Thank you Mark,

Yes, several shutdowns complete with coffee I am using the latest version of Sonoma.

I used Rebelle 7 (latest version) yesterday and it too suddenly has huge pen lag. Affinity Designer and Photo do not. That makes me think this is a OSX issue.

I uninstalled both ARV and R7 using Clean My Mac and shutdown and rebooted. The issues persist. :-( it’s just possible that it is R7 related. The problems started after updating R7. That seems unlikely to me.

I am having problems with my Wacom Intuos Pro L. I’m using and older driver because the lastest driver stops the tablet working completely. Have i contacted Wacom for support? Have you ever tried contacting Wacom for support??!

Just to answer your questions: it’s with all brushes at any size, the shortcut problems seem to have resolved with the re-install.

Just to make it more mysterious I started having WiFi problems at the same time! It’s at about this time I start calling my local shaman!
