh nice! It's amazing all these details you are describing where the original was a bit vague

07-27-2018, 02:24 AM
Hi Chad I looked back at yours a market in China yes the main 4 people are there ok so I changed the window

and then got carried away :D:D:D ok CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

07-27-2018, 05:29 AM
Hi To hot so had to pack in ok CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

07-28-2018, 05:41 AM
hi started the post many hours ago but must have fallen asleep ok it was while a just looked on my iPad that I relized

what had happened :D:D:D ok so I'll finish it now before I go asleep :D CIAO SLAINTE

07-28-2018, 05:47 AM
:D :D :D ok think its the correct one this time :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
07-28-2018, 07:23 AM
So you feel the heat across the continent and o'er the pond, is it, lad? At least you picked a hot picture to cool down. I'm guessing the water balloons are about to come out.

Heads oop, my dear sir! Ye shall soon be drenched, one way or t'other.


Incidentally, I was just watching a documentary from the BBC (who else?) on Van Gogh's ear. Nobody knows for certain, boot they found accounts and a drawing that he only cut off the lower portion of one ear. The historian on hand said something like, "For the most famous story around a painting in history, to find he just cut off the lobe was a bit underwhelming." (She sounds a wee bit British, eh? and she is.)

They weren't even sure the girl he gave it to was a prostitute. Some accounts say she was just a shop girl. Ploos, the papers at the time were making all kinds of mistakes, like one claimed he was Polish, and so forth. So it's a story that took on a life of its own in the telling after telling, like working a clay sculpture.

But as you're dallying with the naked nymphs, I would take special care to not slice off too many body parts as parting gifts for playing our game. T'would likely lop-side yer venerable beard and cause ye ta part yer hair different.

Gogh Man GOGH!

07-28-2018, 08:51 AM
Yeah Cap Mac I'm Dropping off all the time what with the heat and Bouguereau Nymphs its to much for an old Bodger :(:(:(:(:(


07-29-2018, 10:28 PM
:D Hi didn't do much yesterday mainly sleeping :(:(:( ok CIAO SLAINTE

07-29-2018, 11:05 PM
:D :D :D :D :D :D Yeah sorry I'm still half asleep ok CIAO SLAINTE

07-30-2018, 02:06 AM
:D :D :D Ok a touch more as managed to stay awake ok :cool: :cool: :cool: CIAO SLAINTE

07-30-2018, 07:35 AM
Hi I think I've at last got a picture from iPad Pro that's if I can remember how I dunnit :( :( : confused: CIAO SLAINTE

07-30-2018, 08:57 AM
Always interesting, 80, you're so talented. Everything is coming along in great detail. I hope you've had a nice weekend!

D Akey
07-30-2018, 09:43 AM
Poor lassie with the guitar didn't get invited to the bacchanal. Bummer. I think it put her strings in a twist.

Looking good on the bacchanal though. Very relaxing after a release of tension. Makes a painter want to sleep afterwards.

Go man go!!!!!!!! Hard a port, matey. A dram o' starboard. . . Maybe a flaggon o' Chianti. . .

07-30-2018, 11:37 AM
Thanks Sandy. No sleeping a lot. But did watch at the long. Pond. At Penn is it NASCAR Car endurance race. Sat and sun
Evening quiet enjoyed it.Ok what makes me laugh on the nymphs Is the the flowers bottom left. Is when I look at
It reminds me of a goat sitting amongst the flowers. :D. Ok. CIAO

Cap Mac. Get on your Geetar. And sing us a song about the girls dragging the poor Satr into the water :D. Ok CIAO

Sandy. ��. I,m. In my. 90 th. yeah. ����

07-30-2018, 05:00 PM
Ok try. IPAd Pr👹👍

08-01-2018, 08:11 AM
:D Hi Yeah a voice from up the Back shouted ave yuh done ?? and I shouted back Yes but you can always see more :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


08-01-2018, 09:50 AM
Great painting eighty, but I dont know how they can have all these orgies in this heat lol

08-01-2018, 11:08 AM
Hi. Pat. Yeah I,m in my 90ties and I agree But think back. When we were in our late teens The weather never
Bothered us then :D. Did it

08-02-2018, 05:01 AM
hi. just woke. from a quick nap. ok but was confused to where I was. ok CIAO. SLAIINTE

08-02-2018, 09:53 AM
Hi I was resting as didn't feel like starting another one ok so just done a touch up of a old one OK CIAO SLAINTE

08-02-2018, 12:20 PM
Hi ok after putting her in the wrong place I've given her a go OK CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
08-02-2018, 01:35 PM
I could hear the one voice in the Bougerreau calling out whether you're done. But I also can hear the lassies lament they're not there yet.

Back to the grindstone, MacPloos. Yer appetites for paintin' folks an' stoff is legendary in their sheer complexity. Most would faint clean away into the muck and mire. Boot there ye be, sailin' on through undaunted and victorious. . . So hurry oop an' finish the lassies 'ere they start mockin' -- not ta be confused with muckin' aboot.

Go man go!! Yer new starts look most promising as well. YAHOOO!!!!!!!

08-02-2018, 05:39 PM
Nice work eighty+... just went through your thread, think I found a treasure trove here. : )

08-02-2018, 05:56 PM
Bjusus. Cap Mac. Yeye. b a right hard taskmaster. As thought the lassies where quiet happy as and I did shout back to the voice. That I was done !? But I will look back. Later. When Finn The needle woman ok the devil drives me as the
Reaper has been hovering around lately he must B short of cash and wants to give me a extension Trouble is his price has trebled due to briexit ok CIAO. HASTA. lA. VISTA. SLAINTE

08-02-2018, 06:03 PM
Thanks chuck yeah I,ve been looking for ages but with no luck :D:D:D. CIAO. SLAINTE

08-03-2018, 12:59 AM
Well. I think. I,ve at last. Managed. To get. A painting from my IPad Pro. I. Hope. We will see:eek:
CIAO. SLAINTE 🙏🙏🙏😇🤷*♂️

08-03-2018, 01:16 AM
Well I asked. The Owl. What he thought of his portrait. :D. He said rubbish. Do U want me to fall off my perch

And U will. Be better house painting but only at floor. Level. Ok keep quiet as I can hear a mouse. Yeah I,m hungry

08-03-2018, 05:05 AM
Hi My lot for today think I'll have a coffee and some buttered Toast ok CIAO SLAINTE

08-03-2018, 10:27 AM
Beautiful 80, wonderful palette! I wish I could join you with the toast and coffee, maybe a nice bus ride, too.

08-03-2018, 05:05 PM
Very nice eighty+ — you nailed those thick brush strokes.
Ah... coffee sounds good about now, maybe dip my cookies in it. : )

08-03-2018, 08:06 PM
To. Sandy and. Chuck. Sorry. I,m out of coffee. As. Asda. Has change their ball game. And don,t know who I am. So
Like. Mother Hubbard My cupboard. Is empty. And being not mobile due to my legs it look as if I will B on a diet:D

08-03-2018, 10:42 PM
:D :D :D :D :D :D Yeah I thought the Reaper had come?? ok CIAO SLAINTE

08-04-2018, 02:32 AM
Hi break time cold tea and toast and I belive if there,s any :( :( :( :( ok CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
08-04-2018, 07:39 AM
Kick the ol' Reaper in the yarbles, matey. He cannay get his sythe around without cuttin' off another bit and bob of his personal best. Ya done good. Your kung fu is good. Keep it oop.

