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Thread: Script to video file?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    washington, usa
    oh I did not know you had already done this with the bluebird video. I thought I had discovered something ingenious and amazing. well it is, but I guess I didn't discover it. I am still experimenting with camstudio.
    what size do you use for the camstudio window? is the script recorded full screen. I did my scripts full screen. big files indeed around 25 mb. and for one painting I had 7 scripts.
    do most video editing programs read .avi files?

    I had to go with a previous version of camstudio and not the new beta for some reason couldn't get the beta to run. not sure what I was doing wrong.

    Last edited by screenpainter; 07-23-2011 at 11:58 AM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    NC, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by gzairborne View Post
    oh I did not know you had already done this with the bluebird video. I thought I had discovered something ingenious and amazing. well it is, but I guess I didn't discover it.

    If the idea was new to you at the time, then you did discover something ingenious. Not knowing it was done before, doesn't take any value away from your personal discovery of it.

    what size do you use for the camstudio window? is the script recorded full screen. I did my scripts full screen. big files indeed around 25 mb. and for one painting I had 7 scripts.
    do most video editing programs read .avi files?

    I had to go with a previous version of camstudio and not the new beta for some reason couldn't get the beta to run. not sure what I was doing wrong.

    My screen size is 1600 x 870 (well, it's really 1600 x 900, but ArtRage only works up to the toolbar area). When I record videos in Camstudio, I set my canvas to 1280 x 720, and then drag everything (tool panels, etc) into that working space. However, now that we have the scripting to work with, I can record everything at full screen size, with ArtRage. Then, I just play the script back, choose a size when prompted, and record the playback with Camstudio (so far, I've still done this at 1280 x 720).

    As far reading .avi files, the two editing programs I've used (Sony Vegas, Windows Movie Maker) both read the .avi files. From what I've read, avi seems to be pretty common. But I'm not a video expert, so I can't tell you for sure...

    I'm pretty sure I'm not using the Beta version of Camstudio, either. I tried out the ScreenRecorder henrystaahle mentioned, and found that it's using the same OpenSource programming as Camstudio. Which came first, I cannot say. The differences between the two, from what I can tell, are minimal. Camstudio saves any option changes you may make (recording position, codec, fps, hotkeys, etc, etc), which is a huge plus in my opinion. However, Screen Recorder has found a way to record the sound coming from the computer itself (not just the mic), which may be useful to some people. I'll likely stick with Camstudio though, because having my options remain after closing and opening the program again, throws the balance in favor of Camstudio, for me.
    Nothing is easy to the unwilling.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    washington, usa
    Thanks for the help SOS. Much appreciated.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Berkeley, CA

    another way

    Hi everyone. I just wanted to chime in here and let everyone know about another technique available for 'converting' ARP paintings to movies.
    I started experimenting with the scripting features and came up with various ways to tweak existing scripts to my tastes. One of the things I developed was a way to add commands to an existing recorded script to export file sequences.
    Here are the important points:

