Quote Originally Posted by markw View Post
Are you on a Mac Star Lizard? As Vitae is only sold through the Apple store there is no Trial version available.

Can you define “troubles” more specifically?
Dose ARV have any bugs?; Yes it dose. But then again all my other graphics apps do too!
Do any of ARV’s bugs impact my workflow sufficiently to prevent me working with the app; No, not in the least. It’s mostly just quirky behaviour with some elements of the UI.
But without knowing your precise concerns it's a difficult one to answer...

ARV is currently on Sale for 50% off at the moment (I think it finishes in 3 or 4 days time) so from that point of view this would be the opportune moment to upgrade for less.
No, I use Windows. If its now only in the Apple store, why does it appear to still be available in the Microsoft store?

I'm not referring to little quirks which don't impede my ability to work. I don't recall what exactly other users were claiming. It was bugs involving features I have not worked with. I have no way of knowing with 100% certainty if I will ever use those features & subsequently heave trouble with handling those features. I just thought it would be wise to keep that in mind before potentially upgrading shortly after release.

I'm aware of the sale. That, along with the passage of quite some time since the release, is what prompted me to consider upgrading recently.