08-04-2018, 09:11 AM
Hi. Cap Mac. How,s. The bonfires your way. Tell Trump. There is climate change. That should make
Him. Happy9 ;):D. By the way. The Owl. Likes. His meat. Fresh :D. CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
08-04-2018, 09:49 AM
Looking down right modern with that technique there, MacPloos. There are other artists I'm not exactly familiar with, but in a way you're going to a place ol' Gaughin went -- and I'm no talkin' the South Pacific, neither. The breaking up of the canvas into colors that work as an end in itself is a very pleasing way to go -- an island with lots of room to explore, ploos more topless girls -- can't be bad, can it?

08-04-2018, 12:13 PM
Hi. Cap Mac. Thanks. Yeah I’m on trouble. Trying to understand. The. IPad. Pro. Think I should. Have got the one
Before the Pro. As this is too complicated for this old Sod. Ok. CIAO. HASTA. LA. VISTA. SLAINTE ������������

08-05-2018, 12:51 AM
Hi OK got to stop EYE's need rest too much eye strain ok CIAO SLAINTE

08-05-2018, 06:39 AM
Hi. Trying to understand IPad Pro. Ok 👍

08-06-2018, 12:10 PM
Yeah. That me. 😏😳. Managed to get from IPad Pro. OK. CIAO. SLAINTE

08-06-2018, 11:14 PM
More great painting, 80, and the last one so striking. Love it!

08-07-2018, 04:07 AM
Yeah up late just having a cup of cold coffee which I had forgot when I starting Painting :) ok . Then that voice Shouted again :eek:

Hi mate have you not finished that painting YET !!! I said I Dunno but I bloody hope so Mate

Thanks Sandy ;):D:D

08-08-2018, 03:57 AM
yeah I ain't saying nuffink ;) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
08-08-2018, 06:23 AM
Wow, look at you go, ridin' the Ploos Boos! Never quite know who you'll meet there. Good stoof, matey.

Go man go!!!!!

08-08-2018, 09:20 AM
:D. Hi. Cap. Mac. Very. Hot here. I didn’t. Think I would make it. :confused: how is it up your end. Are the fires still
Burning. How does it effect your units. I surpose. Like me. They sleep. Most of the time. Is pozdrawski. Still. Acting as a fireman. :D. Trust him. It’s in his Polish blood :D. Ok. Keep well. I’m still fighting. The IPad. pro. :(. CIAO. SLAINTE

D Akey
08-08-2018, 09:42 AM
Well, Ol' Pozdrawski's not fire fightin' as there are luckily none aroond this 'ere neck o' the woods. I think 'es off makin' perogies with some lassie up tha heeland -- in mid fling as t'were.

It's been hot here for sure, and me electric bill's a big one keeping the air conditioner going in the hottest times o' tha day.

Sorry t' hear you're beans are cookin'. I guess air conditioning is not such a big ticket in the UK. My guess is that if ye wanted ta get into a new business, installing and repairing air conditioners is a way to make a ton o' loot as ye all seem ta be a new market, oh aye.

Well fight the good fight with yer iPad Pro. Just look 'im straight in the eye an' tell 'im whose boss. Crack on, Jimmay!

08-08-2018, 10:16 AM
Hi. Cap Mac. Pozdrawski. Older brother. Who’s been. Looking for. Him. Ok I have told he’s with you helping with your underground. Friends. So don’t be surprised when he turns up but don’t tell Pozdrawski
Or he might do a runner :eek: Ok. CIAO. HASTA. LA. VISTA. SLAINTE 👍🤡😵

08-08-2018, 12:57 PM
Hi. Got. Another one from the IPad Pro 👍😴👻

08-08-2018, 05:35 PM
Yeah. More Mustard. Please: 👜🐞🌴⚡️🥥🇲🇹 cool: CIAO. SLAINTE

08-08-2018, 05:47 PM
The girls. Fishing. At Barcombe Mills Old. Browns. Boat house. Near. Lewes a favourite spot :D:D:D

08-08-2018, 06:11 PM
Looks like a good fishing spot eighty+
Very nice portraits too!

D Akey
08-08-2018, 08:32 PM
Wow. That portrait of Cartuneman is fantastic, MacDoogle! You really went in there and put the form where it belongs. Great likeness, fantastic craftsmanship. Nice and painterly. I'm impressed. I would tell you you're really cookin' now, but I think you've been feeling the singe too close of late. So let me just say it's fan-flippin-tastic. GO MAN GO!!!!!!!

08-08-2018, 09:58 PM
thanks. Cap. Mac for his name. As I had forgot. I seem to think. He is a artist in South America but wasn’t sure. Ok


08-08-2018, 10:03 PM
Thanks. Chuck. I did reply but it seems to have got lost sorry

08-08-2018, 10:18 PM
Time to get up as the nurse. Will be at the door ok. CIAO

D Akey
08-08-2018, 11:54 PM
thanks. Cap. Mac for his name. As I had forgot. I seem to think. He is a artist in South America but wasn’t sure. Ok


Cartuneman lived in Arizona or Nevada or Colorado or somewhere in the wild and woolly western USA. Up to his elbows in cowboy reenactments and western paintings and such. Was good too. I think he left because somebody annoying from way north said something annoying and he left in a huff or puff. Too bad. His stuff was great and he was a wonderful contributor. But I think he was also having some health issues so he probably decided to take it easy. Hope he's well.

08-09-2018, 02:03 AM
John Blackford AKA Cartuneman is alive and well in Reno and posting his artwork over on Wet Canvas forum.:)

D Akey
08-09-2018, 06:11 AM
That's great about his being active and well. Thanks for the update June.

08-09-2018, 08:12 AM
:D:D:D:D:D:D yeah Durer said wot rubbish but my Mum likes it so what can I say ?? Mum said take no notice of my boy

as he only drawn me in Pencil and I look better in Colour Thanks Ploos :D:D

08-09-2018, 09:27 PM
Hi. I’m. Never sure. If it’s golng to come out. :D:D:D. Ok. CIAO. SLAINTE

D Akey
08-09-2018, 09:43 PM
Ach, yer lookin' grand, laddie buck! Ye have a keen look on yet kisser. Nobody ever knows what will turn out even looking in the mirror day to day. Nothin' unusual in that.

Hope ye put a few bob in yer self same sporan for posin'.

08-09-2018, 10:16 PM
Hi Cap Mac. Having hard work. With the IPAD Pro. Driving me more up the wall then normal OK. CIAO. SLAINTE

08-10-2018, 01:20 PM
I see some great work here, 80, except the Halloween picture of the woman that resembles an old member here.:o I hope you've had a great week and will have a wonderful weekend as well! Looking forward to your upcoming bus ride inspirations!

08-10-2018, 09:31 PM
D:D:D. Hi. Sandy. Sorry. Left eye. Was hard to see. But left as seen. A mistake on my part OK

It would have been. Better to have matched to the right eye. Ok. Keep well. CIAO. SLAINTE

08-11-2018, 02:25 AM
Hi up early and made some Porridge as it was all I could find :(:(:( Irene My Neighbour who pop's in with food is in Glasgow for two weeks

and ASDA won't accept my password :eek::eek: CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
08-11-2018, 07:06 AM
No idea what ASDA is, but remembering passwords is not anybody's strong suit usually. You may want to start writing important ones down in a book you keep at your elbow. Books are easier to find than scraps of paper I've found the hard way.