    1. I wanted to write a cross-platform script (I am usually only on OSX) to do a few things, including removing binary data from arscripts, but also (and this is really the main subject here) adding a png export every time an arscript does a StrokeEvent, and at the end of the script. Originally I wanted to use a shell script for this, but had too many problems with the arscript UTF-16 files (and this wouldn't be a cross-platform solution anyway), so I asked my friend for python help (I'm less knowledgeable in python than other languages). He accommodated (he's a hero). Everything I've done since then has been hacked from his original python script.
    2. Let me clarify: I am using python to automate the process of making new 'tweaked' versions of existing arscripts.
    3. If given an export (via arscript) specifying an existing file name, ARP will automatically save a numbered file in sequence, which makes my task much easier (I simply have to use the same export line over and over and ARP does the rest to save out a numbered sequence). Convenient (and surprising).
    4. The python script simply replaces all instances of "<StrokeEvent>" with that line plus an export line before it (using "\r\n" in the string for Windows newlines is important here). In other words:
      is replaced with
      "Wait: 21.082s    EvType: Command    CommandID: ExportLayer    Idx: -1    Channels: NO    Path: \"path/to/my1.png\"\r\n<StrokeEvent>\r\n"
      . It also adds one more export line at the end of the arscript.
    5. Because the exports happen only before each StrokeEvent, full movement of each stroke is NOT reproduced. I'm hoping to find a solution to this problem, but so far I've found that one needs to keep the export command outside of the StrokeEvent block, which is why this is a limitation. Only strokes are reproduced, not movement within strokes.
    6. Still, even with this limitation, the results are pretty nice (depending on the character of the painting), and what's good is that everything is exactly the correct resolution of the original painting (it IS the original painting, split into various slices of time, as it were). I work in After Effects mostly, and I can take the file sequences into AE and alter them nicely, even doing some 'timewarping' to change the rate and do semi-intelligent in-betweening. Quicktime will also allow you to import file sequences then export as a movie.
    7. I'd love to be able to share these scripts with all of you, BUT I just have way too much going on with various jobs/careers/etc., and this makes it tough to take the time to make everything cross-platform, error-free, etc. However, I'd be happy, until I can find that time, to do quick conversions for anyone who asks (that takes about two seconds). The conversions I can do are: removing binary data; making 'overlapping' scripts (scripts that play over the existing painting); and making file sequence-saving scripts. I'd also be happy to answer any questions.
    8. All of this is pretty easy to do with a text editor, as mentioned elsewhere on the forum. The file seq. saving is just a little more complex, but still easy. All you need is a good text editor with a find/replace-all to do the text replacement I mentioned above.
    9. My scripts (which I also have 'wrapped' in file-droppable AppleScript apps) are non-destructive; they never overwrite a script, and I suggest you work the same way, of course.
    10. For those of you perplexed by the "\r\n" stuff above, this is simply the way to make sure a (python) script recognizes the Windows-specific line ending in such a file as an arscript. If working with a text editor in Windows, you should be able to copy the line with the newline and paste into the find/replace fields, but some text editors treat this stuff differently and have special 'grep' or 'regular expressions' features for this kind of thing (or have difficulty entering line returns in find/replace dialogs). As mentioned elsewhere on the forum, I use jEdit (cross-platform, free) and TextWrangler (OSX-only, free).

    Well, I hope you've enjoyed my little rant. Any suggestions, ideas, etc. are welcome.
    Last edited by crgreen; 09-07-2011 at 06:42 AM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Could you please share a sample file? it sounds interesting, Im using OS X too and I would like to lean.

    Quote Originally Posted by crgreen View Post
    Hi everyone. I just wanted to chime in here and let everyone know about another technique available for 'converting' ARP paintings to movies.
    I started experimenting with the scripting features and came up with various ways to tweak existing scripts to my tastes. One of the things I developed was a way to add commands to an existing recorded script to export file sequences.
    Here are the important points:

    1. I wanted to write a cross-platform script (I am usually only on OSX) to do a few things, including removing binary data from arscripts, but also (and this is really the main subject here) adding a png export every time an arscript does a StrokeEvent, and at the end of the script. Originally I wanted to use a shell script for this, but had too many problems with the arscript UTF-16 files (and this wouldn't be a cross-platform solution anyway), so I asked my friend for python help (I'm less knowledgeable in python than other languages). He accommodated (he's a hero). Everything I've done since then has been hacked from his original python script.
    2. Let me clarify: I am using python to automate the process of making new 'tweaked' versions of existing arscripts.
    3. If given an export (via arscript) specifying an existing file name, ARP will automatically save a numbered file in sequence, which makes my task much easier (I simply have to use the same export line over and over and ARP does the rest to save out a numbered sequence). Convenient (and surprising).
    4. The python script simply replaces all instances of "<StrokeEvent>" with that line plus an export line before it (using "\r\n" in the string for Windows newlines is important here). In other words:
      is replaced with
      "Wait: 21.082s    EvType: Command    CommandID: ExportLayer    Idx: -1    Channels: NO    Path: \"path/to/my1.png\"\r\n<StrokeEvent>\r\n"
      . It also adds one more export line at the end of the arscript.
    5. Because the exports happen only before each StrokeEvent, full movement of each stroke is NOT reproduced. I'm hoping to find a solution to this problem, but so far I've found that one needs to keep the export command outside of the StrokeEvent block, which is why this is a limitation. Only strokes are reproduced, not movement within strokes.
    6. Still, even with this limitation, the results are pretty nice (depending on the character of the painting), and what's good is that everything is exactly the correct resolution of the original painting (it IS the original painting, split into various slices of time, as it were). I work in After Effects mostly, and I can take the file sequences into AE and alter them nicely, even doing some 'timewarping' to change the rate and do semi-intelligent in-betweening. Quicktime will also allow you to import file sequences then export as a movie.
    7. I'd love to be able to share these scripts with all of you, BUT I just have way too much going on with various jobs/careers/etc., and this makes it tough to take the time to make everything cross-platform, error-free, etc. However, I'd be happy, until I can find that time, to do quick conversions for anyone who asks (that takes about two seconds). The conversions I can do are: removing binary data; making 'overlapping' scripts (scripts that play over the existing painting); and making file sequence-saving scripts. I'd also be happy to answer any questions.
    8. All of this is pretty easy to do with a text editor, as mentioned elsewhere on the forum. The file seq. saving is just a little more complex, but still easy. All you need is a good text editor with a find/replace-all to do the text replacement I mentioned above.
    9. My scripts (which I also have 'wrapped' in file-droppable AppleScript apps) are non-destructive; they never overwrite a script, and I suggest you work the same way, of course.
    10. For those of you perplexed by the "\r\n" stuff above, this is simply the way to make sure a (python) script recognizes the Windows-specific line ending in such a file as an arscript. If working with a text editor in Windows, you should be able to copy the line with the newline and paste into the find/replace fields, but some text editors treat this stuff differently and have special 'grep' or 'regular expressions' features for this kind of thing (or have difficulty entering line returns in find/replace dialogs). As mentioned elsewhere on the forum, I use jEdit (cross-platform, free) and TextWrangler (OSX-only, free).

