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View Full Version : Out of Chaos Comes... [Alternate Version also added]

01-07-2010, 03:45 PM
I had to call it something. :D Hope you enjoy. Comments and commentary welcomed.:)
100% AR3
Airbrush, Ink Pen, Gloop Pen, Tube Paint, Glitter, Custom Made Stickers, Knife, Eraser. No Filters.
Visual effects are better observed blowing up full screen and viewing from a distance. EDIT: An alternate version is now included at Post #14 below.

01-07-2010, 03:47 PM

Why does this piece make me hunger for candy?
Subliminalism at it's finest sir :)


01-07-2010, 03:50 PM
I was just thinking the same thing. Yummy and beautiful!:D

01-07-2010, 05:09 PM
Picaso, Sandy: thanks a bunch. I get the feeling maybe I better rename this "Candy Canes and Chaos" instead. :):):):):):D:D:D

Jim Walsh
01-07-2010, 05:24 PM
Byron, I don't know how you do these, but they are quite wonderful. Gazing at your paintings is like seeing a magic show. Thumbs up!

01-07-2010, 06:27 PM
Byron... I see you were able to break away from the addictive red spot theme and return to the "How-in-the-world-does-he-do-that" theme. There is always so much that runs through my little brain when I look at one of your paintings. First and foremost - The art itself as a whole (in this piece and others) is just down right beautiful and full of life and color. Then there is that ever so calculated composition that makes my eye's stick to it! Then there is that... How did he do that aspect. On a lot of art (here) I feel I have a pretty good eye for what tool was used or if a ruler or a stencil or a stamp was used but with your work... you got me! Does he add all that shadow and light? is that an effect or a filter? It's a mystery to me but that's what I like about it! You are a genius both artistically and technically! Once again, Bravo my friend and... How do you do that?:D:D:D

01-07-2010, 06:36 PM
I see mop strands, tableware, and the stuff that sticks to them. Oh wait ... wrong thread. :o
Byron, you put the Pro in prolific. I can't keep up. Suffice it to say that I remain a huge fan. :)

Rob in Denver
01-07-2010, 07:16 PM
I cannot say it any better than Sketchism did. But I agree with him 100%.
Absolutely Stellar! I would hate to show you what I have been spending hours on tonight after looking at this marvel! But you can't hit a home run every time you are up to bat. But this one you knocked out of the park! Way to go Byron! The colors and the depth of this one....wheww! Great job!

01-07-2010, 09:29 PM
Very interesting. :) Neat work.

01-07-2010, 09:29 PM
Uh, don't quote me on this but, the painting reminds me of hard candy stix. mmm :D

D Akey
01-07-2010, 09:33 PM
Designing and defining reality again I see. You're incorrigible, ya scamp.

Like you took a microscope to Joseph's amazing technicolor dreamcoat looking through the weave for God in it like a pigeon in a magician's coat.

When I was a kid we lived in San Diego at the edge of a construction development, and at a very early stage they had dug all the trenches for the sewers and so on. And I thought that was the coolest thing ever cause you could jump across, and climb down and scale the 8 vertical feet. Dirt clods were everywhere to chuck around and watch explode on the street. And we played hide and seek in over a block or two of this development. The trenches made it really fun.

But then if you think that was cool. . . they framed the houses. And so we had a couple blocks of vertical and horizontal studs and beams which was the most amazing thing in which to play hide and seek. The houses were filled with plug nickels that got punched from the electrical stuff before the multicolored linear wires were filled with electricity. And there were nails and planks of remnant construction wood. Plenty of crap for a young boy to build the niftiest go carts, and forts and skateboards and all kinds of fun stuff.

"Up to a game of Hide and Seek," said God? "I got this great universe that's under construction. Knock yourself out, kid."

But I digress. . .

01-08-2010, 12:16 AM
An after dinner desert in some far off galaxy.
Very first thought was edible candy!

01-08-2010, 12:51 AM
D'Akey, Evart, Saddy, Rob, Robert, Eddie, Iceaxe & Jim: Thank you for the wide ranging feedback from the candy cane LOL's, to the impressions via childhood memories, and the warm appreciations.