Sorry you're down to porridge. But consider it like the old days when you first started on the forums. You were big on porridge, which was like a blank canvas of sorts and saltanas was like your paint.

Stay fed, lad. Hope your kindly neighbor gets back soon.

That's a great portrait of Sandy (Alexandra), especially considering the pic you're going by. Good man.

08-12-2018, 12:24 AM
Excellent, 80-love it. Do you mind if I use it for my avatar? Take care.

08-12-2018, 01:10 AM
Just. Woke Sandy. Pleased that you like it yes ok if you want to as would be like winning gold at the Olympic Games for me. :D :D:D:cool: Thanks Sandy. Go gal go

08-12-2018, 04:55 AM
eighty+ I'm digging that red and blue combination in your portrait, makes her face pop out nicely.

08-12-2018, 12:22 PM
Thanks Chuck obviously You have good Taste :D:D CIAO SLAINTE

08-12-2018, 12:28 PM
Hi before I fell asleep as Durer had come to see me ? as was annoyed that I had put paint on his MUM :eek::eek::eek CIAO SLAINTE:

08-13-2018, 01:24 AM
Yeah it’s no good you hidding. As I will. Find.you. Beth :D:D:D.

08-13-2018, 10:42 AM
Thank you, 80! I will get this ready pretty soon. Great additions, too!

08-13-2018, 11:23 AM
Hi Sandy looks good :) :)

OK just a little more ok as been in Glasgow all day no time to paint CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
08-14-2018, 12:46 AM
Ol' Dürer is lookin' like he should be holdin' an electric guitar. Nice drawing, matey. He was one of the artists I tried copying in my first drawing classes.

So who is Beth? Is she your neighbor who who carries with her the antidote for porridge?

08-14-2018, 01:02 AM
Hi cap Mac. What drawing classes. Blimey. You were lucky wish I had. 80 years ago. As then I would be able to
Draw better now and be able to use layers :confused: :eek: :D. CIAO. SLAINTE. HASTA. LA. VISTA.

Just on rice. As mother Hubbard is empty.

08-14-2018, 06:00 AM
:D Hi that's My lot for today Ok !! Then the Voice shouted what about his Hair ?? and I shouted black

Blimey I thought it was Chain Mail ;) :D :D :D :D :D :D :D CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

D Akey
08-14-2018, 06:15 AM
Ach laddie! Make sure you eat. Don't you have somebody who can deliver some supplies to you from the market or the British version of Meals of Wheels kind of thing? You have to eat. Looks like you've been losing weight from the look of that self-portrait.

As to Dürer, looks like he pissed off Willie Wonka who beaned him with a giant chocolate bar -- and it melted into the chain mail creating a durable re-enforcement to the structure. He's definitely up to code.

Go man go!!!!

08-14-2018, 10:46 AM
:D. Hi. Cap Mac. Yeah. Just. Had my bowl of. rice. So that should see me for tonight. And enough porridge just
For the morning ok:D:D:D. Sorry about. The Chocolate by the looks it’s all over his head :cool: CIAO. SLAINTE

08-14-2018, 10:23 PM
Hi just up. 10.15 am. Ok another try on the IPad Pro. :D:D:D. CIAO. SLAINTE

Yeah before porridge ����*��

08-15-2018, 02:50 AM
Yep still trying the IPadPro. Yeah he made it from Aussie to NZ. Nearly. Within 20. Miles Ciao.

08-15-2018, 05:52 AM
:D Hi ok tried the chain Mail ! now back to his Fizzog and a general tart up :D CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

Yeah He's Confused as it should be the middle Finger showing ;)

08-15-2018, 02:50 PM
The. Law. But. Only. If you. pay. :D:D:D. CIAO. IVAYA. CON DIOS. SLAINTE

08-16-2018, 03:27 AM
:):D Bloody marvlous innit here's me waiting to hear the Voice shout ave yuh dun mate so I could shout back yeah up yours mate FINN

but no Voice gone to majorka on holiday :confused::cool::cool::cool::cool: CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

08-16-2018, 07:32 AM
Hi. Yes the Scottish. Peewitt bird. Rarely seen. As it nests only in the Highlands heather were it finds
Its food. Ok. :D:D:D:D:D. CIAO. SLAINTE

08-16-2018, 12:24 PM
Yeah. On telly. Tonight. About. This picture by. Rembrandt ok so tried to sketch it. On the odd time
They showed it Ok. Ciao SLAINTE

08-17-2018, 05:47 AM
Hi. A touch up. As far as I could see. Maybe I should go to the original. Ok. Trouble. Is I haven’t found
Out. How to get the original on to the IPad Pro. Ok. CIAO SLAINTE 😳

08-17-2018, 05:55 AM
Same page sorry :confused::confused::confused::confused:

D Akey
08-17-2018, 07:25 AM
Hey there MacPloos! I don't have an iPad anything so I can't suggest anything.

But according to "for Dummies":

This is the one-step way. On the Dummies web page there's some alternatives, but this is the essential thing to do. I image that you need to find where you save it to or it may ask when you're in process. I don't have one so I don't know.

1) Press your finger against the image.

2) Tap the Save Image button that appears, as shown in the figure

08-17-2018, 07:47 AM
Hi Cap Mac thanks as I'll try anything if I can get them on the iPad Pro :) as I keep looking at Beachy Head :cool::cool::cool:

OK a quick Starter a Teenage Rembrandt :confused: :D :D :D CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

08-17-2018, 08:40 AM
Looking great, 80! I love your technique. Looking forward to seeing this one come to life. Hope all is well on the bus and with the meals.

08-17-2018, 09:07 AM
Thanks. Sandy. Love your Beatles so colour full :D. Ok. I,m confused. As the young Rembrandt. I'm copying it seems
As if there are two. The one I,ve seen today has quiet a white collier fancy style showing. Plus the hair.is Not tarted up you look see what you thing of the two. Ok. Sandy. CIAO. SLAINTE.

08-20-2018, 01:26 AM
Hi I'm back just as had no food for two days !! then the nurse came to measure my legs and when I told her I had no food for 2 days

she said ok forget the legs today I'll go and get you some food what shell I get I said 4 pt milk a box shredded wheat a loaf cut bread

margarine and Mamite that will get through Sat /Sun ok she was only gone 20 mins and back with it all A nice looking girl I asked

her were she come from IRAN she said and it flashed in my mind Persia and when was it spit up and who by ??? CIAO SLAINTE

Yeah Cesare would have told me

08-20-2018, 03:10 AM
Thanks. Sandy. Love your Beatles so colour full :D. Ok. I,m confused. As the young Rembrandt. I'm copying it seems
As if there are two. The one I,ve seen today has quiet a white collier fancy style showing. Plus the hair.is Not tarted up you look see what you thing of the two. Ok. Sandy. CIAO. SLAINTE.Thanks, 80, so pleased you liked my beetles. I am sorry you've gone without food! I hope you are taken better care of. If I were there I would be in the kitchen with my organic flour, butter, and milk rolling out my dough, steaming fresh veggies, and grilling you marinated chicken. You may not fit on your bus by the end of the month. :p

08-20-2018, 04:07 AM
Corr. Sandy sounds great. Ok now I,ll. have some more shredded weat to get me through the day ok. ;):D

D Akey
08-21-2018, 10:41 AM
Hi I'm back just as had no food for two days !! then the nurse came to measure my legs and when I told her I had no food for 2 days

she said ok forget the legs today I'll go and get you some food what shell I get I said 4 pt milk a box shredded wheat a loaf cut bread

margarine and Mamite that will get through Sat /Sun ok she was only gone 20 mins and back with it all A nice looking girl I asked

her were she come from IRAN she said and it flashed in my mind Persia and when was it spit up and who by ??? CIAO SLAINTE

Yeah Cesare would have told me

Are you asking who broke up the Persian Empire in ancient times? I think it were none other than Alexander the Great. That was before Caesar so don't blame the lad. He's probably sunning his Italian self on some Mediterranean beach and dipping his watercolor brush into the sea. So I don't think he's in the mood for conquest -- leastwise not an entire empire's worth of women. He's getting too old for those kinds of shenanigans.