    Well, I hope you've enjoyed my little rant. Any suggestions, ideas, etc. are welcome.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    I would love to be able to output scripts to file sequences, that would be a huge feature request. Here is my current problem:

    I have 4k artrage files but I can't screen capture more than the resolution of my monitors, so any camtasia recording would be reduced in quality. Simple snapshots during script playback wouldn't be too hard to do - we don't need full video codec support or anything!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Santiago de Chile
    Quote Originally Posted by Nureek View Post
    *puts on dunce hat*

    As someone who is usually very computer literate, I feel a bit of an idiot here...

    Is there anyway to convert a recorded drawing/script in ArtRage into a playable video file that someone without ArtRage can view?
    Dear friend:
    Here is the link to download a free program that records the screen of your PC while working on AR.
    Regards from Chile
    "El arte no reproduce lo visible. Lo hace visible" Paul Klee

  8. Video recording

    Quote Originally Posted by DaveRage View Post
    There isn't a way to convert ArtRage scripts so using a recording utility would be the best way to create video files. While we do understand that people might want to record videos, we'd rather avoid overburdening the application with features that aren't directly related to painting and can be handled better in an external app designed for it.
    As an artist and fan of artrage I have to say in the days of social media and sharing creation ideas for me its a huge missing tool. I don't see it as being overburdensome I see it as essential.
    Not only keeping for reference but to share, which would also share artrage! Why encourage uses to look outside and the hassle of signing up for another piece of software when you could be the one stop shop.

    Ive been looking at another software competitor who offer a very easy to use screen capture video and its soooo tempting. I don't want to switch. I really like artrage but feel you are really missing the point that artist create to share! And with video being one if not the preferred option, Instagram and tick tock for example surly its worth revisiting.
    How can we convince you! Have a great day.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Courtney View Post
    As an artist and fan of artrage I have to say in the days of social media and sharing creation ideas for me its a huge missing tool. I don't see it as being overburdensome I see it as essential.
    Not only keeping for reference but to share, which would also share artrage! Why encourage uses to look outside and the hassle of signing up for another piece of software when you could be the one stop shop.

    Ive been looking at another software competitor who offer a very easy to use screen capture video and its soooo tempting. I don't want to switch. I really like artrage but feel you are really missing the point that artist create to share! And with video being one if not the preferred option, Instagram and tick tock for example surly its worth revisiting.
    How can we convince you! Have a great day.

    ArtRage offers a way to hide UI during script playback session. any video capture tool, set to document size, will record a script for you with barely any inconvenience on your part.

    on mac, I use quicktime, which is free and comes with the OS, to record videos (which is a part of being on social media which I hate with a power of a supernova explosion.)

    if you like artrage painting tools, you'll find a way around; I don't think that shitty social media algorithms are an excuse to waste development time on something there're already enough freeware tools for.

    if tiktok teens are your primary audience, you'll probably have to switch anyway, because artrage is not a hot, trendy or crazy popular tool in the first place. it's made for painters and fine artists, and it comes from a different era. it's more expensive than what teen artists are ready to pay for (they won't pay $20 for a competing app-that-I-wont-name-here, but oddly it has a video timelapse creator built in.)
    Last edited by nekomata; 03-29-2023 at 11:35 PM.

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