Quote Originally Posted by kaveman View Post
When Apple introduced the new iPad Pro, the company boasted that its slim slate is more powerful than 92 percent of PCs out there. The benchmarks confirm this.

iPad Pro software should not be second class to the PC versions.
This is 100% correct. My 2018 iPad Pro is faster than my 2018 Mac Mini across pretty much every task I complete. It also has (IMO) the best drawing interface available on the market - and the market for art apps on the iPad is huge.

ArtRage is being left behind, and failing to support iPad with fully featured, modern software with a good UI is not going to help that. It's sad, but it's true.

I am simply not interested in using desktop/wacom solutions any more for drawing and painting when the experience is slower, worse to use and less convenient.

I saw ArtRage 6 was out and I was really hopeful that the iPad app would be feature-complete, and receive the upgrade it's so desperately needed all these years. Sadly, it seems that isn't the case.

Anyone saying that full, feature-complete ArtRage can't work on the iPad Pro simply doesn't know what they're talking about. I hope ArtRage sees the light - it remains my favourite ever software for simulating natural media, but it's vanishing into the pages of history on its current trajectory.