Listen, MacDoogal, ye needs ta take nourishment on a regular basis. Next time you get a belly dancin' leg wrapper coming by to bring you dates from the oasis, try the cous-cous, a little goat cheese, some baklava. . . It's a marvelous opportunity to eat outside your comfort zone. Shredded Wheat? It's fine if you have enough sugar and milk. But take advantage of the local cuisine. You'll be thanking me when you do.

08-21-2018, 01:33 PM
Hi Cap Mac. No it was in my lifetime. Ok �� check your dates. ?? Ok yes I’’vet been asleep a lot in the last few days
So haven’t done much painting Ok. CIAO. SLAINTE

08-22-2018, 01:31 AM
:D Hi yeah it was hard today as hadn't painted for a few days as had lost the feel as the airbrush felt like pneumatic drill :D:D:D

so i'm off for a sandwhich and coffee ok CIAO SLAINTE

got some space to make hair higher ok

08-22-2018, 02:14 AM
Is this what you wanted to know Mr Ploos?

In 1935 the Iranian government requested those countries which it had diplomatic relations with, to call Persia "Iran," which is the name of the country in Persian. The suggestion for the change is said to have come from the Iranian ambassador to Germany, who came under the influence of the Nazis. www.iranchamber.com/geography/articles/persia_became_iran.php

Loving the hair on your guy.:p:cool:

08-22-2018, 06:40 AM
Thanks. June. Sorry late in reply but reading all the dater. And then went on to irac took some time and put me to sleep
That must for nearly 4 hours as I've only just awoke. At 6.30pam. Ok. Will. Look at his hair tomorrow to heighten

Yeah. That Rembrandt. Must have been quiet a Boyo in his teens. ����

D Akey
08-23-2018, 03:25 AM
Well, sounds like you're eating, which is matter one. As to the paintings of Rembrandt, they look really nice. I also really like the hair on the latest pics. It's stylized and gives it a hand done feel. Yer doin' greit, laddie!

08-23-2018, 06:19 AM
Hi Cap. Mac. Yeah up. And the nurse come to measure my legs. For stockings :D had full intent. To do young rembrandts
Hair. But. That's as far. As it went. As just woke gone 6pm Thinging to have spaggitte from a frozen pack done in the micro. If I feel like it might do his hair tonight. And maybe touch more colour on his face. Ok. CIAO. SLAINTE

08-23-2018, 09:17 PM
Good job MR 80+.. If you make the Eyes a bit smaller it will look better i think. Continue with the good work, sir ��

08-23-2018, 11:22 PM
Thanks Danny I will look at the eyes but at the moment i'm still playing with the hair and had to stop as eyes are watering so hard to see

so will have a Spam sandwhich and coffee ok Sorry danny as I haven't looked at yours yet will do later ok CIAO SLAINTE

08-25-2018, 01:35 AM
:D Hi I think FINN ok :confused::confused::(:(:( CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

08-26-2018, 07:12 PM
Yeah woke early so tried to trace but was confused so will see what’s come out ok
Ciao. SLAINTE 😳🙏🤞.

08-27-2018, 02:41 AM
����yeah. I’m still trying :D:D:D can just see him starting to appear :confused::confused::confused:

With IPad Pro. Pencil. OK

08-27-2018, 05:59 AM
:D. Yeah. I’m beginning to see him. But had to use finger this time OK
So must practice more with the pen. ?? CIAO. SLAINTE

08-27-2018, 06:32 AM
Hi. As I was confused I’ve put a no 1. Top right Ok. ��

Well I dunno as it looks more or less. The same to me. ����. CIAO. SLAINTE

08-27-2018, 07:41 PM
Who is the person you are drawing? Is it from an old picture?

D Akey
08-27-2018, 09:29 PM
That's one way to get a drawing to start with -- using a filter effect. Nice idea. The trick then is to make the rest of the work match that outline. The line makes it sharp and hard and the soft airbrush is a different look. Now it's a matter of bridging the two approaches. I suppose one way is to paint over the line work or hide that layer with the drawing on it.

Cool. Go man go!!!

08-28-2018, 01:08 AM
Hi. Danny. Cap. Mac. This is the original ok. Looks like mid 1850. as to the artist is don’t know as I
Only saved it to draw later so been floating around in my files for some time. Ok. Then I thought I’d
Try on the IPad. Pro but don’t know how to get a reference picture on the screen so I could draw it so
That’s why. I tried to trace. :(. As I prefer to draw as I always do. Okay. CIAO. SLAINTE
I think I’ve had another go at it ok. When I can find it l’ll post it :D

D Akey
08-28-2018, 04:35 AM
Why I believe it's none other than the son of Whistler's Mother his very own artistic self: James McNeill Whistler (not to be confused with old time radio series The Whistler). But even though Whistler was an American, he spent his painterly days in Paris and London.

Have to love the lavish abundance wherein they insert the sponsor's name in old time radio. Don't know if you guys had this series over there.


08-28-2018, 04:48 AM
:D. Hi. No 2. Okay. But i’m Not happy with it as still. Not sure drawing with the pen. Or my finger On

IPad Pro I need more info. Ok CIAO. SLAINTE

D Akey
08-28-2018, 05:07 AM
I think perhaps you may want to look at the way the shadow breaks up the form. There's a shadow side and a light side. And where they intersect it describes the form and for graphic artists (as opposed to full rendering type of painters) breaking an image down to the light area and the dark area in a high contrast way is often all they need or care about because it's graphic.

But for someone wanting to copy an original where it shows volume, you want to probably replicate that volume. You're losing your form by not including the shadow area. I think you'll be far more satisfied if you put that part in.

Go man go!!!!!!!!!!!

08-28-2018, 07:58 AM
Thanks. Cap mac whistler. Well I be blowed. That's we're I got him from. When I done his 3. Nocturnes. Ok. I,ll. go
Back to my. Cintque screen. With the intuos pad and have another. Bash at him. Ok. As for shadow on the face I did. Put it in but for some reason when exporting. It does. Not show. As seen on the one I,m painting on. ??? Ok.

08-28-2018, 01:52 PM
:D:D:D. Hi. Been trying for hours to send a attachment. I still not sure how I done it :confused::confused

D Akey
08-29-2018, 07:02 AM
How about trying a different tool, MacPloos? Chalk pastel might be fun. I sure like it. Here's an old one done back about a hundred years ago give or take a decade. Loosen you out of trying to get a perfect likeness because there's not one. This is all about the painting as a whole. Have some fun with pastel colors on a toothy canvas.