D'Akey, in all honesty your description of childhood play mimics much how I see the world. I look at a skyscraper and contemplate the miles of pipe and wire and number of tons of steel and cement and glass and plastic and wood and what have you and where the steel came from and the quarry for the stone and the oil processed to make plastic and the sand to make glass and the copper mine for the wire and the transportation to move it all from raw materials to industrial plants to manufacture construction machines and building artifacts delivered to the hands of workers who with their brains and brawn and everything in between assemble it all in time and space into a monumental collaborative creation. Think of that as a fractal among billions representing every object and creature you see in natures whole unfolding. My head swims somewhere it there. It orients me towards my subject matter, the wellspring I try to draw on when thinking "OK, what the heck am I going to paint next." I really like your little story - it seemed, in a simple way, a map of my experience. It sure gave me a giggle. :D:):):)

Sketch, Rob, Robert, & Jim, thank you for the awesome feedback - you each are way too kind.

Sketch: A short answer is most of my paintings are constructed almost like tinker toys. I have an idea, I create all the individual pieces, and then assemble them. A lot of it is a very "mechanical" process, but with a lot of trial and error. I spend more time looking than painting. I never use filters, though I might use the color adjustment tools. I think I've enough iteration saves for this painting to do a little tut demo - I might give that a shot - it would be a lot of fun.

Thanks again everybody. Much appreciated.

01-08-2010, 01:03 AM
My process can result in several versions of an effort. Sometimes it's hard to choose which one is "it". I usually like to settle on one and the rest are filed away as also-rans. But after posting today and then reviewing the alternatives, Rosy and I both felt like maybe we preferred an alternate take and I'm posting it here. The basics are the same but the visual with the sparser, cleaner, simpler background delivers a completely different impact (or at least I think so). So, on second thought, here is an alternate take. Your considerations about the differences would be fun to hear if you care to share them. :):):)

01-08-2010, 01:22 AM
I am sorry that my poor English don't permit me to follow all the interesting
discussions on this Forum, I understand only the half of it,
when I have the time and energy to read the comments;

I find your very colorful constructions very amusing and in the same time
interesting. I don't see where you did use the bloop pen, probably in the background.

I will try to look at your work when it will be possible .:):):)

01-08-2010, 05:06 AM
Byron, always wonderful images you create. Love the imagination and freedom to be creative I see in your images.

01-08-2010, 05:10 AM
Byron thats terrific, everything seems to pop out into view. Great work again:)

01-08-2010, 07:13 AM
Dany, Katie, DMerchen - thanks bunches. :)

Dany, to your gloop pen question: in the second painting, the predominant background forms were made with the gloop pen that I converted to a sticker and then further manipulated with the spray gun settings and various pallet knives. :):)

01-08-2010, 09:33 AM
Byron, you are a magician with this technique and these colors.:eek::eek::eek:

01-08-2010, 06:48 PM
Thanks Oriane. You are a magician with everything you touch it seems. :):):):):)

01-08-2010, 09:17 PM
These two are very beautiful and I really like it. Again, I have the same thought before I read D Akey's interpretation. Maybe I get used to see your abstract paintings about skyscapes and building. These ones gave me right away an architecural feel and constructal theory in it. Like seeing how you mind building this painting. Love this color palette you used for the background patterns. Great stuffs. :)

01-08-2010, 09:26 PM
Dany, to your gloop pen question: in the second painting, the predominant background forms were made with the gloop pen that I converted to a sticker and then further manipulated with the spray gun settings and various pallet knives. :):) Thanks for the description,
now I can see and understand.:o:):):):)

01-08-2010, 09:43 PM
Well if you expect me to have a preference, you will be disappointed in my response.:o I opened a second window to view them side by side and you are absolutely right, the subtle difference between the two changes the entire mood of the painting...Not better or worse, just different. I think you changed the sex of it!:eek: The first one is female and appears brighter and softer - more delicate. The second seems much more masculane with a more aggressive darker feel. Now if these paintings were representing the bird species than I assume it would be the opposite!:D Interesting experiment similar to my Elk with or without the trees. I think it comes down to individual preference! I choose the... :)

01-08-2010, 11:28 PM
Pai: Thanks so much, and again, thanks for your frequent visits.

Dany: Thanks again. Old gloopy seem useful just about everywhere.

Sketch; Now THAT is a steal-able interpretation, male and female. I should pretend that was the idea in the first place, print and frame them together as the concept. Kind of funny, I fist liked the first one - the feminine. Rosy first liked the second, the masculine. Maybe you are on to something, maybe not, but maybe it's worth bottling, whichever. :D:D Thanks for dropping by again; and your new avatar is super. :):):)

07-18-2020, 08:22 PM
I recall this was fun to build.