The artist is Archibald Antonius Joan 'Rob' Graafland Maastricht 1875-1940 Heerlen Girl

Best of both worlds: Drawing and Painting in this technique

08-29-2018, 08:05 AM
Thanks Cap. Mac. I. Like it. But not feeling to good so more or less just watching telly half asleep ok CIAO. SLAINTE

08-29-2018, 04:57 PM
Hi. A quick. Smash. In the middle of. The night on the IPad Pro with pencil I did turn it then lost it. So I’m not sure if this is the 1 I lost. Okay CIAO. SLAINTE

D Akey
08-30-2018, 09:52 AM
Up-See-Daisy, MacVelcro. Dennay want the wee lassie slidin' headlong into the dell at such a precipitous angle. Woulnay do atall.

08-31-2018, 09:45 AM
. :D :D: D: D. Hi. Still trying with IPad Pro ok. But not fealing to good. So been drifting in. And out
Of sleep. All day. Okay. CIAO. SLAINTE
And can’t get a reference image. To copy from. On the IPAD Pro ��

08-31-2018, 12:42 PM
Yeah. Still playing. With the IPad Pro. Ok. Just of to sleep. CIAO SLAINTE

09-01-2018, 01:39 AM
Hi. Still trying. On the IPad Pro. CIAO SLAINTE

09-01-2018, 01:45 AM
Hi. Still trying. On the IPad Pro. yeah go man go :eek :D

09-02-2018, 10:07 PM
:D. Hi It’s. Me. :D:D:D. Yeah. Still. Confused so called it Finn :D:D:D. CIAO. SLAINTE

looking at it now should have taken her right foot away as I think she's got her leg tucked under her and can just see her toe

well that's my pennies worth ok see what you think ??? ok

09-02-2018, 11:25 PM
Hi a quick. Change. Ok. I think it looks a bit better. Ok CIAO. SLAINTE

D Akey
09-07-2018, 06:19 AM
Ho there, MacPloos!

I've been away for a short bit with son and grandkids. It's a thing of great joy.

The downside is that I got slammed with a major cold that's making the rounds of my throat, nose and chest. Nearly gone and back to shipshape and Bristol fashion and all those jolly good sayings what speak to me heartiness. Yar!

Hope you're well. I can see you've been posting comments for others which is also very good, being that yer the elder statesman of sorts.

I saw they have a new movie about Van Gogh (new to me anyway) starring Willem Dafoe. Will need to look it up and give it a watch. At Eternity's Gate is what it's called.

Go Van Gogh!!!!!!!

09-07-2018, 06:47 AM
:D. Hi. Cac Mac. At ETernity's Gate. Yeah that's all I need now. As was hoping to make the ton :D but will keep fighting
At the moment due to the IPad Pro I 've got confused so havn't been painting instead I've become a TV potatoe:D:D ok

D Akey
09-07-2018, 09:56 AM
Godfrey Daniels, Matey! I dennay think they meant At Eternity's Gate bein' aboot the ton. Yer nay even near yer gate which is more like the ton and an' 'alf by my reckonin'.

Keep oop tha grand work and enjoy yer couch potatoin' ways. Ye've earned it. So turn to tha cookin' channel and learn about batter fryin' some fish. That's the kind of cookin' show for a British couch potato. A Mister Fish and Chips, as 'twere, oh aye.

09-07-2018, 05:48 PM
A cheerful rendition, 80. Great work here as usual. I haven't been able to keep up with your thread, best wishes though-good food, and bus rides!

09-09-2018, 09:05 AM
:D. Hi Sandy sorry as not feeling to good ok so what comes up. I’m Not sure 🤔. Ciao SLAINTE

09-09-2018, 10:45 PM
Interesting strokes!

09-10-2018, 04:09 AM
Hi. Zedda. Thanks. Just woke from a long sleep. 4oc. Pm. is. Zagreb. In. The old. Yogoslavia. ???before the split

09-10-2018, 04:34 AM
Hi. Zedda. Thanks. Just woke from a long sleep. 4oc. Pm. is. Zagreb. In. The old. Yogoslavia. ???before the split

That's right. Zagreb is actually a few hours drive north of Split, which is down by the south-most part of Croatia. ;)

09-10-2018, 07:12 AM
Thanks Zedda. Does Yogoslavia Stiil. Exsist then as a big country. .??? And why the split ?.? And are people.
Still Yogoslavs. Apart from Name. Change. Example If Germany had won. Would I now be a German. Confused :D

D Akey
09-10-2018, 07:32 PM
I presume you have no problem painting women's jugs? Well here ya go, lad. Something small to keep your hand in it.

MacPloos! Do not want to get too rusty, oh nay. Go man go!


09-11-2018, 10:45 AM
Hi Cap Mac thanks great picture have saved it with luck when I'm feeling better I try a quick bash :eek::eek::eek: ok CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
09-13-2018, 05:34 AM
Hope you're feeling well and that you're just being the gentleman of leisure from the idle class, wot. Pip pip, MacTele. Up ya get. Move the body at least a wee bit.

Go man go!!! Paint paint paint!!!!

09-13-2018, 11:20 AM
Still dodgy. Cap Mac. Sort of half asleep all day But:D:D early evening had a look at. It and started drawing ok I got the shape of the jug roughly down. Iwas just about to start drawing her head when I noticed. The canvas had shrunk so tried
To sort but as I haven't been drawing for a few days I forgot how to due to my age. :D. Ok. Wil try in the morning or afternoon
When wake Ok. Ciao. SLAINTE

09-13-2018, 11:53 AM
Murdock,s. Boy. BOy.

09-13-2018, 12:14 PM
Yeah. i would love. To be on the greens. If the legs were ok. :D:D:D CIAO. SLAINTE

D Akey
09-14-2018, 07:57 AM
Glad you're keeping the stylus moving, there shipmate. So you're a golfer, are ye? Want to shoot a round with ol' Trump, is it? Don't take this the wrong way, but what was yer handicap?

Go man go!!!!!! Glad to see the paintings coming in again. No idea about why the problems with your picture changing size, but screw it, sez I. Just keep painting. Might just be the view zoomed out too far?

09-15-2018, 12:40 AM
Legs eleven. I think. :D. :D. :D. CIAO

09-15-2018, 06:27 AM
Hi Cap Mac well I had a bash this afternoon but I'm all over the show felt nervous and the hands were shanking so Starter No 1 ok

and nearly forgot how to post it :D:D:D:D:D:D:D CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

D Akey
09-16-2018, 11:06 AM
First time I painted with my first life model, my hands were shaking as well and I was red as a stop light. But t'were many moons ago. And let me tell ya, mate, I've been mooned by the best, oh aye.

By the way, on that jug ye have painted in there with the flesh tone, aren't ye missing something, William Tell?

Go man go!!!!! A fine start.

09-16-2018, 12:34 PM
Hi Cap Mac. Nope just bunged a bit of colour on so I could see where it was ok. Yeah l’m Missing quiet a lot. At
The moment but hope to sort. Out this week that is if I can stay awake. :(. :D. Ciao SLAINTE

09-16-2018, 04:26 PM
See Cap Mac. I’m still trying to paint. :D :D :D :D :D :D. CIAO. SLAINTE

09-16-2018, 09:15 PM
Thanks. Sapon. I’m pleased you do. cIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
09-17-2018, 04:24 AM
I guess this fellow with the fiery hair is a superhero of some sort. He looks almost like some deity who is the God of Ginger -- or maybe he's the burning man (or lassie) wearing a hair net. Hoot mon!

Good stoof, MacPloos! Oh aye.

09-19-2018, 02:26 AM
80, this is a great portrait of me after bleaching my dark hair. Some things are just not meant to be. Scary it was. Thank God for silver rinse. Now it is a lovely silver, blue, and cream. Haha, looking forward to seeing your work evolve if you should feel like finishing this one. I hope you are feeling better. I have not been able to keep up with the threads right now, but wish you well dear sir.

09-19-2018, 02:48 AM
Hey. Sandy. Whats all these. Dear sir. .?.? As tis I. Ploos :D. CIAO. SLAINTE

D Akey
09-19-2018, 06:11 AM
Hey. Sandy. Whats all these. Dear sir. .?.? As tis I. Ploos :D. CIAO. SLAINTE

Right then, good Sir Ploos.

Ye were in the army, no? So I suppose that makes ye Army Sir Ploos. Used to love going into all yer stores when a lad.

09-19-2018, 01:48 PM
Ho. Ho. HO. Cap. Mac. Like it. :D: D: D. CIAO. SLAINTE

09-22-2018, 06:49 AM
:D:D Hi Cap Mac Tis I ok thought I'd better do a bit more before she bashed me over the head with the Jug :eek::eek::o:cool::cool:


09-22-2018, 03:47 PM
Haha,okay. Cap Ploos. Great addition here, but what happened to the yellow haired woman? Maybe she found the silver shampoo as I did.

09-22-2018, 04:56 PM
Nah. Sandy I think. She's on that yacht earthbound. :D. :D. :D. Ploos

09-23-2018, 03:44 AM
Yeah. That spot on my. Nose. I Kept putting. T C P on but it took a long time to go maybe I should have

Waited before. Doing a. S.P. :D. :D :D :D :D :D :D. CIAO. SLAINTE.

My 1st. 2 Drawing’s. Ever this and 1 of the wife. Which is in the file.s when I. Can find it. ����. Think I was about 56
And was so exited ����. Thinking I could Draw. ��������������

09-24-2018, 11:39 AM
:D:D Hi tried to do a bit more but still not feeling to good ok CIAO SLAINTE

09-26-2018, 02:25 AM
:D yeah still sleeping a lot so don't do much as after 1/2 hour I starting drifting :eek::eek::confused::confused::o:o


D Akey
09-26-2018, 05:43 AM
Just helped my mom getting my step-father one of those electric wheel chairs. His knees are completely shot. And I think this is going to make all the difference. A little cost, but since it's getting him out of bed it's well worth it. Easiest thing to use as well.

If it's something you can get National Health to assist with, you may want to look into something like that where you can navigate tight living spaces. Plus they have a thing here where the mass transit will do door to door service for people in wheel chairs, motorized or not.

I ran into a lady down the pharmacy who had some kind of massive disability but a clear head and when asking her about it she was very helpful and spoke of all the things she could now do alone. Amazing.

Give it a thought with your legs. You may be in so much pain trying to walk that you just want to sleep. Could give you a new lease on life, with a ramp at your front door. The one-seater Ploos Boos would get you out and sketching again.

Go man go!!!!!

Art you're doing looks good. Was that pencil selfie from back in the 1980s? Your beard was shorter and you had a different hair style. Couldn't tell if you were wearing spandex or not being it was the 80s and all.

09-27-2018, 12:54 PM
Hi Cap Mac yeah still around JUST :D:D sleep sleep SLEEP thats the name of the game at the moment:(:( so just tried a

touch up on Velazquez to save working ok CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
09-28-2018, 04:00 AM
Nice painting of that painting of the Spaniard. I love how you've worked the brush strokes and gotten the volume right. Very credible.

Ach! 'Tis a fine swashy paintin', MacPloos!

09-28-2018, 07:49 AM
Thanks. Cap. Mac. Ok I’m. To bed. As keep fallen asleep even when sitting in the armchair CIAO. SLAINTE

09-29-2018, 03:57 PM
Yeah. Just woke. 3.50 am. After sleeping from about 7pm ok. So tried to post the. legel eagle which
Kept getting rejected. Yesterday. To my surprise. It went through. ����. Ciao SLAINTE

Rule. Of law. ONLY. If you. Pay. ��

09-30-2018, 09:55 PM
hI A small touch before I keel over OK CIAO SLAINTE :D:D:D:D:D:D

10-01-2018, 01:39 AM
I like the "Velazquez" especially. I hope you get the help you need, eighty.

10-01-2018, 06:05 PM
:D: Hi Sandy Yeah jumping of Beachy Head :):):):):D:D:D CIAO HASTA LA VISTA IYAYA CON DIOS SLAINTE

10-02-2018, 10:14 PM

10-02-2018, 11:56 PM
:D :D :D Hi just a touch up of an old one ok CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
10-03-2018, 06:03 AM
Good one MacPloos -- especially the ginger kid. Got to be a lassie from the lachs.

A fine think seeing more of your work. Keep it oop, Oh aye and Hoot!

Go man go!!!!!!

10-03-2018, 05:23 PM
Hi Cap Mac. Yeah to save drawing at the moment. I’m doing a touch up on the oldies ok �� ciao SLAINTE

10-04-2018, 12:46 AM
:D Hi ok tried another touch up of Chad's wife no2 CIAO SLAINTE

10-04-2018, 07:01 PM
OW. I do like Koff. Larger From Norway. Good taste. Strong. ��:confused: said Chad

10-04-2018, 10:29 PM
Brilliant, 80. :cool:

D Akey
10-05-2018, 03:18 AM
I see the Ploos Boos made a stop down the pub. That Ploos Boos is like one's old horse that knows the owner's stops and automatically takes him there -- sort of an equine designated driver.

Go man go!

10-05-2018, 03:49 AM
Hi. Sandy. Cap Mac. Thanks. Yeah. Like the old horse. That’s me know most times. Just looking to see. What I can
Get away with. While I’m awake. :D. OK. CIAO. SLAINTE

10-06-2018, 04:20 PM
🤡. Yeah don’t take any notice of me ok. As just fighting the IPad Pro ok. Ciao SLAINTE

D Akey
10-07-2018, 04:01 AM
So is this your leg-wrapping visiting nurse? Switching to camouflage wrapping fabric is she? Very stylish.

Go man go!!!!

10-07-2018, 10:30 AM
Hi Cap Mac. No the nurse’es have stopped coming. As i’m In elastic stockings. So now. It’s Carer’s who come about 3tlmes
A week. To see if l’m ok and change the stockings and grease the legs make sure l’ve Got food ok but went to the docs
Yesterday as had a feeling that something wasn’t right. It iS A hiatus hernia So more pills prenome 20mg gastric resistant-
To keep.the acid down. Ok. And eat less and type of food ����. Ciao SLAINTE

10-09-2018, 04:37 AM
:D:D:D:D:D:D well its all I can do at the moment :confused::confused::cool::cool:: (: (:( CIAO SLAINTE

10-10-2018, 04:33 PM
Yeah. Go gal. Go. 🙄👍

D Akey
10-10-2018, 06:04 PM
Primed she is and ready to grease up your gams, hoist yer leggin's and batten down yer hernia. Very good you got folks looking after ye. Looks like she brought you a proper fantastical hallucinatory dream state and all. You tarted up the matron good an' proper.

Fine work, me lad!

Be well.

10-10-2018, 08:13 PM
Yeah. Cap Mac. Still battling with the. PRO. At least I got tiger Lill. To show. In the end. As kept saying INVALID. :(

D Akey
10-10-2018, 09:03 PM
Ye cannay listen ta a pea-brain computer. What do they know. You are no invalid. You can get up and around, nay? Yer got the healand fling a-coursin through yer veins. So ye kin heal, oh aye.

So cheers to the healers, which includes yer lubricated self. Just don't try shimmying oop no flag poles, greased as ye are. Don't suspect you would get over much vertical traction. Try tossin' a couple cabers aroond instead.

Go LAD GO GO GO!!!!!!!!

10-10-2018, 10:45 PM
Hi Cap Mac. Aye up early. Thought i’d Get to Scotland now it’s going independent. But I nearly got killed in the crush
Seems as if half the populace wants to become Scots Maybe. I’ll. get a better chance. As m’mither comes from Edinburgh
So i’m Half a Scot. Already. :D. Hoots. Mon go. go. GO. CIAO. SLAINTE

10-12-2018, 04:57 AM
;) :D :D yeah I haven't a clue so far :confused: but at least something is happening :) ok so with luck it might

look like a Picasso ??? and be applauded from the ROOFTOPS ;) D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


D Akey
10-12-2018, 10:05 AM
;) :D :D yeah I haven't a clue so far :confused: but at least something is happening :) ok so with luck it might

look like a Picasso ??? and be applauded from the ROOFTOPS ;) D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


Since the Heelands are so far from home, it's PLOOS ONE from the rooftops then!!!! Cheers MacPloos!

Go MAN GO!!!!!!

And yeah, it's Australia, boot they got the right stoof -- meanin' plenty o' beer.

10-12-2018, 10:24 AM
Yeah. Cap. Mac. It's Just. Got to. Be. FOSTER'S. Ain,it. :D CHEERS CIAO

10-13-2018, 05:50 AM
Well she came out better then I expected ;) :D For my 1st proper try at using the Trace but I prefer to draw them myself

come what may !! even if they might look like Picasso's ;) :D:D OK CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
10-13-2018, 09:38 AM
. . .even if they might look like Picasso's ;) :D:D OK CIAO SLAINTE

Keep at it, Laddie Buck. Yer no quite there yet. A few knocks in the head in the bull ring and ye should be seein' like a proper cubist.
- O'Lay

10-14-2018, 02:20 AM
:D:D:D Hi Cap Mac yeah this of his is the only one I liked of his Stuff OK CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

hi has anybody been to Rome and find out how Caesar is as he's missed at the Forums OK

all I can think is he's become a Priest or a Politician ???????

10-14-2018, 04:43 AM
that's great Picasso..oops I mean eighty+..:)

D Akey
10-14-2018, 07:45 AM
:D:D:D Hi Cap Mac yeah this of his is the only one I liked of his Stuff OK CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

hi has anybody been to Rome and find out how Caesar is as he's missed at the Forums OK

all I can think is he's become a Priest or a Politician ???????

Hahaha. Smashing! Good job your legs are all greased up which means the bulls could only get a glancing blow -- just enough to put the corners on your cubist sensibilities.

Bully for you, Pablo MacCasso!

D Akey
10-14-2018, 11:31 AM
hi has anybody been to Rome and find out how Caesar is as he's missed at the Forums OK

all I can think is he's become a Priest or a Politician ???????

Haven't seen the lad since the Ides o' March Hares gone a couple years. Flinging open my diary, let's see now. . .

It seems he was going to be retiring by now. I also think he got frustrated with the lack of women to flirt with.

Also I think he felt the lack of support judging by the lack of response when he was going all political with the boatloads of refugee immigrants from Africa -- fearing Italian culture was about to be washed away and nobody was posting bilingually in Italian and English which I believe he took as a personal insult seeing as I did it for Portuguese and Spanish but omitted Italian. I did so because I though he was fluent.

Also I blame myself some for writing to you in all kinds of English and Scottish dialect. I thought he spoke English, but I can see that he mostly used Google Translate and I don't think it could handle the broken phonetic spellings.

Also Andrea and Caesar left in the same boat it seems. I reckon they set off for the Isle of Lesbos to speak to the Lesbians about their keen interest in World Cups -- or was that cups of the world?

Sorry Lad. If you have any questions about Caesar, I would consult Pliny the Elder. Just do it before Vesuvius erupts.

10-15-2018, 03:40 AM
Hi Just up looks as if I've been asleep for 14 hours HO ho ho and as I'm feeling tired didn't do any drawing so just a

touch up instead ok CIAO SLAINTE

10-16-2018, 02:12 PM
Mairzie. Yeah I should know. :D

10-17-2018, 12:43 AM
Hi up late so just done a touch up ok CIAO CLAINTE

D Akey
10-17-2018, 04:06 AM
Ah, Durer was top drawer.

Nice touch up. Amazing how long he's been holding this pose for ye. Good model. You should buy him a gift certificate for Starbucks come Christmas. Good models are worth their weight in gold.

Go man go go GO!!!!!!!!!!

10-17-2018, 08:25 AM
Hi Cap. Mac. Thanks.yeah it's Good to look back and do a touch up as you get more time. To look. :D.

I look at the bloke on horseback And I noticed bottom right a signature So must be the original so I'm confused
As I can remember painting it have tried to find my copy but could take some time as iHave no filing system

Buttero a Cavallo 221 ?????

D Akey
10-17-2018, 10:11 AM
I think there may have been a few paintings of horsemen. Would need a hint. Was it a drawing or painting or even sculpture, or a drawing of a sculpture or the copy of a drawing of a sculpture or even a painting done from the drawing of a sculpture? Maybe it was a drawing from a photo or a jpeg of a drawing from a photo?

I'm getting mixed up. Was he on a horse or partly a horse? Well, this one is by Boris Vallejo. Something to work on while you're looking for the other one.

10-18-2018, 04:18 AM
Yeah up late ;) :D :D ok had my Weaties and Banana but still don't feel like drawing ok so back to Touch ups ok

CIAO SLAINTE looks like moul marinier

10-18-2018, 09:32 AM
:D Hi Cap Mac OK as you have forced me I have tried to draw :confused: as the Lines went their own as you can see well

I hadn't drawn for two weeks so found it hard going but bashed on regardless So CRIT will Be welcome ;) :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:


D Akey
10-18-2018, 10:04 AM
Awesome! Well done MacPloos! Good lay-in with the drawing. Colors are heading in the right direction for the copy as well.

Okay, requested crit: You need more banana on your cornflakes.

Other than that it looks pretty good. I think the thing you want to pay attention to in the next phase is minding your anatomy. . . I mean not yours personally--which I suppose you could leave to the nurses. I mean is the anatomy of the figures. You have the proportions pretty good. But when you do the centaur's arms for example you want to not have the arm pinch too much throughout. But that's something you will attend to when you get to painting.

So you're not wrong or even rusty. I think you're doing surprisingly well for having taken time off. Great to see. And top marks for this stage. Just clean it up as you go and it will be perfect.

Go MAN GO!!!! To OLYMPIA-a-a-a-a-a. . .!!!!!! You might find a centaur or two there. . . not to mention some good anatomical specimens.

10-19-2018, 03:01 AM
;) :D :D :D ok Cap Mac still trying to knock into shape ? OW yah you didn't tell me Boris was a bodybuilder of beautiful

Birds as well nuff to drive yuh crazey ok CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

PIA To see you GOOD Kual le Shenti Jainkang Zia Jain :( :confused::confused:

10-19-2018, 06:40 AM
Wow, great work, such energy!

10-19-2018, 07:32 AM
Hi Sandy Thanks but still a lot to do before eagle eye shoots me down on anatomy :eek: Ok CIAO SLAINTE

10-19-2018, 09:20 AM
OW my God Please have Mercy on my Soul :confused::confused: as I'm still trying :cool: (: ;):D:D:D CIAO SLAINTE

10-20-2018, 12:44 AM
Corr Blimey Mac you should be so Lucky ;) ;) :D :D :D :D :D :D CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE.

By Boris

10-20-2018, 02:09 AM
;) :D :D Hi Cap Mac Thanks for showing me Boris Vallejo :D :D :D :D :D :D CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
10-20-2018, 10:36 AM
Looking fantastic in every sense of the word. Looks like the warrior sporting the leather levis with the curved dagger carved a smile on the face of The Laughing Centaurian there. That's the spirit! Awesome work, MacDoogle.

Oh, and yeah. . . love the leggy brunette from the black and white film era. She could lose the butt though. . . yeah, I mean I like her butt which I encourage her to keep, but I hope she'll quit draggin' the fag.

Go man go!!!!!!!

10-20-2018, 10:58 PM
Hi. :D. The people are asking for a honest. Referendum. After the last one was fixed by the Tory’s

10-21-2018, 05:03 AM
Hi had to stop as eyes are watering so finding it hard to see OK CIAO SLAINTE

10-21-2018, 09:01 AM
OK had another bash at it roughly more just to get the full Picture so now I can more or less just do a Touch Up to finish it OK


Hi it looks as if she has just killed the Bull and the crowed are all standing Cheering :D Julie the Matador

10-21-2018, 01:46 PM
HI a quick smash as going To Bed OK CIAO SLAINTE :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

10-22-2018, 03:59 AM
Hi Coffee bisquits and Snooker stops play OK :D:D:D CIAO SLAINTE

D Akey
10-22-2018, 08:00 AM
Ah, so I see you've discovered Frank Frazetta. Nice portrait. He came before Boris and set the tone for all that fantasy illustration art. He also worked as an artist on the old USA comic strip Li'l Abner and did all those great Conan the Barbarian book illustrations etc. Extremely influential.

The one of the warrior lassie in the provocative pose, let me just say this, MacPloos, you are right in the zone where so many of those artists have gone. Seeing as you have been covering the history of art, you opened a door to this room. A lot of fun. Nothing too serious. And great Halloween dress-up fare.

Go man go!!!!!!!

10-22-2018, 09:21 AM
Hi Cap Mac thanks yeah the Carer has just come to grease the legs to stop them cracking. And put on clean stockings
Ok. Yeah been looking at frazzetta work. Just fantastic. Enough to make me go bald if I can last out :D:D:D. Ok with
The reaper keeping close attention. So might get time to do some. More if the hands don’t shake to much :(. CIAO. SLAINTE

10-23-2018, 04:01 AM
Hi finn Julie and boris ok CIAO SLAINTE

10-23-2018, 05:51 AM
Hi Just a touch more ok CIAO SLAINTE :cool: :confused:

D Akey
10-23-2018, 09:25 AM
Looking grand, MacPloos! Here's another couple you might like to mess with.

Peter Hulsey did the flowers in the meadow and Ernest Chiriaka did the calendar dame.

Enjoy laddie! Your stuff says you're in the zone. Go man go!!!!!!!!


10-23-2018, 12:34 PM
Hi Cap Mac Thanks ok yes I've picked the hard one First so I can jump off Beachy head ;) :D:D:D CIAO SLAINTE

10-23-2018, 11:45 PM
Hi A wee touch more as up early OK :D :D as got a Flue Jab Later at 3.00pm :eek::eek: CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

D Akey
10-24-2018, 10:58 AM
I feel like I'm at the eye doctor's testing out lenses. This last one is clearer than the previous. Keep going, doc! Getting sharper. Paint that field o' dreams.

10-24-2018, 01:19 PM
Hi Cap Mac :D:D:D Had to go to the Doc's for my flue jab which to a good half hour as on two walking sticks and hobbling along with
rests every 5mins and then back in a state of near collapse when Home so fell into the armchair and went to sleep I come to at 10.30pm
ok so had a quick look at the Meadow hoping somebody had crept in while I was asleep and done a bit but no Joy :( :( So I dragged
myself up to the meadow and did a touch not much! just a touch as was time for bed OK CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

10-24-2018, 02:00 PM
Hi Mr. Eighty, how are you doing? I have been viewing your thread to catch up on your paintings. They are all very nicely painted. I spent more time on your last few ones. I love them.:):) Can't wait to see you finish the last one which Dakey sent you the references.

10-24-2018, 02:37 PM
Hi. pai. Yes I’m. Still. Blundering on like a man with no arms but good to see your still painting. I did look at your
Abstracts. But didn’t reply. As there beyond my imagination. If you know what I mean ok. Kual le shanti. :confused: ok ��. Ciao

D Akey
10-24-2018, 05:52 PM
So you're on four legs now is it, laddie? What happened? You get bit by a centaur? I was a bit worried when you painted it a little too lifelike and personal as if the combat t'were yer own aesthetically adept self. Careful or you'll end oop a right hoofer in the Brighton Follies, Jimmay!

I imagine that flu jab to be the antidote to break the spell -- turn ye back human, eh? Well, hope ye didn't pass oot when ye came face to face with that ol' needle. Hobbled though you are, you're still getting around and that's an inspiration.

10-25-2018, 01:21 AM
:D Ow my God Ploos what have you done :cool confused :D :D :D well I took the easy path and threw the flowers up in the air so

now comes the hard bit sorting that lot out ok I did think I should go A.W.O. L but the legs said don't try as we will only make it

to the front door (: ( :(: :p :mad: CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

10-25-2018, 03:20 AM
:cool::cool: and the voice shouted ave yuh dune Yet Mate and I shouted back Yeah Mate And I'm Knacked :D:D:D CIAO SLAINTE

10-25-2018, 10:59 PM
Hi :D yeah I did tell her last night to stop drinking large Gin and Tonic but as you can See she took no notice of me :D:D:D CIAO

D Akey
10-26-2018, 07:13 AM
Ah, the ol' gin and tonic maneuver. You finally could best her on the tennis court, which was your cunning design all along, eh, MacEnroe? I'm guessin' the score be Love 80+

Good one also with the flowers in the field. Keep that paint moving aboot. Go man go!!!!!!!!!

10-26-2018, 09:19 AM
Hi Cap Mac sorry about the Flowers but they went to my head and I just went to Pieces :o:o OK CIAO HASTA LA VISTA SLAINTE

10-26-2018, 10:36 AM
Hi Cap Mac ok had another go at the Flowers in the Meadow but still not keen on it but a blind man would like to see it OK

D Akey
10-26-2018, 12:23 PM
Now all you've got ta do, my dear chap is get the lassie in the meadow and you're golden. The flowers on her dress could populate that there rugby pitch with bigger bloomers.

You certainly didn't waste any time tartin' oop the bird with that loovelay raven hair. I can tell where you're heart is. And well placed it is, oh aye, and so it 'tis.

Go man gooooo!!!!!!! Wooohoooooo!!!!!!